Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 392 Jane's Proud Promotion

Chapter 392 Jane's Proud Promotion
After hanging up the cross-border long-distance call, Ding Yunfeng could probably guess who Secretary Hou was mentioned by Brother Luo on the phone.

Nine times out of ten, it was the Minister Hou who was so greedy that Zhou Chaoxian hanged him to death with a helicopter in "Black Gold".

As for the small boss, counting the time, it should be the boss who will be able to decide whether Ding Zongshu or Zhou Chaoxian is eligible to nominate the Eastern District Public Opinion Representative in the future when Secretary Hou opens his mouth and keeps his mouth shut.

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

When there was a knock on the door, Ding Yunfeng regained consciousness and stubbed out the cigarette butt, and yelled to come in.

"Brother Feng, Hengda counterfeit banknotes, counterfeit banknote channels, these two cases.

According to the report we sent up, Cao Liang was only promoted to senior police chief.

Ajie's trainee inspector was still dismissed by them, but the funds/bonuses of our Wanchai Anti-Mafia Team have been distributed a lot this time...

Moreover, as long as the names of the people written on the report, basically all of them have credits.

The file is here, would you like to have a look? "Bi Wenzhan opened the chair and sat opposite Ding Yunfeng, and while opening the folder, he briefly introduced the contents.

Ding Yunfeng waved his hand: "No, I'll sign it, you take it out, and tell Anna to file it and keep it."

Bi Wenzhan took out a pen and pointed to the signature column.

When Ding Yunfeng's signature was confirmed, Uncle Zhan put away the file folder, picked up the winning prize on the table very familiarly, shook out one and stuffed it into his mouth: "Brother Feng, Fat Leopard is cheating and cheating, A Lun is cowardly and cowardly. Block material, how are you going to arrange them?"

"Fat Leopard, I'm going to hand it over to Ajie. Although Ajie is a little impulsive, he can't rub sand in his eyes, and he will definitely be able to cure Fat Leopard's stinky body.

As for Alan...

So, you go call Anna and make an application for forming a police dog unit.

I will say hello to the Commissioner first. After our police dogs are trained, it will be much easier for the Wanchai Police Station to solve the case. "

"Okay, then I'll go down and make arrangements."

"OK, that's it. By the way, tell them that this month's bonus will be doubled."

"Yes sir!"


Hearing that there was money to send, even Uncle Zhan was very excited to open the door and go out.

Hearing the cheers outside, Ding Yunfeng smiled faintly.

The gangsters in the Hong Kong TV series are really from a high-risk job. Even if you have the halo of the protagonist, it is commonplace for you to be wounded and hospitalized, or shot and bleeding.

Anyway, there is no shortage of hard-working money from the guys. If it weren't for worrying about giving out too much and causing dissatisfaction with the brother departments, Ding Yunfeng would be more than happy to give away all the bonuses!

"Hey, Manager Hu, arrange 3 tables at noon, drinks are waived, and you have to go to work in the afternoon..." Ding Yunfeng grabbed the phone receiver and called Hu Xiang from Jumbo Seafood Restaurant.

Just after the celebration banquet was arranged, someone knocked on the door of Ding Yunfeng's room again.

He thought that Anna came to ask about the police dog team's report, so he yelled in without raising his head. Unexpectedly, it was not Anna who opened the door, but Jane, who was wearing a police uniform uniform! ! !

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's different to wear a crown on this shoulder." Ding Yunfeng took the Marlboro that Jane proudly took out, and smiled while lighting it.

Jane smiled so proudly that wrinkles appeared at the corners of his eyes, he pretended to be indifferent and replied: "It's a fluke, it's just a fluke!

Miss me, Jane, who has been working hard in the Flying Tigers for several years.

Breaking the counterfeit banknote case this time can be regarded as a finishing touch, kicking into the gate of the superintendent level.

Brother Feng, I set up two tables at Fai Kee food stall at noon, and Zhou Xingxing and Anan's class were all there.

Why, I came here specially to invite you, I won't lose face, let's have a drink or two together. "

Fai Kee Food Stall...

Ten years ago, when Ding Yunfeng first came to Hong Kong Island, he helped Wang Xia run away from Alan Tsai's small stall in Shek Kip Mei District Street.

"It's not a coincidence.

I called Hu Xiang just now and told him to arrange three tables at noon, to take my guys there to celebrate..."

Hu Xiang! ! !

Isn't this the lobby manager of Jumbo Seafood Restaurant?

Jian Zixuan's eyes lit up, she took off her police cap and said with a smile: "Since that's the case, why don't I withdraw from Huiji, and then, Brother Feng, ask Manager Hu to set up five more tables, and then I'll let Anan and the others go directly to Jumbo Seafood Restaurant."

Uncle Zhan, who had been standing outside for about ten seconds, was speechless when he heard this, and rolled his eyes—as expected of Jane Proud of the Flying Tigers, a man who can even eat at the promotion banquet.

Deliberately knocking on the half-closed door vigorously, Uncle Zhan strode in: "Brother Feng, regarding the case you ordered before leaving get off work yesterday...

Good morning, sir!I'm very sorry, Sir Jane, the subordinate didn't see you just now. "

"It doesn't matter, I still have something to talk to you, head, if there is nothing important..." Jian proudly scolded Bi Wenzhan that it was not the right time to come in.

Uncle Zhan didn't wait for him to finish, and opened the folder with a serious face: "Jane Sir, I'm sorry, but the case that Botou specially ordered yesterday, it's rare to see any progress this morning..."

"Okay, okay, Jane Sir, I'm still very busy here.

Manager Hu, I will greet you later, and you are in charge of notifying Zhou Xingxing and the others of their transition. "Ding Yunfeng took the file folder from Uncle Zhan, suppressed a smile and drove away.

Jane proudly breathed a sigh of relief, and stood up embarrassingly: "Then, then I will take them there later."

Ding Yunfeng and Bi Wenzhan looked at the document pretendingly, and proudly gestured an OK gesture to Jane with their fingers.

Watching Jane leave proudly, Uncle Zhan closed the door with a dark face.

Sitting in front of Ding Yunfeng, Uncle Zhan began to complain: "Brother Feng, you have given most of the credit for the Gao Yingpei case to this surname Jane. This bastard is really greedy. He has already reached the level of superintendent. Serving wine at Fai Kee makes me laugh to death."

"Hey, Jane Sir is famous for being stingy in the police force, isn't it the first day you know him?" Ding Yunfeng comforted Uncle Zhan instead.

Uncle Zhan took two puffs of his cigarette: "He is sure that Brother Feng is not short of money, Ma De, the superintendent is amazing!

Brother Feng, if you don't give him credit for this case, he'll get promoted.

Next time he comes to play Qiufeng again, you call me in and let me get rid of him.

Once, twice, endlessly..."

"Okay, okay, it's just a few tables, it's time to invite the Flying Tigers to have a friendship.

Alas, there are 60 people in the two combat teams, and Jane proudly only wants to set up two tables at Huiji. Just thinking about it just now made me feel sad for Zhou Xingxing and the others. Ding Yunfeng got up and patted Uncle Zhan on the shoulder, grabbed the phone and dialed Hu Xiang.


Two hours later, Jumbo Seafood Restaurant.

Ding Yunfeng led the Wanchai Anti-Mafia Team, a large group of people had just boarded the shipyard, and saw Zhou Xingxing and Anan standing up and waving at him from a distance.

"Brother Feng, this way!" Zhou Xingxing and Ding Yunfeng had cooperated in the doctor's case before, and they were very skilled in helping Ding Yunfeng move the chair.

"Ding Sir, drink tea!" Anan was much more restrained, pouring tea for Ding Yunfeng while beckoning everyone to sit down.

(End of this chapter)

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