Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 398 There is no way to plead, the crooked uncle is embarrassing

Chapter 398 There is no way to plead, the crooked uncle is embarrassing

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we're going to break ground today, and there are a lot of bits and pieces to explain.

Old crooked, drink tea, drink tea. "Choiji arrived about 10 minutes later. He sat down with a smile on his face, picked up his tea cup and drank it all in one gulp.

Uncle Crooked exchanged a few words with him, and then explained why he came here today.

"Ah? You...you Fu Yixing are going to offend brother Feng again?" Chuiji's expression suddenly fell, and he shook his head looking at Uncle Wai: "I can't help you with this matter, and you are the one to blame! If you come earlier A few minutes later, I happened to meet Brother Feng.

Today he brought someone over to find Ah Qiang, and said that he would trouble He Liansheng to help him calm down on the road. "

"Could it be... Could it be that the Bentley I met on the way here is Ding Sir's car?"

"That's right! It's a shame that you are still Fu Yixing's restaurant, you don't even remember the license plate numbers of these big shots, are you an idiot?" Chuiji laughed at Uncle Wai, and his words were ridiculed.

Uncle Crooked endured his displeasure, took out the check that Baitoubin and Shengguolin had scraped together, and slowly pushed it in front of Chuiji: "Brother Chuiji, for the sake of our friendship for many years, please help Lao Fu to speak well in front of Ding Sir." A few words.

Arcade Tai, we, Fu Yixing, have expelled him from the bottom of the sea.

Whether this person is alive or dead, his affairs outside have nothing to do with us, Fu Yixing. "

"Old Wai, don't make it difficult for me, I also make money by looking at people's faces.

I can't help you with this favor.Those two boxes of Cuban cigars, I will send someone back to you later, the construction site cannot do without me, excuse me, excuse me. "Chuiji pushed the check and got up to leave.

Old Wai would not let him slip away, and quickly grabbed Chuiji's arm: "Chuiji! You don't care about the money, but also because of everyone's younger generation. You rub my salty wet pictorial every day to hide in the toilet Are you having sex inside?

If you don't help me today, I will definitely be embarrassing in front of the two juniors, Baitoubin and Shenguolin! "

"Old crooked! It's better for you to be embarrassing than to be embarrassing myself!

I'll help you find brother Feng to intercede, are you out of your mind?What capital do I have to help you get this done?
Back then, I used a few of your salty and wet pictorials. Today, I will pay you a hundred copies, okay?
With four clear eyes, Xian Shiji from Call Street asked him to send over a hundred 3D pictorials.

If this old guy is not enough, I will give him an extra hundred boxes of umbrellas and a hundred bottles of Huang Daoyi.Before the cover and after supplementation! "Blowing chicken sprayed Uncle Wai's face with saliva, then picked up the skewers on the table, and strode down the teahouse.


The crooked uncle failed to do his job, and was sprayed by the bragging chicken in public.

Feeling ashamed and angry for a moment, he picked up the hot towel on the table and wiped his face, threw down a golden bull to pay the bill, and strode out of Lu Yu Tea House with his bodyguard and driver.

It is said that Chuiji left the teahouse first. He just got into the car, and immediately took out his mobile phone, dialed Jimmy's phone, and told the other party that Uncle Crooked suddenly called him, and wanted to ask Ding Yunfeng to plead for mercy through himself.

Zhan Mi is very busy during this period, he has to take care of several companies that Gan Lianghong brought from Gan's house, and he also has to help Ding Yunfeng to coordinate the business of various places.

When he suddenly received a call from Lao Ding, he was really confused, so he hurriedly called Ma Da D to get rid of the wind.

Through Big D's mouth, Zhan Mi finally knew that Brother Feng ordered everyone to check the bottom of a batch of sailing boats that came in from abroad.

As for Lao Fu's matter, it should be related to Artest in the Red Boy game hall.

Street Jitai is Fu Yixing's eldest son, who was smashed by two policemen at the entrance of the hall the day before yesterday, and then he disappeared completely.

"Boss, do you want me to arrange someone to do something?" Big D yelled, holding his brother in his arms, Ponytail helped him carry the fishing rod and bucket, and Huadi followed behind with the Taibao.

Since Tsuen Wan was beaten up by Big D, except for saving Huadi and Taibao in the middle of a gangster nicknamed Trumpet. (The foreshadowing is in chapters 115 and 257)
In the past few years, Big D has been lying down collecting money every month. The days are really boring, and the only way to pass the time is fishing.

"I remember Brother Feng said that he didn't have a good impression of Lao Fu's society!
Last time, if it wasn't for Uncle Blowing Chicken, I had to talk to Brother Qiang a few times, and I had to give him face. I don't want to let them go about the fish market and fruit business...

This time, since Uncle Blowing Chicken has stated that he doesn’t care, then you can take someone to Saigon and take back the fish market for me first. As for the wholesale fruit market, I will contact A Le and ask him to do something. "

"Okay! Today I will drive the people from Fok Yee Hing out of Sai Kung.

Ma De, don't even look at who rewarded them with this bowl of rice? "Big D hung up the phone excitedly, turned around and looked at a few of his subordinates: "I won't be fishing today, get in the car and go back, shake people to do things!" "

Tsuen Wan Big D's leading horse, Mawei and Huadi, suddenly led people to take back Fook Yee Hing's fish market in Sai Kung;

Lin Huaile said publicly that in the future, the fruit wholesale in Jordan will not allow people from Fu Yixing to get involved.

Sheng Guolin was not convinced, and led his subordinate Ma Zai to protest, but was cut off by Dong Guan Zai on the spot.

By the time Ding Yunfeng learned about these things from Ku Liqiang, Fu Yixing, who had struggled for several years and finally regained some strength, had been trampled into the mud by his subordinates.

And Tai Ji, who caused all this, was tracked down at the same time, and unexpectedly ran to Haojiang to hide.

"Ah Qiang, you tell everyone not to go too far, Fu Yixing has been secretly suppressed by Hong Xing and the number gang for decades and has not dissipated, it is not so easy to drive him out.

Also, you told Jimmy that I was very dissatisfied with him for handing over the two businesses of Sai Kung Fish Market and Jordan Fruits to Fu Yixing. "Ding Yunfeng has devoted all his energy to the Hong Kong Island Police Force in the past few years. He only grasps one direction in matters on the road.

After receiving the warning from Coolie Qiang, Zhan Mi immediately called to review, and he also brought a piece of information.

This time Big D led people to take back the Saigon Fish Market, and met Dasha who brought people over to help.

While the two were smoking and chatting on the street, Dasha told Dasha a joke. Some time ago, a Shahi took the initiative to find him, and wanted to smuggle a batch of sailing boats into Hong Kong Island through him.

He does not mean that.

Dasha has made a lot of money by smuggling over the years, but he only makes cars and electrical appliances, such unpopular goods as sail boat bottoms, of course he doesn't like them, and the other party's quotation is very low, so he ridiculed him on the spot and drove him away up.

"Zhan Mi, tell Dasha immediately and ask him to help scrape that person out." Ding Yunfeng hung up the phone resolutely, got up and walked out of the office. He called Cao Leon and French Li, and drove a Land Rover police car straight to Saigon.

Dasha didn't dare to neglect Brother Feng's orders.

Although Dasha was unable to find that client for a while, his subordinates learned from a seaside scavenger that there was a Siamese man who was also in the smuggling business. Exit from Sai Kung Seawall.

"Dasha, when I asked you for help, what is the background of that person?"

"Brother Feng, I just know his nickname is Viper Bing."

(End of this chapter)

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