Chapter 394
Received a bunch of news from Wu Shihao's side, Ding Yunfeng continued to chat with him until the end of the visiting time, and before leaving, he promised that he would take time to visit Xiang'an Cemetery and help everyone burn some paper money for Aping.

In the salute of the prison guards in the sentry box, Ding Yunfeng drove the car and slowly left Stanley.

On the way, Ding Yunfeng used his mobile phone to make a phone call to Uncle Zhan, who was in the base camp, and told him to tell Cao Liang to go directly to the Red Boy Game Hall from the Wanchai Police Station to meet him.

half an hour later...

Cao Leon and French Li, who were guarding outside the Red Boy game hall, saw Ding Yunfeng's car parked slowly on the side of the street.

"Brother Feng, when you called Uncle Zhan, Li Sir just came back from the hospital..." Cao Leon came over to explain first, but Atou didn't ask the guy next to him to come, but Uncle Zhan asked him to speak, so he couldn't help but refuse .

Ding Yunfeng nodded, looked at France Li who was standing next to him with a smile, and said, "This time, it's the last time I'll show Uncle Zhan face."

"Brother Feng, I know how to do it, and I will definitely not cause trouble for you." French Li Lian nodded repeatedly, and almost raised his fingers to swear.

Ding Yunfeng didn't believe this 100%. He waved his hands at the two of them and pointed to the arcade hall opposite: "Go in and grab the arcade hall owner Artai to come out and ask him if there are stowaways from Siam recently. The way to settle down near Kowloon."

"Brother Feng, give me 10 minutes, and I promise to get the materials." French Li lost points in front of Ding Yunfeng several times, and he took the task first.

Cao Leon was a little slow, and by the time he realized it, French Li had already entered the Red Boy game hall.

"Brother Feng, I'll go then."

"Go, I'll wait for you outside." Ding Yunfeng looked down at "Hong Kong Island Daily" and said leaning on the hood.


Artai of the Red Boy game hall, besides helping others sell stolen goods, he is also secretly helping a police detective named Fat Dog as an informant.

This rogue leader is not very powerful, but he can do both black and white. It can be seen that the guy nicknamed Fat Dog is either greedy or black.

Cao Liang is the most capable of Ding Yunfeng's subordinates, but his disadvantage is that he is too reckless.

Artest's personal strength is 0, and his subordinates are full of eggs. Ding Yunfeng thinks that it is just used to train this subordinate.

Here Brother Feng is reading the newspaper, and over there in the arcade hall.

Francie Li bit her toothpick and squeezed away Fei Zi Fei Nu who skipped class and came out to play arcade.

Several spectators, seeing his sloppy appearance, thought he was just out to mess around, so they quickly looked away.

French Lee spent two coins and learned about it from a fat boy who beat a little bee.

Artest, the owner of this arcade hall, usually stays in the exchange room at the back. The leader of the field watching outside, nicknamed Blade Hua, is very skilled and well-known in this street.

French Li got some information about the enemy, he looked around, pretended to be inadvertent, walked to the door of the exchange room, looked up at the four red letters [unless you do not enter], before he could touch the doorknob, his shoulder was hit Palm and hold.

"Brother, you can't read or write? If you want to play video games, go to the front. If you want to change coins, go to the window!" The blade is tall and thin, with a small beard like Jane's pride, and a horse face. The eyes are fierce.

French Li slapped the opponent's palm away, took out his ID from his pocket and hung it on his right chest: "CID, I want to ask your boss Artest to ask a few questions."

Blade Hua smiled coldly: "Oh! This Sir, the police force handles cases now, which is no different than before.

Our store has complete operating certificates, so don't mess around.

In addition, my boss is going to Haojiang for business these few days. If you have anything to say, please leave it to me. When he comes back, I will tell him. "

French Li is protected by Uncle Zhan, and no one in Tsuen Wan has ever given him face before. When he heard this, he laughed angrily: "Haha, I, French Li, have never seen such an arrogant young and Dangerous boy like you." .”

"Li Sir! You will see it now." Blade Hua shook his shoulders, and took a plate of coins handed over by the four-eyed fat boy next to him: "It's a passerby, here are 250 yuan coins, just take Li Sir Go to play, what do you want to eat and drink, we will definitely entertain you.

But if you want us to cooperate in handling the case...

Sorry, unless we see the relevant documents, otherwise, we are not obliged to cooperate with you. "

"Made, you've got the guts!" France Lee put away his documents after glancing at the seven or eight strong men surrounding him.

How long did it take for the four major detectives to fall...

In the past, he handled cases in plain clothes, let alone a small boss like Dao Hua, even the boss of the other party, Artest, would come out to offer tea and cigarettes when he saw him.

Resisting the urge to draw his gun, France Lee pushed the coin away, but just when he was about to take a step back and think of other ways.

Cao Liang's burly figure suddenly rushed past him, kicking the arrogant Blade Hua away.

Without moving his hands or mouth, Cao Liang leveled Blade Hua, and then made two consecutive left uppercuts, knocking Fat Boy with Four Eyes and another thug to the ground.

Seeing that his companion was making a move, Francie Li decisively picked up the glass bottle of Vitasoy on the arcade machine next to him, and knocked twice on the four-eyed fat boy who wanted to get up.

At this time, the thugs watching the field rushed towards the two of them.

I saw Cao Li'ang rushing from left to right, like a black bear, beating up Blade Hua and others to the point of shit.

French Li held the glass bottle and stared dumbfounded: "Damn it, how can this big idiot be so good at beating?"

"Oh, don't fight, don't fight!
Two Sirs, if you have something to say, please don't smash it, oh, my machine! "There was so much commotion outside that Artest couldn't sit still inside, so he quickly opened the door and ran out.

France Lee gave Artest a disdainful smile, and he knocked the Vita milk glass bottle in his hand against the pillar, it didn't break, and he tried it again, it still didn't break.

At this time, Cao Liang had already overwhelmed Artest's gang of trash by himself, he walked over slightly panting, took the glass bottle, and smashed it at a slot machine next to him.

Bottle Crusher destroys sparks.

Artest's eyelids twitched violently, he couldn't help himself, he took a few steps back and leaned his back against the wall to swallow a few mouthfuls of saliva.

Seeing the expressionless Cao Leon, who looked like a Terminator, French Li was also a little scared, he stepped forward and pushed Artest: "You are Artest, the owner of this store, can you cooperate with us now?
If not, I'll go out for a smoke and let my buddy talk to you. "

"No, Sir Li? If you have any questions, I can answer them! Ah Hua, four eyes! Are you both dead?"

"Brother, I'm here." Blade Hua stood up holding his forehead.

Artest went over and kicked him: "You trash, what are you doing standing here? Why don't you go out and put up a closed business sign?
Made!You don't have any eyesight at all, you deserve it. "

(End of this chapter)

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