Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 409 The True Identity of Viper Bing

Chapter 409 The True Identity of Viper Bing
Upon receiving Ding Yunfeng's call, Pheasant rushed over overnight.

Half an hour later, Pheasant took out the bullet from Viper Bing's body, and chatted with Ding Yunfeng while packing up the surgical equipment.

"Senior Gong moved to Tsuen Wan? It was a very sensible choice.

Alas, the environment in the Walled City is too bad. Hey, with her body, changing the living environment is not enough.

If you have free time, just encourage Yixiantian, let him persuade others, and go to the hospital for a check-up when you have time.

If there is no medicine in Hong Kong Island, I can find someone to buy it for you at your ancestral home or in the United States. " Ding Yunfeng said with his shoulders on the pheasant.

Pheasant declined the check and replied with a smile: "Well, if necessary, I will not be polite to you."

"Dog Wang Lun, is the pork rib porridge ready? The food is good, come and send the pheasant back to Tsuen Wan."

"Okay, okay." Dog Wang Lun put down his supper and ran over wiping his mouth: "Doctor Zhao, please."

"Brother Feng, I'll go first. If you need it, call me anytime."

"Come on, I won't be polite to you."


Perhaps Ding Yunfeng's act of helping the poisonous snake Bing to treat his injuries overnight changed Mary Danna's perception a little.

When Ding Yunfeng sent the pheasant away, she whispered, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, I just don't want to see him die before those drug dealers are caught." Ding Yunfeng pulled out the chair and sat opposite the poisonous snake Bing. Faintly became a little pale.

"How? Can you still talk?
Now you have seen the situation, if you don't cooperate with our police, even if I let you go, are you confident to escape Luo Maosen's pursuit? "

"Hmph! If it weren't for you guys, we, brother and sister, would have gone far away by now..."

"Okay, with these words, it's okay to lie to your sister, but in front of me, Ding Yunfeng, you won't come here.

I really want to go, last time you swallowed the 100 pounds of white powder of Seth and Luo Maosen, even if it is half price and hastily changed hands, it is enough for you to go back to Siam and live a prosperous life.

The truth is, you don't satisfy this interest at all.

People are not enough to swallow elephants, you still want to repeat the old tricks and swallow a batch of goods from Saite and Luo Maosen, right?
Moreover, if I am not mistaken, the second time the goods from Siam are much larger than the first time! ! ! "

Ding Yunfeng's horrified gaze at the poisonous snake revealed all his schemes.

Viper Bing bowed his head and remained silent, Mary Danna held his hands: "Brother, it's useless, I was trading at a West African restaurant today, and I was caught as soon as I went out.

In the afternoon, they deliberately let Luo Maosen and his gang go, but kept me behind.

There must be people from the other party watching outside. If you were arrested tonight, those people must know.

Now we do not cooperate with the police, there is really no way out. "

"I want to smoke a cigarette." The poisonous snake Bing glanced at Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng threw the cigarette case and lighter into his arms: "Whatever, anyway, before dawn, you have to make a decision.

As a person handling cases, I have always disliked the use of force.

If the people from the Narcotics Investigation Section send you away with documents tomorrow, and go there, they will definitely not be as easy to talk to as I am. "

After saying that, Ding Yunfeng left the interrogation room, except for Song Zijie and Cao Liang, the others were all driven back to rest by him.

After a while, Maridana opened the door with tears and told the three that her brother was willing to confess.

"Three days later, at 9:[-] p.m., Fucheng Water Canal Factory, [-] kilograms?" Looking at Song Zijie's confession to the poisonous snake Bing, Ding Yunfeng's expression changed slightly: "Is Naimi short of money? How dare you do this before the road is smooth?" Increase the quantity of goods and press them?"

"It's more than just a lack of money? I was the translator of General Naimi, and I can be regarded as an adjutant at the rank of the army.

If the general was not in a difficult situation, why would I bother to come to Hong Kong Island to take risks? The poisonous snake Bing sighed, since he promised his sister to become a tainted witness for the police, it doesn't matter if you say more or less.

“At the beginning, General Naimi received the support of the United States, defeated the superior, and killed General Somchai to take over. There were many opposition forces in the country.

In addition, in the past two years, Mr. G's power has developed rapidly in Myanmar.

In order to compete for the pricing power of powder prices in Southeast Asia, we have fought many battles with Mr. G in recent years.

In the past, You Yiqun purchased goods steadily from the general, and the general had constant money, so he had the confidence to fight Mr. G.

Unexpectedly, Lai Hao suddenly became embarrassing, Inspector Lei also ran away, and even Inspector Yan went down to sell salted duck eggs.

Hong Kong Island suddenly has no Da Lao family. I went to Siam to buy goods, not to mention arms, but military pay. Before I was ordered to smuggle into Hong Kong Island, it had been three months since I could not send them out. "

"Wait, isn't Naimi backed by the United States?" Song Zijie looked at the poisonous snake Bing in surprise.

Ding Yunfeng smiled disdainfully: "Ajie, do you know that Mr. G's soldiers all fled to Myanmar from the hundreds of thousands of broken guns on the other side.

Combat power, who do you have to compare with?

The bald man was driven to Frog Island by those hundreds of thousands of broken guns;

The old American coalition forces were also forced to sign the armistice agreement by the hundreds of thousands of broken guns;
If you can run to Myanmar from these gunpoints, even if you are a wanderer, bullying Naimi and these little bastards is just like playing. "

Song Zijie and Cao Liang were very curious about the hundreds of thousands of broken guns that Ding Yunfeng was talking about, but unfortunately no matter what they asked, Brother Feng kept silent.

"I estimate that you two will have no chance to return to Siam in the short term, so don't give Naimi any credit. Did the Yankees abandon Naimi after seeing him beaten so badly by Mr. G? Already?" Ding Yunfeng knocked the ashes from his cigarette and opened his mouth, causing Viper Bing's complexion to change drastically.

"Ding Sir is Ding Sir. He lives on Hong Kong Island and knows the situation in Siam and Myanmar well."

"No need to admire, I just watch too many movies and TV." Ding Yunfeng laughed, pressed the tape recorder on the table, took out the tape, ripped off the popping sound, and threw it into the wastebasket.

Song Zijie looked at this scene in astonishment: "Brother Feng, you are..."

"Mr. G's identity is too sensitive, you just listen to it as a story.

What's more, this person has nothing to do with the case, so it's better not to leave a record. " Ding Yunfeng explained.

Song Zijie and Cao Liang were thoughtful, seeing Ding Yunfeng stretching his waist, getting up and walking towards the door, the two hurriedly packed their things.

The poisonous snake showed dissatisfaction on his face, and he shouted at Ding Yunfeng: "Ding Sir, it fell into your hands, I should say it or not, I have already said it all. I have always had a doubt, can you help me answer it?"


"Mr. G's origin? Except for General Naimi, none of us know about this matter. This question has troubled me for a long time."

"An unlucky man who is dragged down by his old man, is this answer enough?

Ma De, you bastard is dishonest, if I knew I would not have found someone to help you get the bullets, pick, you want to trick me into going to the 404 Heights? "

(End of this chapter)

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