Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 395 I Absolutely Cannot Talk to Others

Chapter 395 I Absolutely Cannot Talk to Others
"Okay, okay! Let's just ask a few words."

Seeing Artest take out a cigarette, French Lee stopped him: "Recently, from Siam, has someone passed your way and settled down in Kowloon?"

"Uh, this..." Artest's eyes wandered, and his smile was a little stiff.

Seeing this, French Li turned around: "I don't want to say yes, that's fine, I'll go outside to smoke."

"No, no, yes, yes, there is a pair of brothers and sisters..."


Ding Yunfeng had almost finished reading the "Hong Kong Island Daily" in his hand. France Li and Cao Leon, who used to work in the arcade opposite, finally came back.

"Boy! We've checked everything out,
About three months ago, a Siamese man nicknamed Viper Ping approached Artest.

The other party got two ID cards through Artest for 2 yuan. "Francis Lee walked up to Ding Yunfeng and said with his chest out.

Ding Yunfeng looked down at his watch: "It took you two a full 30 minutes for such a little news?

What's more, you not only smashed the arcade hall, but also scared dozens of flying boys and girls running around in the street.

If you send people over to catch criminals today, if the other party still has accomplices outside, these three to 10 minutes are enough for them to go to Saigon and take a boat out to sea.

In addition, you ruined Artest's field, will people give false news or leak important information.

Did you ever think about these questions during the investigation? "

"Sorry sir! The operation failed, and it's all due to your mother Cao, a bull. If he hadn't taken the initiative, it wouldn't have happened like this."

"Cao Leon, according to French Li Ta, you are responsible for the failure of this operation, what do you say?"

"Ding Sir, I saw it outside. The target Artest took advantage of Li Sir's turning around and secretly opened the door to escape from the exchange room. In order to stop him, I had no choice but to do it!"

"Ah? This..." French Li Wenyan was startled.

Ding Yunfeng looked at the two disappointedly, not to mention that he had seen the movie, his impression of French Li was very average.

Just seeing Cao Liang's coat being split open with a knife, and the white strong vest on his upper body was stained with blood, Ding Yunfeng could tell that Cao Liang put in much more effort than French Li in handling the case this time.

"With this bit of information, if you want to solve the case, when will you have to find out?
Let's go, I'll take you once and let you see what investigation is. Ding Yunfeng photographed the newspaper in France Li's arms and strode towards the opposite side.

Seeing this, the two hurriedly followed.

In the arcade hall of Honghaier, Artest looked at the seven or eight smashed arcade machines with heartache. He scolded Cao Liang while glaring at Blade Hua and others.

"Trash! A bunch of trash!
Blade Hua, where's your knife?
That big bull is stronger than a black bear, you are so stupid to beat him with your fists! "

"Boss, I haven't found that knife yet, the brothers have already been settled by the other side.

If I hadn't gone up to support it then, the whole arcade hall would have been demolished now..." Blade Hua quickly retorted.

Artest was so angry that he was covering his heart, just as he was about to drive away these gang of dead ducks with a stubborn mouth.

The two policemen who came to smash his place just now came back protecting a young man in a suit, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Two...Two Sirs, this is..." Artai ordered Blade Hua to tidy up the place in a low voice, turned around with a smile, and walked in front of Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng took out the cigarette case, smiled and shook out one: "My name is Ding Yunfeng, and these two are my subordinates. I have a few words to ask the boss, they are stupid, and they didn't ask clearly just now."

"Ding...Ding Sir,
Oh, let me tell you earlier, if I knew that the two Sirs belonged to you, Brother Feng, how could this happen? "

Artai's forehead was hot with sweat, he drove away the gangsters like Blade Hua, then he pulled down the rolling gate himself, and invited Ding Yunfeng and the others into the very narrow exchange room.

"Brother Feng, I'm Fu Yixing's Lao Sijiu, we have something to say, Brother Fan Feng, if you have something to ask, Lao Fu's people must try their best to do it!
What do you have to say?Just ask me! "

Looking at this guy who looks like a snake head, Ding Yunfeng didn't believe a word from him.

This bastard is in "Provincial and Hong Kong Flag Soldiers 1", but even Dadong, a big circle gang, dares to use it. How can he honestly break the news just because of Uncle Crooked's few words on the scene?

"Poisonous snake Bing bought two ID cards from you, one for his own use, and the other for his sister?"

"Yes, yes, his sister's name is Mary Dana. She looks very decent. It is said that she is currently working as a gymnastics instructor in a fitness center."

"How much news do you have about Viper Bing?"

"No, Brother Feng, that's all I know.

The poisonous snake Bing gave me the money, and I helped him get the two ID cards, and that was it.

I don't dare to ask more about other news, you know, Siamese people are very ruthless..."

Listening to this guy babbling, coming and going is all nonsense.

Not only Ding Yunfeng slowly put away his smile, but French Li and Cao Leon were also breathing harder with anger.

They had already asked about the information about Sister Viper Bing just now, and Artest swore to them at that time that he only knew that this woman was called Mary Danna, and he didn't know anything else.

Now facing Ding Yunfeng, Artest revealed again that this woman works as a gymnastics instructor in a fitness center.

"Okay, since you don't want to talk about it, then I'll go to your crooked old uncle, and let him ask for me." Ding Yunfeng gave Cao Li'ang a wink, and got up to leave.

Artai slammed into the street with a curse, and stopped the three of them with a smile: "Yes, yes, I remembered, I heard what my subordinates said, there was a person behind Viper Bing, and the other person's name was Ma Hui. "

"Who is Ma Hui? Who else is above him?
This is the last chance I'll give you, don't say it again.

You pray that Fat Dog is brave enough to come to Wanchai Police Station to find Fatty Huang. Ding Yunfeng took out the handcuffs, and without waiting for Artest's reaction, he handcuffed him directly.

Hearing this, Artest knew that his informant's identity was exposed, he looked at Ding Yunfeng with a bloodless face: "Brother Feng, for a small character like me, just treat me as a fart.

Fat Dog specifically warned me that I must not let others know about the drug case of Luo Maosen and Ma Hui.

Especially their group, there is a ghost Boss on it...

This gang specialized in transporting drugs from Siam through a sailing club and a canal factory...

I can never tell outsiders...

There is a sailing club that recently ordered a batch of boats from Siam to be transported to the Kowloon pier..."

Watching Artest talking to himself, he confessed a lot of hard stuff in a low voice.

Both Cao Li'ang and Francie Li were stunned, until Ding Yunfeng couldn't stand it anymore and gave them a kick, and then they came back to their senses, hurriedly took out their small notebooks, and wrote down important clues one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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