Chapter 46 The Strong Big Boss B
Big Brother B has been paying attention to Chen Haonan for a long time...

Regardless of the last time at the food stall, it is predicted that Alan will appear, and we will send Da Tian Er to lead the guy in advance;
Later, he borrowed Ding Yunfeng's flag and led dozens of villagers from Shek Kip Mei villages to step on Tsz Wan Mountain.

What Liang Zinan has done in the past year, although many of them are still very naive in the eyes of a veteran of the rivers and lakes like Big Brother B;

But compared to most of the housing estate boys who have been around for a day, Liang Zai Nan can already be called a "handsome talent"!


Knowing that Chen Haonan was blocked by Sister Liang's lion-headed and leopard-headed men, Big Brother B left Liangkun behind, took a few ponies, and hurried over.

From a distance, I saw Liangzi Nan and the others standing with their heads buried in the middle of the housing estate court, letting the scorching sun above their heads make them crumble.

"Anan!" Big Brother B roared angrily, and walked over with his chest out.

The lion head and the leopard head exchanged glances, stood up and greeted him: "Brother B."

Big Brother B took a deep breath, took out a pack of Marlboros and walked around: "Liontou, I know those housing estate boys, if they offend Ah Liang, I will carry it for them.

At eight o'clock tonight, you have the backbone, you help me tell Ah Liang, and I, Ah B, help them set up a drink to apologize to her. "

The lion's head shrank when he heard the words, and quickly stopped the big brother B who wanted to go and lead someone: "Brother B, since you have spoken, it stands to reason that the brothers should give this face..."

"What's the matter? It's just a few houseboys, my boss B can't keep his face?"

"Hey, Brother B, don't make it difficult for us to be small..."

The leopard head swung the butterfly knife, and walked over helplessly: "You really want to keep these few, so you can talk to our boss directly.

However, we would like to advise you that the things these street punks are carrying are not small, I am afraid you cannot afford them. "

"Okay! Lion head, leopard head, you two are so talented! Bring Ah Liang out to crush me?" Big brother B was furious when he heard this.

The key to Sister Liang's success as Hong Xing Shenshuishe's talker is that she has become Hong Xing's prince, Jiang Tiansheng.

Big Boss B, as Jiang Tiansheng's confidant, thinks he is in Hong Xing's inner circle, and he belongs to the same camp as Liang Jie.

Today he begged for people repeatedly, but the lion-headed leopard-head, as the subordinate of Pretty Sister, actually refused to let her go for so long?

This made Big Brother B feel that perhaps in Sister Liang's heart, he has never been regarded as one of her own.

"Brother B!" Hearing the voice of the big brother B, Chen Haonan looked over happily.

Pheasant took the opportunity to call for help: "Brother B, hurry up and save us."

"Wuuuuuu, Xian Shiming's hands were crippled by them, brother B, we don't want to lose our arms and legs..."

Baopi cried loudly, and the other estate boys cried bitterly when they saw this, but they were quickly stopped by the lion-headed leopard-headed men with fists and feet.

"Stop! I said stop!" Big Brother B saw that Chen Haonan and the others had been hit a few times, he raised his hands high and shouted sharply.

Lionhead hesitated for a moment, and finally ordered to stop.

Chen Haonan hurriedly took a few brothers and hid behind Big Brother B.

The pheasant Datian Er was fine, at least these two could still stand firm, their nest skins were frightened, and they shrugged like two quails in the water.

"Brother B." Chen Haonan saw the boss B, as if he had the backbone.

Boss B looked serious, and asked in a low voice: "Anan, what happened? Ah Liang is in the skin and meat business. Could it be that you took people to her place to eat Bawang chicken?"

"Ahem...not..." Chen Haonan's face was reddish, and he hesitated to do things under the banner of Ding Yunfeng, but today he caught him and said it again.

It's too low to allow his subordinates to bully Wang Xia.

Liangzi Nan is shameless, so naturally I will not mention it.

He just told Big Boss B that Ding Yunfeng wanted him to give an explanation before sunset, otherwise he would ask them to keep a hand.

"You, you..." Knowing that Chen Haonan has been playing tricks all this time, under the anger of Big Brother B, there was a hint of secret joy.

That being the case, it will be much easier for me to accept Nan Nan...

Thinking about the current situation, boss B will soon make a decision.

He patted the lion head's chest with his backhand: "I had a relationship with Ding Sir once, and now I bring them to talk to Ding Sir, it's better than continuing to procrastinate like this?"

The lion head and the leopard head discussed for a while, then nodded in agreement.

Big brother B is Hong Xing's big bottom, and the two of them are the fourth and ninth, so of course they don't want to offend others too much.

"Let's go, come with me to meet Ding Sir!" The boss B waved his hand, and the handsome Nan and the others hurriedly followed.

Several people were walking on the road, and boss B asked some more details.

Pheasant and the others hurriedly added something, even the fact that Chen Haonan was planning to plant a flag on Bayu Street came out.

"Haha, good boy, what a talent! I'm at your age, let alone planting a flag and standing up a stick, I can't even hold a knife steadily."

The more boss B listened, the more satisfied he became. If he wanted to fight boys, he would have no shortage of subordinates, but what he lacked was a young and mature handsome talent like Liangzi Nan who dared to think and act.

"Anan, because you are not my pony...

From a moral point of view, I have no way to protect you in front of Boxing King Peak..." Holding Chen Haonan's shoulders, Big Brother B said in a helpless and friendly tone.

"Brother B, I want to be with you." Chen Haonan's expression tightened, and he said hastily.

A gleam flashed in Big Brother B's eyes: "You have to think about this kind of thing carefully, and don't be impulsive."

"No! I don't want to be bullied like today again. Brother B, I want to be with you."

"Yes, yes, Brother B, you can accept us..." Baopi and the others took the opportunity to speak one after another.

Although Big Brother B didn't like these few, he still smiled and nodded in response to Chen Haonan's face.

"Okay! Today's matter, big brother, I will help you carry it. Wait for you to stop talking and let me handle it."

"Okay, Brother B."

"Thank you, boss."


Seeing Big Boss B bringing Chen Haonan and the others over, Pretty Sister frowned, and secretly scolded Big Boss B for not knowing the seriousness of the situation, and wanting to stand up for these houseboys who offended Ding Yunfeng.

"Ah Liang."

"Brother B."

After a brief greeting, Big Brother B smiled and saluted Ding Yunfeng: "Ding Sir, do you still remember the old friend who split wine together at the food stall?"

"Brother B is just joking, you are the person in charge of Hongxing Tongluowan District, and I, Ding Yunfeng, a prison guard in the district, how dare you climb up to me." Ding Yunfeng smiled coldly, making it clear that he wanted to chat to death.

Big Brother B was not angry when he heard the words, he laughed and pulled Chen Haonan over: "Brother Feng, you have a lot of people, so you must be able to see my intentions.

Let's open the skylight and speak frankly. I want to help him with the case of my younger brother Chen Haonan. You can draw a path. "

Ding Yunfeng hadn't spoken yet, but Sister Liang couldn't bear it anymore, she was counting on this performance to make friends with Ding Yunfeng, and planned to help Hong Xing get back to the Stanley Laundry in the future.

Now seeing the big guy B doing something bad, she raised her brows: "Brother B, when will you accept these guys? Last time the club opened the gate of the Sansheng Temple, I didn't see any of them appear."

Boss B snorted coldly: "I have already accepted the red envelopes from the few of them visiting the door, and next time I open the mountain gate, I will let them go to the bottom of the society.

Ah Liang, we are all Hongmen siblings, now the little brother is in trouble, according to the rules of the world, since you have friendship with Brother Feng, you can't just sit idly by. "

(End of this chapter)

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