Chapter 388

For the dog Wang Lun, Song Zijie really didn't have much impression. After saying a few words, he took out the cigarette pie and circled around.

Seeing the cowardly look of Dog Wang Lun, Fat Leopard had no choice but to explain to him: "Brother Jie, Allen and I were transferred from the Central District.

I was originally in plain clothes, but he was wearing a military uniform and hat. It is rumored that he can communicate with dogs. The guys in the central area call him Dog Wang Lun. "

It turned out to be a police officer in uniform...

Hearing this, Song Zijie and others finally understood why the dog Wang Lun had no sense of presence at yesterday's banquet.

This time Ding Yunfeng set up an anti-mafia team at the Wanchai Police Station. He was restricted as a trainee inspector, so naturally he failed to transfer Ma Jun, who was already an inspector, and Chen Jiakui's gang of fierce detectives.

However, everyone in the police force who belongs to the Ding family knows that if they hang out with Brother Feng now, they will be able to make a fortune sooner or later.

For an old fox like Bi Wenzhan, he wasted his favor and recommended his uncle and nephew to Ding Yunfeng through Huang Yaobing.

Chen Jianxin was even more decisive. He was originally Yan Tong's confidant, and he was always worried that Ding Yunfeng would have a grudge against his past.

Seeing an opportunity this time, taking advantage of his brother-in-law Cao Leon's transfer from the US police force back to Hong Kong Island, he immediately persuaded him to give up the Flying Tigers and join Ding Yunfeng's command.

It can be said that the ones who are eligible to join Ding Yunfeng this time are either tough returnees, or police elites like old foxes or Song Zijie who are qualified to apply for probationary inspectors.

Even though Fat Leopard and French Lee are bastards, they were also plainclothes before the police force was restructured.

Dog Wang Lun, a uniformed policeman, if he hadn't been forcefully handed over to Ding Yunfeng by the ghost, he really wouldn't have the right to sneak in. Facing most of these fierce men, he wouldn't even have to feel inferior.

"Aaron, be more confident, I heard from the Director.

At that time, Sir Lu brought four files over, and Brother Feng chose you and Fat Leopard at a glance.

You are a person, there must be options! "Song Zijie patted the dog Wang Lun on the shoulder, and said to him seriously.

The dog Wang Lun was affirmed, his expression was excited, and he nodded.

Fat Leopard heaved a sigh of relief. He has an extroverted personality. Although he has only been here for a day, he has already figured out the "class" of the Wanchai Anti-Mafia Team.

Atou Ding Yunfeng, needless to say, even the presence of the director is his business, and he is the biggest at the Wanchai Police Station.

Next is Uncle Zhan, this old man is equivalent to Dong Biao in Tsim Sha Tsui, but Atou is not present, he is the one who orders everyone to do things.

Anna is in charge of writing reports for everyone, and she doesn't want to bite the pen by herself in the future. It must be right to hold this aunt every day.

What's more, seeing that her desk is opposite to Uncle Zhan's, it's obvious that in Brother Feng's heart, her status is higher than that of their rough old men.

Among the people who handle cases and work on a daily basis, Song Zijie is slightly higher than Cao Liang.

He was transferred from Tsim Sha Tsui by Brother Feng through the director, but Cao Leon has a brother-in-law who is the director of the Happy Valley Police Station, and he is also one of the five chief detectives of the Chinese police...

Fat Leopard thinks that if Ding Yunfeng breaks up the team in the future, Cao Leon may lead a team alone like Song Zijie.

After all the calculations, the whole Wanchai Anti-Mafia Group, the most frivolous thing is actually yourself and the dog Wang Lun?

In this situation, no matter how much he despises the dog Wang Lun, he wants to find him to hug him for warmth.

Otherwise, I will definitely not be able to escape the dirty work in the future, and there will be no reward for meritorious deeds.

After all, French Li is unreliable in life and work, but he is protected by Uncle Zhan.

Fat Leopard judges others by himself, thinking that he and the dog Wang Lun are likely to be dragged by Uncle Zhan to help his nephew take the blame...

While taking the initiative to chat with Song Zijie and Cao Liang, Fat Leopard looked up out of the window.

When he noticed that Ding Yunfeng's car was slowly driving into the gate of the police station, the corner of his mouth could not help but twitch slightly.

Very good, brother Feng has come, and French Li has not arrived yet.

If he was kicked out of the anti-mafia group, his life with the dog Wang Lun would be much easier in the future.

However, given how much Atou attaches importance to Uncle Zhan, this kind of situation will not happen, and he may be scolded to open this page...

Fat Leopard, who was mixed up from a low-level police officer, has seen too much about gangs and rivalries within the police force.

When Ding Yunfeng opened the door and came in, Fat Leopard was the first to rush up to salute. He rubbed his palms with a smile: "Brother Feng, this morning, I haven't had breakfast yet. If you want something, I'll go buy it right away."

"Morning, everyone! I've eaten, Abao, take these documents to Anna for me." Ding Yunfeng patted the folder in Fat Leopard's arms without hitting the smiling face, looked at Song Zijie and asked, "Ajie , what about Uncle Zhan?"

Fat Leopard gave the dog Wang Lun an 'eye-catching' wink, hugging the folder, humming a ditty and walking towards the cubicle.

In "The Best Lucky Star", he used his trolls to extort money from fast food restaurants but was not kicked out of the police force.

Just when Song Zijie was in trouble, should he help Uncle Zhan delay for a while, Bi Wenzhan pulled a tall and handsome young man in fancy clothes and ran over: "Brother Feng, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this bad guy's car was in the car this morning." It broke down halfway."

Seeing the sweat on Bi Wenzhan's forehead, Ding Yunfeng couldn't bear to expose him.

Looking at France Li, who was disheveled and with a shirt hem protruding from the zipper of his trousers, he asked coldly, "Are you Li Hui?"

"Yes sir, Senior Constable Li Hui, report to the Chief!"

"Hehe, check in? Sir Li still remembers to check in. Why don't you tell everyone first what day is it?" Ding Yunfeng smiled coldly, and Uncle Zhan secretly sweated for France Li.

Song Zijie and a large group of people, even Anna who received the document ran out to watch the excitement. After a while, when they heard the content of Ding Yunfeng's punishment to French Li, they all couldn't help but exclaimed.


A few minutes later, Huang Yaobing came to work humming a little tune.

Finding more than half of the anti-mafia group on the second floor surrounded by military uniforms and plainclothes, Lao Huang walked over biting the fried ghost.

"Hey, everyone doesn't have to do anything? What are you doing outside the anti-mafia group?"

"Good morning, sir!

Director, Brother Feng is going crazy inside!
Li Hui, who was late to report, had already accepted his punishment in order not to be kicked out of the anti-mafia team by Brother Feng.

One day late, he had to swallow two eggs raw.

Fat Leopard was called by Brother Feng to buy eggs, and everyone was waiting to see France Lee's performance! " Lan Bao explained with a smile while protecting Huang Yaobing and squeezed in.

When Huang Yaobing heard this, he also became interested. He walked up to Ding Yunfeng, took out a cigarette and handed it to Ding Yunfeng, and then waved to the people who stood at attention and saluted.

After looking French Li up and down, Huang Yaobing shook his head and sighed: "If it wasn't for your uncle's sake, believe it or not, I'll crush your head with my kick!
Little bastard, no one else has a chance with Brother Feng, but you are procrastinating, six days late? "

"Sorry sir!" French Lee bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

At this time, the fat leopard who ran to buy eggs came back.

Finding that the eggs he bought were all small eggs, Huang Yaobing sneered and said, "You fat man, you know how to behave.

I heard outside that if you are one day late, you have to swallow three. Now that you are six days late, you have to swallow eighteen. "

"Sir, you got it wrong, you are one day late, you swallowed two..." Cao Liang raised his hand and replied loudly.


This time I will be killed by you, a muscular man.

French Li covered his eyes, Ding Yunfeng suppressed his smile and let Fatty Huang do his best.

Sure enough, upon hearing what Cao Liang said, Huang Yaobing's expression turned cold: "Oh, so I was going to swallow four, so that's 24?
Fatty, what are you doing blankly?Why don't you go get a washbasin? "

(End of this chapter)

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