Chapter 44
As the horse that Big Brother B never forgets.

During this period of time, Chen Haonan was really enjoying the scenery!

At this time, he was holding a Coke in one hand and digging his earhole with his thumb in the other, walking briskly in front of the crowd.

Following on the left hand side of Chen Haonan, Pheasant hugged a flying girl, flirting constantly along the way;
Standing on the right side of Chen Haonan are the three brothers Da Tianer, Baopi and Chaopi.

Walking behind the few of them, there were about [-] Feizai Feinu. They had just come back from the Ciyun Mountain House Village, and they yelled and shouted along the way, causing many neighbors on the road to look sideways.

Shek Kip Mei and Tsz Wan Shan, the child gangs in these two housing estates, have been fighting for a long time.

In the past, Chen Haonan and his group were at a disadvantage and were frequently bullied by their opponents.

Only a year ago, when they were blackmailed by young and Dangerous boys, the pheasant unleashed Ding Yunfeng's banner out of desperation.

Seeing a few young and Dangerous boys unbuttoning their belts and about to pee on their heads, they staggered back on the spot in fright.

Then, upon learning of this, the boss behind the other party rushed over to make an apology...

Just reporting Ding Yunfeng's name, not only did Chen Haonan and the others not get bullied that day, they also got a rather thick and shocking red envelope.

Once tasted the sweetness, how can Chen Haonan and Pheasant care about other things?
Soon they used Ding Yunfeng's name to recruit some housing estate boys who were bullied.

After a few fights, the name of Pretty Boy Nan was actually established in Sham Shui Ford in advance.

"Brother Nan, today we are at Ciyun Mountain, and we have taken in three more younger brothers.

However, relying on the protection fees collected from the housing estates in the two places every day, everyone has a soda and a plate of dry fried beef river, which is almost used up. "The pheasant grabbed the chick in his arms, and handed Chen Haonan a cigarette.

Chen Haonan skillfully lit a cigarette: "I've thought about this issue before, and I'm going to occupy Bayu Street."

Hearing this, Pheasant Datian Er's eyes lit up, and the bract and nest skin were also a little excited.

Barwick Street, Shek Kip Mei Uk Estate, is one of the busiest streets.

Fried rice noodles, beef offal stalls, fish ball carts, cart noodles, stir fry...

After nightfall, there are almost a dozen stalls on the roadbed of Bawei Street.

This place is called a night market, but in fact, there are not many customers. Most of the people who come to Barwick Street for consumption are residents from nearby housing estates and young and Dangerous youngsters around.

This kind of poor place where even the uniformed police don't bother to come to collect water.

In the eyes of Chen Haonan and the others, it was a piece of sweet fat.

Not to mention that after the event is completed, they will be able to extract a little protection money from these stall owners, but they will definitely not have to worry about the supper issue.

"Brother Nan, collecting housing estate protection fees and occupying Xiabayu Street are two different things, it's up to us..." Baopi said with some fear after being excited, he was already very satisfied with the current situation.

Da Tianer twisted his neck, and took a cold look at Baopi: "Anyway, I will do what Brother Nan says! There are more than 30 of you, each with a knife, and you can't beat Bayu Street!"

Chen Haonan and Pheasant smiled, and patted Da Tianer on the shoulder vigorously.

"Where are the knives? Do we have money for knives?"

At this time, the nest skin suddenly opened its mouth, and the air pressure of the soldiers reached freezing point.

To say it, it was embarrassing.

Liangzi Nan, who was about to plant a flag and stand on Bawei Street, really couldn't even afford to buy a guy.

"Knife...can you take credit..." Pheasant's eyes twitched: "Let's go to Scar Liu's knife shop. He is the blue lantern of He Liansheng. Scar Liu dare not refuse us."


Chen Haonan frowned slightly. From his personal point of view, he now considers himself number one on the road.

This time, planting flags and sticks on Bawei Street, if you continue to use Ding Yunfeng's name to credit...

After the matter is done, is his pretty boy Nan considered Ding Yunfeng's horse boy?Is Bayu Street his or Ding Yunfeng's?
Little Ah Fei of Chen Haonan's age, all of them are three-pointed, so they dare to come out to open the existence of dyeing workshops.

He thought for a while, imitating Big Brother B, and patted Pheasant on the shoulder: "This is the last time we use Brother Feng's name to do something.

Come out to hang out and show kindness!
I decided that at that time, all the numbers received in the first month of Bawei Street will be sealed into a big red envelope, and you will send it to Stanley as a tribute to Brother Feng. "

"Okay! Brother Nan is loyal!"

"That's it."


Pheasant and Da Tian Er took the lead in cheering.

Baopi Chaopi faintly felt that something was wrong, but with their brain capacity, they were quickly lost in the cheers of dozens of people.

"Pheasant! Pretty boy Nan! You guys want to do bad things in the name of Brother Feng again?"

A shout full of anger suddenly interrupted the carnival of these bastards.

Wang Xia, who had just returned home from school, squeezed through the crowd and rushed in front of Chen Haonan and the others.

Chen Haonan was a little guilty about privately using Ding Yunfeng's name this year.

Hearing Wang Xia's words, his expression immediately became very ugly.

Pheasant, Datianer, Baopi, and Chaopi all knew that Wang Xia knew Ding Yunfeng, and that the latter even helped the big girl get ahead and settle Alan's gang.

Even when they parted with Ding Yunfeng at the food stall, Ding Yunfeng entrusted them to help take care of Wang Xia.

It's just that Wang Xia concentrated on studying later and stopped skipping classes to go out to mess around. They gradually lost contact with Wang Xia.

In fact, they can vaguely guess...

Da Boxia suddenly became a good student, and she definitely has a lot to do with Ding Yunfeng.

Avoiding Wang Xia's questioning gaze, Pheasant and the others looked embarrassed.

But some time ago, Chen Haonan received a few flying children from Ciyun Mountain. They didn't know what happened. Seeing Wang Xia's graceful figure, they swallowed and surrounded her one by one.

Wang Xia was not a good person, she swung her schoolbag at others to protect herself, and at the same time scolded Chen Haonan for being too shameful, and used Ding Yunfeng's name every day to be a bully outside.

Chen Haonan, who originally wanted to stop his subordinates from messing around, was exposed by Wang Xia one after another in front of everyone. His handsome face suddenly became a little ferocious.

Finding that Chen Haonan pursed his lips and refused to speak, Pheasant became a little anxious.

He pushed away the girl in his arms and rushed over to protect Wang Xia.

But where Brother Nan is present, Pheasant will always be the younger brother.

Several Ciyunshan Feizi who wanted to behave in front of Chen Haonan saw the former's tacit attitude, not only blocked the pheasant with a human wall, but also started to touch Wang Xia one by one...

At this time, Sister Liang, the person involved in Hong Xing's deep water, sent out the leopard head to collect the wind, and ran to Shiduo shop in Shek Kip Mei Stadium with two subordinates.

"How is it? Did you scratch someone?" Sister Liang held a cigarette for women in her right hand, and her beautiful eyes finally turned from Ding Yunfeng's body to the leopard's head.

"Beautiful sister, I got it out, using Brother Feng's name to mess around outside, and the leader is an estate boy named Chen Haonan..." Leopard head spoke quickly, and said several "big things" about Chen Haonan and his group .

Hearing that Chen Haonan and the others used their names to bully their peers, Ding Yunfeng's face became even more ugly. Standing behind him, Zhan Mizai was playing with a sharp Swiss army knife with a sneer.

"Okay! Now that this group of people has returned from Ciyun Mountain.

Lion head and leopard head, you two immediately lead people there, and capture them in front of Brother Feng and wait for them to be dealt with. Sister Liang waved her hand to interrupt the leopard head who was talking non-stop, and gave the order directly.

(End of this chapter)

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