Chapter 393
Bi Wenzhan, as Ding Yunfeng's deputy, and Lan Bao, as the leader of the criminal team, followed Ding Yunfeng to the main table.

Song Zijie, Cao Li'ang, Fat Leopard, Dog Wang Lun, and a few guys brought by Lan Bao occupied the next two seats.

"Brother Feng, I just saw Sir Jane running to refill the dishes..." Zhou Xingxing looked around and covered his mouth to ventilate Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng smiled without saying a word, and patted him on the shoulder: "It's important that everyone is happy, everything else is secondary."

Anan giggled, Zhou Xingxing betrayed Jane Sir, and everyone agreed.

Today, he is getting acquainted with Brother Feng. He, Anan, sells more thoroughly. He rushed to his mother. This is a superintendent. He actually went to Fai Kee food stall to set up a table, and after the event, he had to make an AA system...

Hu Xiang didn't dare to neglect Ding Sheng's phone call.

Even if the bearded guest invited by Ding Sheng approached him privately and asked to pack an extra table, he handled it very thoughtfully, and even arranged special heat-preserving tableware.

"Uh...Ah Feng, you...look...uh...I was promoted, but you were paid...uh..."

Jane proudly hiccupped. He was supported by Zhou Xingxing and Anan from left to right. He was so full that he couldn't walk anymore.

Ding Yunfeng glanced at the other party's protruding belly, and told Zhou Xingxing: "On the way back, don't drive too fast."

"Oh, I understand, I understand. Don't worry, Brother Feng, I will drive very steadily." Zhou Xingxing, who felt that he was dragged down by Ah Tou this time and humiliated in front of his colleagues in the Wanchai Police Station, he kept going. Facing Ding Yunfeng with a serious face, he made an OK gesture.

Hey, don't misunderstand!

Ding Yunfeng knew at a glance that Master Xing was making up the transition, just when he was about to explain.

Jane, who got drunk with Romanee-Conti, suddenly took out a handwritten note and stuffed it into Ding Yunfeng's pocket: "Ah Feng, after reading it, it's just like that, you know how to do it..."

After saying that, Superintendent Jian wowed, turned his head and vomited all over Zhou Xingxing, and then he rolled his eyes, completely drunk to death.

"Anan, give me the car keys, you go first with the others."

"Ah Xing, if you are impulsive, we will treat it as if we can't see it, and silently support you..."


Ding Yunfeng couldn't help laughing seeing Zhou Xingxing tied to the passenger seat with a seat belt, with his head stuck out of the car window, followed by the former kicking the gas pedal to the end, and spit out a rainbow.

Returning to the Wanchai police station with a group of men, Ding Yunfeng took out the note that Jane proudly stuffed for him.

Looking at the scribbled words on it, Ding Yunfeng's face changed slightly: "The new ghost drug lord is also related to Siam's Naimi?"

Bi Wenzhan replied in amazement: "Brother Feng, since Wu Shihao's gang was imprisoned, there have been many people in the world who wanted to get on the line of Naimi. Why? Finally, a ghost succeeded?"

"Look at it, and burn it immediately after reading it." Ding Yunfeng handed the note to the other party.

Bi Wenzhan put on his glasses, and after looking carefully, he took out a lighter and lit the note: "Brother Feng, the Narcotics Bureau is originally under the Anti-Corruption Department of the Police Force, referred to as NB!

This department can be regarded as the predecessor of ICAC.

Now that this case has fallen into the hands of NB, it will also be closely watched by ICAC.

After all, the establishment of ICAC not only dismantled the money empire, but also had a lot to do with the arrest of Wu Shihao's gang. No one would think too much credit for it. "

"Well, Uncle Zhan, what you said makes a lot of sense.

However, since Jane proudly passed this note to me, it proves that we have a chance to win the case of NB.

Don't forget, he can take advantage of the counterfeit money case to be promoted to superintendent.

Then we wrote in the report, what level will Guile Rice, the one who 'contributes' the most, rise to? "

Bi Wenzhan's eyes lit up, and he pointed to the top of his head: "Brother Feng, what do you mean, acquiescing to our robbing the case, is the ghost Les reciprocating?"

"Hey, Uncle Zhan, how can the other party make it clear about this kind of thing?
It's also possible that Jane was so proud that he was embarrassed to touch my tables of raw seafood, but suddenly his conscience realized that he intentionally vented it to me. "

Bi Wenzhan laughed when he heard the words, and offered a few tables of seafood, it was indeed worth the invitation.

Ding Yunfeng didn't waste any time, he decisively took his deputy and went up to the third floor to find Huang Yaobing.

After hearing the whole story, Fatty Huang slapped the table decisively: "Don't think about it, grab him! Brother Feng, you just lead people to do things, if NB's gang dare to come to Wanchai, I'll take it!"

After notifying the director, Ding Yunfeng left Bi Wenzhan to sit in the old nest, and drove to Stanley alone.

Seeing Brother Hao again, the two exchanged pleasantries.

Ding Yunfeng directly stated his intention of coming. After he heard that he was imprisoned, the fan market on Hong Kong Island was actually hooked up by a ghost with Naimi from Siam.

Wu Shihao was a little surprised: "Ghost? Impossible, these noble bastards, they will go to Siam to meet Naimi? Ah Feng, is your information reliable?"

"It's very reliable. A very high-ranking ghost in the police force gave it to me."

"There's no reason! Don't think that I was able to escape from Siam in the first place. In fact, Dawei and I came back after a narrow escape..." Wu Shihao felt more and more outrageous the more he heard it.

Reminiscing about the past, Brother Hao suddenly shouted: "No, I think there is another possibility, could it be that Siam took the initiative to find the ghost to cooperate?

Even if you don’t go to the United States, Hong Kong Island alone is a huge market, and Naimi will not give up. "

Ding Yunfeng's eyes lit up, and he took out a pen and paper: "Brother Hao, if you have any clues, let me know."

"Hey, between you and me, there's no need to say this... Wait for me to think about it, it's been several years..." Wu Shihao lowered his head, lit his cigar, and took a few puffs: "Yes, I think of a person, when I When Chan Naimi was talking about numbers, he had a translator by his side, named... named Poisonous Snake Bing..."

Viper Bing?
Isn't that the brother of Mary Danna in "The Tiger Comes Out"!
The identities of the siblings in the movie are indeed Siamese! !

That's right, this Siamese poisonous snake Bing, in the movie, he served a gangster named Luo Maosen.

There is another boss behind Luo Maosen, who is a ghost.

This ghost also opened a sailing club and a canal factory, specializing in drug trafficking for the entire group!
"Brother Hao, thank you, your clue is very useful, if you can get rid of it..."

"Hey, if the sentence is reduced, forget it, it's important to help you! By the way, Ah Feng, you can go to a Jianghu man named Artai to inquire about the news. He specializes in helping foreign illegals [integrate] into Hong Kong Island. He runs a game hall called Honghaier. The address is..." Wu Shihao laughed heartily, and reported another opening to solve the case.


With the addition of the Red Boy game hall, isn't this the plot character of the provincial and Hong Kong Banner Soldiers 1?
I seem to remember that this person, he is also an informant of a police detective nicknamed Fat Dog, it is a bit difficult to ask him to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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