Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 400 Refugee Camp, Laundry Powder

Chapter 400 Refugee Camp, Laundry Powder

Gunshots rang out and bullets flew wildly.

Ding Yunfeng yelled to fire, raised his hand to a white-skinned ghost, and took two bang bang shots away.

The Ghost Boss in a black suit was immediately escorted by Luo Maosen and others into the car as soon as he heard the police force appear.

Ma Hui, Luo Maosen's confidant, grabbed the steering wheel with one hand and stretched out the window with the other. He repeatedly pulled the trigger to force Fat Leopard and the dog Wang Lun back. He stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the Jaguar sprinted away.

Ding Yunfeng wanted to let the water go, and stopped Cao Li'ang who climbed onto the pickup truck in time and was about to pursue him.

Pointing to the poisonous snake Bing who used the Siamese driver as a sandbag to seize a black car and fled from other intersections, Ding Yunfeng shouted: "Your mother, Cao this!"

"Okay!" Cao Li'ang quickly put into gear, the pickup quickly turned around, and the bottoms of several sail boats were thrown off, and the white powder hidden inside spilled all over the ground.

Ding Yunfeng covered his mouth and nose and took a few steps back: "Fat Leopard! You clean up the scene, France Lee, you go and sort out the criminal evidence. The dog Wang Lun called the military uniform and the white car to wash the floor."

"Yes sir!" Everyone responded loudly.

This time it was so cool to follow Atou to handle the case. Only the dog Wang Lun was not strong enough in his wrist and still used .

Don't look at the hasty fire from both sides just now, but the casualties of one's own side were zero, and the opponent's people rushed to the street for three.

Even if the chief culprit ran away, there would be evidence everywhere.

After handing in the action report this time, even if you can't be promoted, everyone will get a lot of bonuses next month...

"A total of two ghosts were killed, this one was shot twice, and it was Atou who shot him;

In addition, I fired one shot, and Cao Liang fired two shots..." Fat Leopard took out his portable notebook, and memorized while muttering.

Finding the Siamese driver leaning against the car with three bullets in his chest, Fat Leopard squatted down in front of him and put his ear close to the other's mouth: "Old friend, do you have anything to say?

If you shake up some ingredients before you die, our police will count you as a meritorious service, and we have a discount to arrange for you to be under Brother Ming's subordinates in the No. "

"Poison...Viper Bing...Saigon...Baishi Refugee Camp..." Hearing Fat Leopard's words, the Siamese driver said a word in a flash, and then he kicked his legs and turned his head on the spot.

"Wow, really expected?
it is good!I, Fat Leopard, keep my word. If your information is true, after Amin finishes burning you, I will give you a pair of golden boys and jade girls in private! "

Fat Leopard wrote it down with great joy, and then he made a sign of the cross at the Siamese's corpse: "Infinite Heavenly Venerable, I hope you will reach the Western Paradise soon!"

Getting up and running to Ding Yunfeng, Fat Leopard handed over the notes he had sorted out: "Brother Feng! I found something. The Siamese reported this clue before they were embarrassed."

"Well, well done." Ding Yunfeng glanced quickly, took out his mobile phone, and called Zhang Yaoxiong on the spot: "Ah Xiong, check the Baishi Refugee Camp. I want to know if those Annan people have given a nickname recently. The people of the poisonous snake Bing hid a batch of white powder."

Zhang Yaoxiong held the phone receiver in one hand and pen and paper in the other, and quickly wrote down: "Brother Feng, don't worry, I know everyone in the police force responsible for guarding the island.

The Baishi refugee camp is located in Wuguisha. I have acquaintances there. I will be able to find out in three days at the latest. "

"Then I'll leave it to you, hang up."

Just as Ding Yunfeng hung up the phone, France Li hurried over with a bag of flour: "Brother Feng, these are not white powder, they are all from white cat washing powder."

"Ah? Laundry powder? Li Sir, are you right?" Fat Leopard looked at French Li in surprise, grabbed the powder bag and licked it, then spit it out on the spot: "I'm bulging (哉盘哉), the coating on my tongue fell off , the quality is so good, the purity is so high, it really is a white cat!"

Ding Yunfeng's expression was calm, and he took out his good luck and scattered around: "If the goods are real, what do you think, I will let those ghosts go?
Originally, I wanted to go fishing with a line. Unexpectedly, Fat Leopard also dug up a clue to the Baishi refugee camp, which was a surprise.

French Lee, take Allen to stay, and the two of you will return to the police station when the military uniform and the white car arrive.

Also, if you have time to take Alan down, it is understandable that you are timid, but you can't even hold on to [-], which is outrageous. "

"Yes sir!"


Cao Liang went after the poisonous snake Bing, and Fat Leopard drove instead.

The Land Rover police car sounded its siren and quickly left the pier.

After a while.

A police car in uniform and a white hospital car arrived one after another, as well as Hong Kong reporters with a keen sense of smell...

Fucheng Canal Manufacturing Factory, General Manager Office.

Looking at the pictures reported by the TV station, two ghosts with mosaics on their faces were shot to death by the police indiscriminately.

Ghost Boss turned off the TV angrily: "Fack!
The goods were dropped, and the delivery man was shot dead by the police.

Tell me, where do you go to get this batch of goods back now? "

"Boss, the goods were picked up by Viper Bing and Migratory Locust, and Viper Bing hasn't come back yet, I think we should wait for him to come back and ask for clarification.

It's really not possible, since my people lost the goods, I will bear this responsibility, and I can compensate you for the loss. Luo Maosen wiped his gold-rimmed glasses and said slowly.

Hearing this, Ghost Boss lost his anger a bit.

As Luo Maosen said, the person who went to pick up the goods at the pier also had a poisonous snake Bing.

Don't look at Luo Maosen calling him Boss in front of people, in fact, he himself understands it.

Luo Maosen and his group came to cooperate with him, mainly because of the status of his ancestors, and they could provide convenience in all aspects.

In terms of strength, Luo Maosen's power is even stronger than him!
"OK, that's what you said, then wait for your men to come back first, and see what he says, Johnny, go and open a glass of red wine, I'll drink a glass to calm myself down."


Ten minutes later, Viper Bing, clutching his forehead, opened the door and walked in.

"How did it happen?" Ma Hui suddenly got up and asked in front of him.

Poisonous Snake Bing replied apologetically: "Zi Tiaozi was chasing him very closely in the locust pickup truck, I managed to get rid of him..."

"I'm not asking about you, I'm asking about today's goods!" Ma Hui took off his sunglasses and stared at Viper Bing viciously.

The poisonous snake Bing held back his palpitations: "Brother Hui, I was tricked by that bastard locust."

"At the pier just now, you shouldn't have blocked the gun with the locust, but you should have protected him back.

Now that the migratory locusts are dead, where can I find this batch of goods? Luo Maosen looked over coldly.

The poisonous snake Bing took a look at him, pretended to be calm and made a promise: "I'm responsible for recovering, and how much is recovered."

"Boss, I will not let the person who dropped the bag go.

No matter how much this shipment is missing, I will compensate you. "

Luo Maosen took the wine glass handed by Gui Lao, raised his head and drank it and said, "Ah Hui, you have to be very careful about our deal at the end of the month!"

"Yes!" Ma Hui nodded in response, and turned his gaze to the poisonous snake Bing: "A Bing, recover that batch of goods as soon as possible."

"Understood Brother Hui, I'm going out to do errands."

(End of this chapter)

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