Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 399 The goods that disappeared in the movie

Chapter 399 The goods that disappeared in the movie

Viper Bing!
Ding Yunfeng's eyes lit up, and he immediately gave the order to die.

Poisonous Snake Bing doesn't need to find it, but whoever can find the place where the other party hides the goods will be more credited. Not only will there be a bonus, but the next time you get a job in the club, you can also get extra points!
According to the plot of "The Tiger's Change", Ding Yunfeng knew that this batch of white powder was hidden at the bottom of the sailing boat.

Long before the transaction, the poisonous snake Bing who was in charge of receiving the goods had already dropped the package.

Even, until the other party hit the street in the movie, the police and drug lords couldn't find this batch of goods.

Big D and Dasha sent Ding Yunfeng away, turned around and jumped on the hood of a car next to him: "Hey, you guys have heard what Brother Feng said just now, if I find the place where the Siamese hid their goods, I'll take them to you." There is hope for a job!"

"I heard you, boss!" shouted a bunch of bad guys from Tsuen Wan, waving their guys.

Big D rubbed his palms: "The last time the plane killed the surnamed Han, it successfully tied the red stick.

I don't want to be worse than him. I have been refusing the association to help me get a job. As a result, Mawei and Huadi are still two seniors.

Convex (艹盘哉), in fact, I know, there are rumors on the road, saying that I am a big D in Tsuen Wan, I have no brains and can't fight, I have no part in white paper fans and red sticks, at most I can only tie a pair of straw sandals!
It’s rare for Brother Feng to speak up this time, and now I’m offering another 200 million bonus in private.

Brothers, if I find this batch of goods, I will tie a red stick to see who dares to laugh at me! "

"Wow, 200 million, big D is bleeding a lot this time." Dasha couldn't help exclaiming when he saw that big D posted a bonus of 200 million.

Although Ding Yunfeng had nothing to say about what the Viper was hiding, Dasha had been in the smuggling industry for a long time, so he intuitively believed that the value of those things was not worth 200 million, otherwise, Viper Bing would not have offered such a low price last time.

Lin Huaile looked enviously at Big D who jumped down from the hood: "Big D followed Brother Zhanmi very early on, and Brother Zhanmi was on the road, everyone knew he was Brother Feng's shadow.

Silly brother, don't underestimate Tsuen Wan as a rural area. In fact, Brother Feng values ​​Tsuen Wan very much.

I remember the last time I went fishing in Canda D, there was a small old man shooting fish with a revolver.

Standing more than [-] meters behind the two of us, one shot at one tail, if the big D hadn't stuffed me with a helmet, I would have been scared to pee at that time.

I heard from Big D that there are more than one such strange person, Brother Feng, please retire in Tsuen Wan!

Big D can help Brother Feng guard Tsuen Wan for a mere 200 million, which is nothing to him.

All along, he wanted to be a red stick, otherwise, he wouldn't be a fourth-nine by now. "

Speaking of this, Le Shao recalled that he was a straw sandal, and suddenly felt a little depressed.

At the beginning, he was able to hold a job, but his father bought it from Fei Deng with his life. Although he has a great status, let alone in the Jianghu, even in He Liansheng, people like Shuangfandong and Huoxen back then, Who takes him seriously?

Fortunately, he switched to the camp in time and climbed to the backing of Ding Yunfeng.

In addition, during this period of time, Dong Guanzai led people to the south and fought a few tough battles with the Ni family at the junction of Jordan and Tsim Sha Tsui. The nickname Jotun Le Shao finally gradually became Jordan Le Ge.

Stepping into the rivers and lakes, there is no retreat.

Lin Huaile's journey has been too tortuous, and he can well understand Big D's obsession with the red stick.


The wind is closed on the road, and the pier is watching.

Both black and white help with work, and Ding Yunfeng has a harvest the next day. A small pickup truck with a dozen or so sailboats left from a certain warehouse in Sai Kung and came all the way to the Kowloon Wharf, the container transshipment center.

"I don't buy goods from Kowloon Wharf, but choose to deliver goods at Kowloon Wharf.

This Ghost Boss, he saw Brother Gang behind the Wharf, he is sure that our police force has no evidence, so we won't go in and search easily..." Ding Yunfeng walked down the stairs quickly while checking his gun.

Cao Liang and others followed behind, some ran to drive, and some, like Ding Yunfeng, were also checking their guns.

Fat Leopard drove over while Cao Liang was running, he grabbed Ding Yunfeng and reminded him in a low voice: "Brother Feng, every shareholder of Wharf is either rich or expensive.

We didn't have any documents, so we went directly to arrest people. If the stolen goods were obtained together, it would be acceptable. If the news was false, there would be no way to write Anna's report. "

"Not bad, Fatty, following Ajie during this period of time, your ideological consciousness has improved.

If it was in the past, at this time, you would definitely apply for a shotgun.

Anyway, you have a share in the merits, and I, a fool, will carry the blame. You are not at a loss, how can you remind me kindly? "Ding Yunfeng patted Fat Leopard's stomach with his backhand.

"Brother Jie has a lot of advantages that I can learn from. Of course, Brother Feng, you have more advantages..." Fat Leopard sneered.

French Lee reloaded his rifle and said, "Fatty, stop talking nonsense and do more.

Brother Feng is a member of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. He has friendship with Brother Gang. Let alone we go in and arrest people, even if we go in with a bazooka and boom boom, it's fine! "

"Get in the car!" Ding Yunfeng patted French Li on the shoulder, pulled away the Land Rover police car driven by Cao Leon, and took the lead in getting into the passenger seat.

France Lee and Fat Leopard got into the car quickly, but the dog Wang Lun was a little hesitant, and finally got into the car gritted his teeth.

Song Zijie was in charge of investigating Mary Danna, and did not participate in this operation.

After getting in the car and turning off the siren, Cao Liang stepped on the accelerator tightly. After about ten minutes, there was no need to slow down. The police car rushed in through the side door of Wharf, and a Lotus car that was prepared in advance came forward to lead the way. This is the security personnel of the pier. Responsible to come over and take them to the scene of delivery.

Wharf is the largest wharf on Hong Kong Island. There are many vehicles pulling containers to and fro in it every day. The Lotus car took them to a remote corner of the wharf.

"Ding Sheng, those people are just 50 meters ahead, you can drive over from the left, you can't continue driving, for fear of being discovered by them."

"OK, you go first, leave this place to us." Ding Yunfeng sent the port security guards who led the way away.

Today's goods are all flour, and they can't be convicted if they are all arrested. At most, they will be charged with illegal possession of weapons.

The ghost leading the other party can run a sailing club on Hong Kong Island and has a leading aqueduct factory in Nanyang. Even if he is arrested and there is no evidence of fans, the other party will still be released on bail by the lawyer.

This time Ding Yunfeng brought people here, the purpose was to scare the snakes and catch big fish with a long line, so he didn't ask the wharf to cooperate and block all the entrances and exits.

"Wait, I want to inspect the goods!" A ghost thug who was nearly two meters tall suddenly stood up and stopped the Siamese driver who was driving the poisonous snake Binghe.

The driver didn't know that he would be sold by the fellow villagers, so he put down a sail boat and stepped aside

The ghost thug dug open the hollow bottom of the ship with a dagger, cut through a bag of white powder, licked it with his finger, and poohed with a distorted expression: "Boss, this thing is wrong!"

Guilo Boss and Luo Maosen stepped forward to inspect, and their expressions changed.

Seeing this, Viper Bing took the lead in attacking the driver. He took out his pistol and pointed it at the driver, just when he was about to pin the blame on the driver.

Ding Yunfeng, who waited until this moment, sneered and raised a horn: "Don't move, you are already surrounded by us..."

"Not good! I have a note, Boss, let's go!"



(End of this chapter)

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