Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 387 The Man Who Eats Two Eggs

Chapter 387 The Man Who Eats Twelve Eggs

Along the way, Bi Wenzhan taught Cao Leon a lot, and the latter finally had a general understanding of Ding Yunfeng's background.

No wonder when I applied to join the Flying Tigers, my brother-in-law Chen Jianxin insisted on stopping him and persuaded him to apply to the anti-mafia team in Wan Chai.

Being able to follow this kind of boss, the future is definitely much better than going to the Flying Tigers!

Cao Liang parked his car outside Fulinmen, and walked in behind Uncle Zhan.

He found that apart from Song Zijie and his colleagues from the anti-mafia group, there were other police officers in the box reserved by Brother Feng. A short, dark-skinned man had been staring at him since he entered the box. .

When the two walked towards the main table, the man stood up suddenly: "My name is Ma Jun, big guy, you and Brother Feng? Why have I never seen you before?"

"This is Inspector Ma from the Shau Kei Wan Crime Unit!" Bi Wenzhan pulled the tensed-up Cao Lyon: "Sir Ma, his name is Cao Lyon. He was just transferred back from the United States and is now with Brother Feng."

"Oh, I said why you are so unfamiliar. Hey, you have to do two moves together. Looking at your body shape, I know you can fight." Ma Jun suddenly realized, he patted Cao Liang's chest muscles, and grinned. .

Cao Liang scratched his head, and Hanhan called Brother Jun.

Ding Yunfeng, who was discussing the counterfeit banknote case with Chen Guorong, came over when he heard the movement: "Ah Jun, he is my new subordinate, don't bully him."

"No way, it makes me seem to be causing trouble all day long." Ma Jun rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction.

Seeing this, Chen Jiaju, Siyankun and others booed one after another, and the box was suddenly filled with joy.

A few minutes later, when Zhong Chuxiong and Qiu Jinjiang and the Stanley team arrived, Ding Yunfeng toasted to announce the opening of the meeting, and then he introduced Bi Wenzhan and the new team to the others one by one.

"Oh, that means, after finishing this drink, everyone is on their own?" Zhong Chuxiong stood beside Ding Yunfeng, biting a cigarette: "Little brother Zhong Chuxiong, please give me your advice, I will do it first here as a respect. "

"Look, everyone, Brother Xiong is pretending to be a newcomer again."

"Hey, brother Xiong, you are the deputy warden of Stanley, and besides brother Feng, you have the highest rank here, and every time a newcomer joins you, you will do this..."

Chen Jiaju and others complained one after another, but Zhong Chuxiong didn't think it was disobedient, he put his hands on his hips, and fought with all the heroes. Bi Wenzhan, who had just joined the group, also had a humble temperament. The others became familiar.

"Brother Leopard, I don't know how to drink, what should I do?" Dog Wang Lun was a little timid, leaning close to Fat Leopard.

A few days ago, he was helping his colleagues shovel excrement at the Central District Police Station. Unexpectedly, he was notified by the director, Uncle Hua, to come to Wanchai to report before he washed his hands.

Looking at the fierce detectives in the box who made their names in the police force, the dog Wang Lun was a little ashamed.

Fat Leopard wiped his mustache, and told him in a low voice: "If you don't know how to drink, you have to drink. Today, there are big people here. I warn you, if you dare to lose the chain and throw the face of the head, you will be chopped up and fed to the dogs when you go back." Bar."

Dog Wang Lun turned pale with fright, Fat Leopard looked down on his cowardly appearance, grabbed his wine glass, walked towards Zhong Chuxiong with a smile.

This brother Xiong was able to sit on Ah Tou's right hand, the relationship between the two must be very close, and he went to flatter him - he couldn't be wrong.

After Ding Yunfeng drank a few cups, he took Bi Wenzhan to the sofa.

"Brother Feng, Huang Zhengguo is very eye-catching.

What he confessed, together with the evidence turned in by Song Zihao and Long Si, is enough for us to crucify Gao Yingpei. "Bi Wenzhan will roughly report the results of the interrogation of the two to Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng touched his chin: "Okay! After you go back, you and Anna discuss how to write the report.

In this case, most of the credit goes to the directors of the Flying Tigers, Les and Jane Sir. Our Wanchai Police Station is just assisting in handling the case.

I will share my credit with Ajie and Leon, and see if I can help Ajie be promoted to a probationary inspector, or help Leon be promoted to a senior sheriff. "

"No problem, I know how to do it." Bi Wenzhan nodded in response.

Ding Yunfeng took most of the credit for the Hengda counterfeit banknote case last time, and was promoted from senior police chief of Wanchai criminal team to probationary inspector.

This case of counterfeit banknote channels must be reported to Les and Jane. Originally, the anti-mafia team did not have much credit. Ding Yunfeng was willing to share it with his subordinates. Bi Wenzhan was very convinced. The only pity was that French Li failed to catch up.

While Bi Wenzhan was secretly feeling sorry for his nephew, Ding Yunfeng stubbed out his cigarette and asked in a deep voice: "Your nephew, French Li, what happened to him, it's been almost a week, and I haven't seen him come to report yet?
Uncle Zhan, you can't help him all the time!Even if I don't care about your face, other guys will talk about you behind your back. "

"Brother Feng, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll scrape him out when I get back!

Tomorrow, tomorrow morning, I will arrest him to apologize to you! "Bi Wenzhan's cold sweat broke out, and he swore with three fingers.

Ding Yunfeng shook his head speechlessly: "Tomorrow is the deadline. If he doesn't show up again, I will ask Lao Huang to kick his name out of the Wanchai Anti-Mafia Team. Don't say I don't give you face!"

"OK, I know, I know!" Bi Wenzhan nodded repeatedly.

If this scene is seen by Cao Liang, it will definitely shatter the three views of this fierce man again.

Huang Zhengguo, a fierce man who eats black and white, wants to sell his face. On the contrary, the new colleague who was coming to report a few days ago actually released Brother Feng's pigeons. Does this mean he doesn't want to live?
The next morning, a man wearing a floral beach shirt and white tight trousers ran out of a unit building in a panic.

"Dead, dead, overslept, Uncle Zhan will definitely kill me..." Francie Li frantically opened a car parked by the side of the road, slamming on the accelerator, and muttering.

It can't be blamed that he doesn't have a sense of time, but that the young woman who got started last night was so ecstasy that even a macho man like him who eats 12 raw eggs for breakfast can hardly stand it.

"What's going on here? Brother Feng is coming soon." Uncle Zhan kept looking at his watch, and looked up at the entrance of the police station downstairs.

Song Zijie held a cup of coffee and patted Fat Leopard on the shoulder: "What's wrong with Uncle Zhan?"

"I heard that Uncle Zhan's nephew is our new colleague who hasn't come to report yet, and he is coming today." Fat Leopard held back a smile and said in a low voice.

Dog Wang Lun swept the ground, and pointed to Ding Yunfeng's office mysteriously: "Brother Feng was very angry at Fulinmen yesterday, and he warned Uncle Zhan that if France Li didn't come to report this morning, he would call the director. Chase French Lee to guard the reservoir."

"This colleague is..."

"Brother Jie, my name is Dog Wang Lun, you can just call me A Lun."

(End of this chapter)

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