Chapter 396
Ten minutes later...

With a bang, the rolling gate of the Red Boy Arcade was pulled up by Cao Liang.

Watching Ding Yunfeng swagger away with two of his subordinates, Artest gave a bad mouthful.

He smoked a cigarette by himself to calm himself down, got up and opened the safe, and took all the cash away without notifying his subordinates like Blade Hua, and immediately took a boat across the sea. up.

Ding Yunfeng took French Li and Cao Leon back to the Wanchai police station. While calling the anti-mafia team for a meeting, he called Huang Yaobing upstairs to come and listen.

"Now according to the clues we have, all point to this ghost codenamed [Boss].

If I guess correctly, this person is the leader of the Narcotics Investigation Bureau, the Siam drug case that is being followed up! "

Ding Yunfeng tapped on the blackboard, and under the word "ghost", wrote the Sailing Club and Fucheng Canal Manufacturing Factory.

Huang Yaobing pushed the black-rimmed glasses: "Brother Feng, the business of Fucheng Canal Factory is very big in Southeast Asia, if we are not fully sure..."

"Old Huang, don't worry, at the Fucheng Canal Factory, even if I offend them during the case handling, I can ask the seniors from the Chinese Chamber of Commerce to mediate for us.

Moreover, the main target now is still on this batch of white powder that departs from Siam and may be transported to Hong Kong Island through the bottom of the sailboat. Ding Yunfeng gave Huang Yaobing a reassurance, and then looked at Song Zijie: "Ajie, Viper Bing's younger sister, Mary Danna, I think it's a breakthrough. Let you, a handsome boy, investigate her. Is there any problem?" "

"No problem, sir!

Well, Brother Feng, actually I still have a question.

Why don't you send me?You look better than me.

Why don't you do this good thing of sacrificing your appearance yourself? " Song Zijie stood at attention, then scratched his head and asked.

Sighing secretly that Ajie was led by Fat Leopard instead, Ding Yunfeng answered him with a stern face: "The reason is very simple, the poisonous snake Bing is a drug dealer, and his sister may also be involved in the fandom, so he can be regarded as an accomplice.

If I go, she will be scolded if I go up, and I will be scolded if I don’t, instead of being scolded for me, why don’t I send you to fight the mine, Understand?”

Song Zijie: "o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)!"

French Li put his shoulders with a hippie smile: "Ajie, if you feel wronged, I can help you..."

"Shut up! You have no bottom line when you see a woman in the street.

If I send you there, something will happen! "Huang Yaobing glared at the past, French Li raised his hands in surrender, and sat back in his seat with a helpless expression.

Next, Ding Yunfeng sent out the task of investigating Luo Maosen, Ma Hui and the poisonous snake Bing, and then drove to Wharf with Bi Wenzhan.

After revealing his identity, Ding Yunfeng soon met the heads of the Kowloon Wharf, warehousing, freight and other departments.

There were ten men in suits standing in front of them, and about eight of them were Brother Gang's subordinates.

The remaining two are either Taige's people or other acquaintances in the chamber of commerce.

Ding Yunfeng sent out a circle of cigarettes, and directly issued a request: "I would like to ask everyone to help me pay attention to the bottom of a batch of sailing boats brought to Hong Kong Island from Southeast Asia, especially Siam.

This is my deputy Bi Wenzhan. If you have any news, please contact Bi Sir immediately. "

"no problem!"

"Brother Feng, please order it yourself, and we will definitely help you keep an eye on it."

"Bi Sir, hello, I am the person in charge of the Kowloon Wharf..."

Bi Wenzhan quickly collected a stack of business cards. Before leaving, he had a premonition that things would not be too difficult when Brother Tongfeng came.

But he really didn't expect that things would go so smoothly.

You know, the people here, all of them see the existence of people with their nostrils when they encounter notes on weekdays!

"Okay, if you have something to call, we won't delay your work." Ding Yunfeng brought Bi Wenzhan over to make sure his face was familiar, and took him back to Wanchai Police Station.

When solving crimes in the movie, the time is almost blurred. In fact, even if Ding Yunfeng is familiar with the plot, he knows that Luo Maosen and his gang's first batch of drugs will be transported to the Kowloon Wharf by hiding them at the bottom of the sailing boat.

But in reality, when it was shipped, which freighter it passed through, and which container it was hidden in, it will definitely require a process of investigation.

Two days later...

Dao Hua and others who suddenly couldn't get in touch with the big boss Artai, endured anxiety to clean up the Honghaier arcade hall, and at the same time reported the matter of Ding Yunfeng bringing someone to the door to the senior management of the club.

In Fuyi Xingtuo, after Jin Yalei rushed to the street, he took over as the uncle who was sitting in the restaurant.

After listening to Blade Hua, he sighed with a sad face: "Oh, all of you, don't you think that I, an old bone, have lived too long?"

"Boss, why did you say that?"

"Yeah, yeah, since Brother Crooked you took over as the chair.

The relationship between our Fuyixing Tonghe Liansheng, Hongxing and other big associations is getting better and better. "

"Sitting in the restaurant, you can find coolies. First, let's talk about the fish market in Saigon;

From Le Shao's side, we negotiated the fruits of Jotun, and there is water from all over the club. The brothers hope that you will be re-elected for a few more terms! "

Several uncles present opened their mouths one after another. Seeing this, Blade Hua became more and more frightened. He buried his head and didn't dare to lift it up.

Uncle Crooked rubbed his forehead, pointed at Blade Hua who was standing in front of him with his hands tied: "Then why do these bastards still mess with Ding Yunfeng?
How embarrassing Jin Yalei was when he took office, have everyone forgotten? "

Hearing Uncle Wai's words, Fuyi Xingtuo suddenly fell silent.

The uncles present who were helping Jin Yalei see him off all showed fear.

"Blade Hua, what exactly did Brother Feng ask the arcade? You are his leader, so you don't know anything, right?"

"Uncle, I really don't know! Brother Feng brought people to the scene, and the boss drove us out, and he even pulled down the rolling gate.

What they talked about in it, those of us who are small, really don't know. "

"Oh, let's scrape Artest out first.

For no reason, to play and disappear?

Today I put my words here, no matter whether Street Machine Tai is dead or alive, once something happens to him and it is related to Brother Feng, don't think that I will help him out.

If you feel that my decision has lost the face of the old man, I, Ah Wai, will immediately abdicate and give way to the virtuous.

Today, whoever wants to be in charge, now come out and take two steps.

I promise, the incense hall will be opened in the morning, the banquet will be arranged at noon, and I will take a boat to Nanyang in the evening..."

Several old Fu uncles and several young and strong big bottoms present, when they heard that the crooked uncle was going to put down the burden, Qi Qi got up in fright and tried to persuade him to stay.

"Uncle Crooked, no, no, no one can take this seat from you..."

"That's right, that bastard, Artest, I've long seen that he's rebellious. Why don't we open an incense hall now and wipe his name out of the bottom of the sea first."

Lai Fu Yixing is really a little bit memorized. In less than ten years, he was targeted by Boxing King Peak twice.

Jin Yalei, who was sitting in the office before, was shot three times by the opponent in Yunlai Teahouse. If Ding Yunfeng was back then, he had to borrow the power of the leader of Yiqun.

Brother Feng's strength now is many times stronger than back then.

Uncle Crooked has a little friendship with Coolie Qiang and Le Shao. At this time, he wants to push someone out to play for the club, except for his old man—who else?

(End of this chapter)

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