Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 43 Liang Kun and Big Brother B

Chapter 43 Liang Kun and Big Brother B
Auntie dart said all that, of course Ding Yunfeng couldn't leave.

Otherwise, this fat aunt who is tough on the outside and soft on the inside would really be ashamed to see others.

Quickly changed into a set of clothes, the escort, who was going downstairs to sell vegetables, was about to go out, and suddenly smiled: "By the way, Ah Feng, those sweaters I sent, do you fit them well?"


Ding Yunfeng frowned, and glanced at Uncle Biao who looked a little flustered, and he understood immediately.

"The police academy stipulates that the student policemen are not allowed to accept foreign items at will. Maybe the sweaters have been confiscated by the instructor. I will ask when I come back." Not wanting to see the Lei family quarreling again, Ding Yunfeng decided to let Uncle Escort go again to cover up for him. a bit.

However, upon hearing what Ding Yunfeng said, Aunt Dart came back again, and Fox asked, "Every time I send you something, I write to you. Why didn't you write back to me if you couldn't receive the sweater?"

At this moment, Ding Yunfeng's complexion finally darkened, Zhan Mi couldn't help it, and dropped the teacup with a thud: "I'll pick you to bloom and be rich! Brother Feng's letter, you dare to intercept it? You want to die, I will send you into the sea tonight!"

"Why, why do you believe me? You stinky A Fei, don't wrong a good man. My third brother is on the job, you threaten me? I'll tell him to take you to prison!" Uncle Dart was taken aback by Zhan Mizai, who had a ferocious expression on his face.

Lin Meiya and Lin Xiaohua screamed and huddled together in fright. They really didn't expect that Brother Zhanmi, who used to be kind and gave boxing gifts to his door, would have such a tyrannical side.

"Zhanmi, sit down." Ding Yunfeng pressed Zhanmi, looked at the radar body and stretched out his hand and shouted: "Where's my letter?"

Radar Dart thought he was backed by his third younger brother, Dong Dart, and twisted his neck, refusing to respond.

Auntie Dart already saw that something was wrong, and walked back to the room angrily, and quickly found a few sweaters she had been knitting for a year and a stack of letters to Ding Yunfeng.

"You...you...you poor man, how could you do such a thing?"

Auntie dart kept crying while hugging the sweater, don't look at her bluffing at home on weekdays.

But she was a typical example of being strong on the outside and soft on the inside. What Uncle Biao did made her lose all the face in her life in one day.

Ding Yunfeng opened a damp and yellowed envelope, and seeing the plain and unpretentious words of concern in the letter, he was greatly moved.

Zhan Mi possessed himself to help Ding Yunfeng pick up the letters. Ding Yunfeng silently opened them and read them one by one.

Aunt Dart wept silently, Uncle Dart's face turned pale, and the air pressure in Lei's house suddenly dropped to a terrifyingly low level.

After running to play a game of recruiting younger brothers, she realized that something was wrong when she started, so she quickly hid behind the two sisters.

"Auntie, where is Mr. Lei's cemetery?" Ding Yunfeng looked up at Aunt Biao and smiled after reading all the letters.

Auntie Dart opened her mouth, shamelessly found a pen and paper, wrote an address and gave it to Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng took out a business card and stuffed it into Aunt Biao's hands: "Auntie is right, the friendship between Ding Lei's family is not something that can be written down with a few strokes of paper, nor can it be burned with a fire, and it's not something that some people just stop when they want to." Got it. If you encounter difficulties in the future, you can call me anytime.”

"Auntie Darling, tonight my boss Coolie Qiang, the old top Dumbledore, and the seven big bottoms of He Liansheng are going to entertain Brother Feng at the Backbone Restaurant.

I think it’s better to treat this meal to your Lei family another day. "Zhan Mi spoke in time and pushed back what the escort aunt was about to say.

Ding Yunfeng gave him an approving look, nodded to the three sisters of Lei's family, walked past Uncle Biao and walked out of the gate of Lei's house.

Aunt Dart took her three daughters outside the house. Uncle Dart looked at the stack of letter papers neatly arranged in front of him. Not only did he not feel the excitement brought about by the cancellation of the engagement, but he felt a little empty in his heart.

Ding Yunfeng and Ding Yunfeng left Lei's house, Zhan Mizai was smoking a cigarette, and suddenly said: "Brother Feng, that old bastard is really hateful, I think he must be taught a lesson."

"Forget it, instead of looking at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, from the beginning to the end, Auntie Daring never failed me.

In the past few days, you took the time to help me buy some ingot candles. When I go to burn incense in front of Mr. Lei's grave, this matter will be over. "Ding Yunfeng smiled faintly.

Zhan Mi nodded in response, and the two chatted as they walked, talking about some recent anecdotes.

As he talked, he naturally talked about the group of boy gangs who are known as Ding Yunfeng and are tyrannical in the housing estate.

"You can contact Sister Liang, and ask her to help scrape someone out." Ding Yunfeng found the stadium store last time, sat down and said.

Zhan Mizai went over to make a phone call. Sister Liang heard that Ding Yunfeng had arrived at Sham Shui She.

While letting the leopard head go to the road to blow the wind and blow people, she brought another confidant, the lion head, and a dozen of her men to the court.

At this time, Chen Haonan and Shanji, who had recently become famous, had just returned from Ciyunshan Stadium with a group of new recruits.

These two housing estates, Shek Kip Mei and Tsz Wan Shan, have always been hotbeds for delinquent teenagers to be transformed into young and dangerous.

Usually, club bosses come to the housing estate to collect horses, and the routine is usually one to sing the red face and the other to sing the bad face.

For example, if you watch a few of you play basketball, one person brings a group of subordinates to find fault, reward you with a Coke glass bottle, and then see if these bad boys have the courage to resist.

If you dare not resist, then he will take the opportunity to blackmail you for a protection fee;

If you dare to resist, then he will give you another severe beating, and then the gangster who is about to accept the horse will show up.

In the eyes of this group of housing estate teenagers who read little and worship individual heroism.

This big brother who can help him make peace and comfort him with gentle words is much more kind and respectable than his parents who force him to go to school every day and beat or scold him.

Today you help me with a few routines, and tomorrow I will help you fool a few people.

Generations of youths in the housing estates have continuously entered the road of no return.


Recently, the bosses of the society who collected horses in the housing estate suddenly discovered that it is very difficult to receive horses with the above routine.

Because, Hong Xing Liangkun, who had just been released from prison for the society and was awarded the post of hall master, was deflated in front of a group of little flying boys.

"Ah B, it's not that my brother refuses to help you.

You know all about this, those horses you fancy have already been owned!

His background is bigger than your Causeway Bay boss B! "Liang Kun said with a hoarse voice, looking at Xi B who had just moved into Causeway Bay.

Small B, who was upgraded to Big Boss B, snorted: "Jingkun, have you been in jail for so long that you have lost your courage?
The name of Boxing King Peak actually scares you back?
Everyone is Hong Xing's big bottom, so I blush for you! "

During this period, Big Brother B and Liang Kun have not turned their faces because of their positions.

Hearing the sarcasm from Big Brother B, Liang Kun took a sip of Coke and sprayed it over: "I wake you up with a sip of salt soda!
The club's laundry room in Stanley was lost. Didn't you hear about the last meeting?
The dragon head has sent a message to Fat Snake Ji, asking him to try to catch the boxing king peak and take it back to the laundry room.

If for your horses, we engage in pornography, do you think the leader will let us go? "

(End of this chapter)

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