Chapter 397

Since Jin Yalei was shot three times by Ding Yunfeng at Yunlai Teahouse, Fu Yixing has kept a low profile under the leadership of Uncle Wai all these years.

Even after seeing He Liansheng on the street in Fat Deng, the new restaurant announced that he would no longer follow the fans, and that he would bring [-] members to find the right way. As a result, this decision that made the big and small communities on Hong Kong Island laugh out loud, not only failed Let He Liansheng decline, but become more and more prosperous.

Uncle Wai relied on his acquaintance with Chui Ji, and in the past two years, he has visited many times to learn from him.

From the fish market to the fruit, although Fu Yixing can't clean up whitewashing like He Liansheng, he has solved the livelihood of many community members through two righteous practices.

"Uncle Crooked, at this time, don't speak angry words.

Today, all of them are my own brothers. In my opinion, Arcade Thai must have won or lost Boxing King Peak.

Otherwise, how could he leave the hall and run away without a trace? "Fu Yixing's red stick Baitoubin, who has started to emerge in recent years, took a sip of strong tea and knocked the teacup on the table forcefully.

Uncle Crooked was able to become a member of the club back then, and he was ordered in a crisis. Over the years, even though he helped the association create two sources of income, due to his age, the group of young and middle-aged people like Baitoubin had the faint intention of kicking him out of power.

This time, taking advantage of the arcade incident, Uncle Crooked retreated.

Seeing the meaning of bowing his head in Baitou Bin's words, Uncle Wai shook his Tang suit, and slowly sat back in the main seat: "I'm not speaking out of anger!

Now it's about Lao Fu's signboard. If I don't bow my head, I can't stand Ding Sir. If I bow my head, I'm worried that someone will use this matter to talk about it afterwards.

I don't care if I abdicate, I'm afraid of losing my reputation, there is no place for me to resign! "

"Old Wai, everyone is out to mess around, they are all loyal brothers!
The seat of the restaurant is the seat of the three evil spirits. Everyone remembers how Jin Yalei, who was sitting in the restaurant, rushed to the street!
No one dares to blame you for what happened today.

As the master of Xingtang, I sell Tangbiao, and I will put my words here today. If someone dares to use today's events to manipulate you in the future, the people in Xingtang will not sit idly by! "

"That's right, Uncle Wai, just rest assured." Fruit Lin, who is also a rising star like Baitoubin, received a wink from the former, and answered in time: "Here, everyone, tell the brothers to scrape Artest out. , Brother Feng, the club had a feud with him before...

How about this, Uncle Wai, you and He Liansheng are better off sitting in the restaurant and blowing the chicken. Please, old man, bring a few boxes of Cuban cigars to blow the chicken to Uncle.

It would be even better if you could invite Liansheng to sit in the restaurant and give us some good words in front of Brother Feng. "

Uncle Crooked took a sip of tea: "Alin, based on my friendship with Chuck? I ask him to smoke cigars, and it's easy to eat ham. Asking him to do things can't be solved with a few boxes of cigars..."

"Sit in the restaurant, don't worry, everyone knows the rules of bragging.

You can talk about it today, the expenses will not go to the public account of the society, it will all be paid by Brother Bin and me! "Sheng Guolin patted his chest and went straight to the bottom.

The other Uncles Fu Yixing and Uncle Wai were secretly relieved when they saw Bai Toubin speaking in the fruit forest, holding a teacup and nodding in acquiescence.

In 1941, Hong Kong Island was occupied by Japanese invaders.

During those three years, people in Fu Yixing did a lot of bad things.

Later, the ancestral ghosts took back Hong Kong Island, and other clubs didn't talk about it on the surface, and everyone secretly looked down on Fu Yixing's people.

Especially those associations/gangs that claim to be from Hongmen are subtly suppressing the development of Fu Yixing, and gradually forcing this old club that was originally spread all over Hong Kong Island to the New Territories...

For more than 20 years, Lao Fu's power has been declining.

In the middle of the journey, a Jin Yalei, who was considered capable, came out, and was killed by Ding Yunfeng again.

Although Fu Yixing is still a big society now, there is really not much money left in the public account except to maintain the face of daily social life.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Uncle Wai got a fish market and a fruit wholesale channel.

To be able to secure a seat in the hall, it is conceivable that this club is like sheep dung -- superficial light.

Bringing the 20 yuan in banknotes advanced by the two youth members of the association, Uncle Wai personally took out two boxes of Cuban cigars, took an old Mercedes Benz that had been passed down from the Golden Tooth Ray era, and brought a driver and a bodyguard with him to meet Lian Sheng's Tuodi invites old friends to play chicken.

drop by drop...

A Bentley was approaching at high speed, the driver of Fu Yixing honked his horn, he turned the steering wheel, and the old Mercedes-Benz passed by.

"Ah Shui, drive steadily, don't be rash." Uncle Wai's old waist was almost flashed, and he let out a cold snort.

"Boss, are you okay? Sorry, I just avoided that Bentley, you know, our car is very old."

"Come on, poor car skills, too many excuses, I've been playing tricks all my life."

After a few minutes, Uncle Wai, supported by bodyguards, opened the car door and got out.

Chui Ji, who was talking to a few men in white helmets and suits, saw his old friend suddenly come to the door, and quickly greeted him with his head and four eyes: "Old Wai, why didn't you even make a phone call, and suddenly came to find me?" Woolen cloth?"

"Oh, stop talking, is there any Huang Dao Yi Liver Oil?
Come on, come on, Ah Shui hit the street, just now he swung the steering wheel and dodged me.

These two boxes of Cuban cigars are for you. Wait a minute, I have something to talk to you about. "Uncle Wai was covering his waist, chatting with the blowing chicken, and secretly, his eyes were aiming at random.

As a result, Uncle Wai was surprised to find that the Tuo Land of Liansheng seemed to be about to start construction, and there were countless building materials piled up on both sides of the street.

A dozen steps away, there were several men and women wearing safety helmets of various colors, either holding blueprints or opening folders, pointing at the surrounding old buildings.

"Come here, why not bring cigars, I have changed to smoking cigarettes for a long time...

A Ming, take Lao Wai to my room to apply some medicated oil. I still have something to discuss with Mr. Zhao and the others.

Old Wai, you wait to apply the medicated oil, and Amin will accompany you to Lu Yu Tea House for tea.

You've seen it all here. Today is just about to carry out major demolition and construction. After a while, it will be full of tiles and dust, and there is no way to sit on it.

I'll go over to pick you up in a few minutes, and I have something to discuss at Lu Yu's Tea House. "Blowing chicken casually handed Uncle Wai's two boxes of rare edition cigars to Siyanming, and hurried back to the man in the suit who took the lead, pointing to the old building in Tuodi with one hand, and talking to the blueprint in the other's hand with the other.

When Uncle Wai saw this scene, he was shocked. He followed Siyanming to the room where the chicken was blown and wiped Huang Daoyi, and came to Lu Yu Tea House full of doubts.

"Brother Ming, is it still the old seat?" Dr. Cha came up to greet them.

Four-eyed Ming pushed his glasses: "That's right, let's go according to the old rules, and then my boss will talk about things later, please find a few screens to separate us."

"Okay, upstairs please."

Seeing that Blowing Chicken can actually have a fixed seat in Lu Yu Tea House, Uncle Wai's mouth is filled with the smell of lemon.

Everyone is recognized as a good-for-nothing in the world, and I have helped Fu Yixing get two ways of making money, so I don't have as much money as the other party?
(End of this chapter)

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