Chapter 410 Big D Is My Cousin
Things like fans have been a seller's market for a long time.

Before, Wu Shihao went to Siam to talk to General Naimi, but he was able to come back after a narrow escape.

If according to the plot of "Chasing the Dragon", without Ding Yunfeng's prior reminder, Serena would accompany Brother Hao to meet the Thai guy, in the first level, Serena would be embarrassed.

Therefore, when the money empire collapsed and Yiqun's top executives went to prison, Naimi suddenly lost his downstream suppliers.

Instead, he panicked and sent his translation adjutant, Viper Bing, to Hong Kong Island to secretly look for a new big buyer for him without hesitation.

It's a pity, seeing that Naimi is about to be embarrassing, the poisonous snake Bing also feels cautious.

While announcing good news and not bad news to Siam, he relied on his identity as the receiver to swallow the goods that Naimi used to test Seth and Luo Maosen.

Saite and Luo Maosen were able to get on the purchase channel of Siam, but they didn't even know that the poisonous snake Bing was not only a person who relied on Ma Hui, but also a person sent by the seller to inspect them. At the same time, he was pushed to the front desk by Naimi, with another identity agent.

At the same time, Naimi didn't know that the poisonous snake Bing was a two-headed snake, biting both himself and the buyer.

When Ding Yunfeng watched "The Tiger Comes Out", he was very curious.

Luo Maosen, the gangster, was too watery in the movie.

Except for bullying Mary Danna in the gym, she didn't show the level of being a big boss at all.

Especially in his attitude towards the poisonous snake Bing, he was a bit outrageously tolerant.

There was an accident at the wharf, and he even saw the poisonous snake Bing shoot and kill migratory locusts. How could he not be suspicious of such an obvious murder?
But if Luo Maosen knew that the poisonous snake Bing was sent by Naimi, wouldn't the explanation make sense?

Ding Yunfeng even had a bolder assumption that Luo Maosen and the poisonous snake Bing had colluded for a long time, and the two wanted to use a long line to cheat the ghost boss Seth.

It was originally agreed that the first few batches of goods must be matched when they come, and then the ghosts will be lured to increase the quantity, and they will be killed when the pigs are fat.

Result: Luo Maosen himself was designed by Viper Bing.

Luo Maosen: Originally, it was agreed that my money will be returned in full, and the ghost's money will be split. A Bing, you want to keep it all to yourself?
Poisonous Snake Bing: General Naimi is going to be embarrassing, so what's next?I'm not fooling you, how did you get those two sums and run away?

Unexpectedly, Ding Yunfeng was suddenly involved in this matter.

The poisonous snake Bing, who is so strong that the dragon can't beat the local snake, was supposed to be shot to death by Luo Maosen in the temporary residence, and even his sister Mary Danna was going to be killed by Ma Hui.

Now, the two brothers and sisters have been arrested by Brother Feng, and their dream of making a fortune on Hong Kong Island has gone bankrupt. Next, they have to go to Stanley to step on the sewing machine.

In the early morning of the next day, Ding Yunfeng handed the report to Huang Yaobing, the other party looked at it and smiled excitedly: "Brother Feng, you have worked hard.

Next, the Narcotics Bureau will be handed over to me.

You just need to make good arrangements, and try to come to Fucheng Canal Factory in three days to get the stolen goods once! "

"Oh, are you sure you can stand up to the Narcotics Bureau now? You fat man, that's not what you said yesterday." Ding Yunfeng patted Huang Yaobing's shoulder hard.

Huang Yaobing grinned his teeth, endured the pain and explained: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, in fact, I was not idle when I went back last night, and I also made a lot of connections overnight."

As soon as the words were finished, Li Sir, who left in despair yesterday, walked into Lao Huang's office again with three of his subordinates.

"You two, this is a document, please have a look, if there is no objection, please transfer those suspects to our department."

"This file, no problem, but those suspects?

Li Sir, have you misunderstood the Narcotics Investigation Section, there is only one suspect! "Ding Yunfeng pretended to be puzzled and replied.

When Li Sir heard this, his complexion immediately turned dark: "Ding Sir, everyone can barely be regarded as a colleague. If you look up and look down, it's boring for you to play this kind of word game.

Yesterday, you asked for the documents, but we couldn't get them out. Li turned around and left. How much do I have to say? "

"Hey, Li Sir, don't get angry, you misunderstood.

Yesterday, all the reports from our Wanchai Police Station were with me. Whenever someone was arrested, regardless of the major or minor cases, there would be statements and transcripts.

There is really only one suspect related to fans. If you don't believe it, you can check it yourself. Huang Yaobing stood up to smooth things over, and pushed the stack of reports in front of Li Sir.

"Let me see, what the hell can you come up with?" Li Sir snorted, sat down and opened the report, when he saw that Seth, Luo Maosen and others were acquitted overnight because of insufficient evidence, he was immediately angry He was furious: " are too much!"

"Li Sir, except for that foreign woman with 10 pounds of white powder.

For others, there is really no direct evidence to prove that they are related to this case.

Don't let it go, should we wait for the other party's lawyer to sue us? Ding Yunfeng lit a cigarette and replied calmly.

Looking at Huang Yaobing who grabbed the newspaper and read it by himself, Li Sir knew that if he didn't settle Ding Yunfeng first, then don't expect Huang Yaobing to cooperate.

"Forget about Seth and Luo Maosen! But it's written here that Viper Bing and his sister Mary Danna were also arrested. These two people should be handed over to us, right?"

"Sorry, Viper Bing is illegally possessing a gun, and Mary Dana is suspected of prostitution. This brother and sister have nothing to do with the drug trafficking case."

"Ding Sir, hello! Li has learned."

"Congratulations, I can ask the higher-ups to send the documents overnight, Li Sir has all eyes and hands."

Looking deeply at Ding Yunfeng, Li Sir firmly remembered the hateful handsome face in front of him, and then got up with his men.

At this time, Uncle Zhan appeared out of nowhere. He smiled and took out the prepared documents, handed them to the other party for signature, and then handed over the female subordinate of Seth to Li Sir's subordinates.

After seeing off these plague gods, Huang Yaobing put down the newspaper: "Brother Feng, the surname Li is very important to the higher-ups!

He won't forget it like this. Three days later, you will arrest people at the Fucheng Canal Factory, be careful when the other party stabs you horizontally! "

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Ding Yunfeng gave Fatty Huang a reassurance pill, then got up and walked out of his office.

Walking to the second floor, Ding Yunfeng signed several documents, arranged some work, and drove to Tuodi, where the coolies were strong, enduring his sleepiness.

"Brother Feng is here!"

"Go and tell Brother D, Brother Feng is here."

Little brother He Liansheng, who was guarding outside Tuodi, saw Ding Yunfeng's car approaching, some ran inside to report, and some rushed to arrange parking spaces, and they were very busy for a while.

"I'm going to buy cigarettes, and then send someone to Manhanlou to find Tang Ma, and ask him to bring you four dishes and one soup. I want light ones." Ding Yunfeng took out a golden bull and casually patted it on the horse under Coolie Qiang. young.

"Thank you, Brother Feng, for the reward. Thank you, Brother Feng. My name is Ren Yinjiu. I just came back from the United States and joined my cousin, Big D..."

(End of this chapter)

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