Chapter 47
Sister Liang didn't expect that she would be generalized by boss B!
She glared at Big Brother B, stubbed out the lady's cigarette in her hand, put on a cold pink face, and stopped talking.

"Brother B wants them to take care of this matter..." Ding Yunfeng glanced at Chen Haonan, sneered and said, "Okay, anyway, I just want to ask for an explanation for my friend.

As long as you are sincere enough, it doesn't matter whoever gives you the explanation. "

Sitting beside Ding Yunfeng, Wang Xia blushed slightly when she heard the words, raised her head proudly, and glared fiercely at Chen Haonan and the others.

Want to ask a friend for an explanation?

Wait, what's going on here!

Big Brother B looked at Chen Haonan and the others who were ashamed, and then at the angry girl sitting next to Ding Yunfeng, suddenly a little confused.

"Ah B, don't you know what nasty things you guys did today?" Sister Liang laughed when she saw this.

She discovered that Big Brother B might have been put together by these housing estate boys.

Big Brother B looked serious, looked at Chen Haonan and asked, "A'nan, do you still have something to hide from me?"

"Brother B, I..." Chen Haonan faltered, but he didn't have the guts to speak.

"You guys, who knows, tell me quickly!

Otherwise, don't blame the boss for enforcing the family law! "

Big Brother B suddenly looked at Pheasant and the others, and he yelled loudly, so frightened that Baopi's pants were wet again.

Knowing that they couldn't hide it, Pheasant and Baopi came one after another, rushed to scold Chen Haonan when Wang Xia saw that they planned to use Ding Yunfeng's name on credit after school, and was almost molested by Chen Haonan's servants...

After hearing the whole story, Big Brother B's complexion was terribly dark.

He stared at Chen Haonan and asked word by word: "Wang Xia and you, did you know each other before?"


"At the food stall that day, after I left, did Brother Feng pay you to take care of Wang Xia?"

"Yes... yes, but I didn't charge for it..."

"They gave it to you, but you don't accept it for your own sake. This is your own business. I'll ask you, did you agree?"

"A... I agree..."

Hearing this, Big Brother B suddenly broke out and kicked Chen Haonan away.

""Hongmen 36 Oaths" No. 30, you must not use the Hong family brothers to bully others, not to mention murder and seek hegemony, you must keep your own place, if you violate it, you will die under ten thousand swords!

You have to be lucky, Brother Feng is not from the Hongmen, otherwise you would have violated the first, ninth, No.11, and No.30 three oaths;

Don't say he wants to cut off one of your hands, even if someone cuts you off, you can't do it too much! "

Big Brother B pointed at Chen Haonan and yelled loudly.

But his attitude, anyone with a discerning eye could see it.

It seems that Chen Haonan is severely punished, but in fact he is just helping his horse to excuse himself.

Especially when he seized the fact that Ding Yunfeng was not a member of the Hongmen, Big Boss B changed Wang Xiaxian to be insulted and changed it to Chen Haonan bullying others...

Big Brother B kicked Chen Haonan away with one kick, and the others did not fall behind. They punched and kicked together, and quickly beat these people into pigs' heads.

Seeing that the surface work is almost done.

Boss B strode up to Ding Yunfeng, picked up the Coke bottle in front of Wang Xia, and smashed it on his head.

"Ah!" Seeing Boss B's head covered with shards of glass and blood flowing from his head, Wang Xia was so frightened that she hid in Ding Yunfeng's arms.

Ding Yunfeng looked at him indifferently and said nothing, Zhan Mizai sneered and lit a cigarette with his head bent.

When he saw Ding Yunfeng bring Wang Xia back, he notified the boss Coolie Qiang to bring someone over.

Today Big Brother B doesn't satisfy Brother Feng, so let's start fighting at worst. Hong Xing's beating is very good, and there are many people who win with Liansheng!
What's more, with the help of Brother Feng, He Liansheng recently took over the laundry room in Stanley.

His titular boss coolie is strong, and his prestige has greatly increased with this presence and joint victory.

Many uncles who have served long sentences have asked someone to tell them that they must make good friends with Ding Sir. They are old and really don't want to undergo labor reform under the scorching sun and rain again!

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng was unwilling to let go, Big Brother B gritted his teeth and knocked on his two glass bottles again.

When Chen Haonan and the others saw this, their eyes were red and they were about to rush up, but they were all pinned down by Sister Liang's subordinates.

Seeing the big guy B covered in blood and standing staggeringly, Sister Liang sighed secretly, took out a tissue and threw it over: "These gangsters, even you, the big guy, didn't tell the truth, because of this kind of person , is it worth it?"

"Hehe, if we are big bosses, don't we have to help our subordinates?" Boss B covered his head with a tissue, looked at Wang Xia and said with a smile: "Xiaoxia, it was Anan and the others who made a mistake today. !

Punish them any way you want!
But for the sake of getting to know each other, please let them go this time.

If their hands were severed, the few of them would become crippled. "

This is the old Jianghu, knowing that Ding Yunfeng can't be persuaded, Big Brother B lowers his status and starts with Wang Xia.

Wang Xia had never seen such a scene before, and then she remembered that Pheasant had fought hard to protect herself, so she felt soft and pulled Latin Yunfeng's arm.

Ding Yunfeng rubbed Wang Xia's little head, looked up at boss B: "Since Xiaoxia doesn't pursue it anymore, let's forget about it.

However, the few of them have been messing around outside in my name for the past year, and today they even wanted to go to Liansheng's knife shop to set up a flag with a knife on credit.

What will Brother B say about this matter? "

Throwing away the blood-soaked tissue, Big Boss B gritted his teeth, took out a dagger, and stabbed it into his thigh: "Brother Feng, this knife is counted as the interest I paid for them, and as for the principal, I, B, owe you a favor." !
As long as you speak one day, and don't let me do things that betray Hongxing, I, B, will do things right away, no matter what!
If he breaks his oath in the future, he will die under the sword! "

"Brother B!" Chen Haonan was shocked when he heard this.

Boss B turned around and shouted angrily: "Shut up! Your boss is not dead yet, it's not your turn to come forward."

After saying that, Big Brother B pulled out his dagger and slammed it on the table of Shiduodian: "Brother Feng, are you satisfied with my doing this?"

No wonder in the movie, Chen Haonan desperately wanted to avenge him.

The method of eliminating the horses is criticized, and the big brother B does have a bit of father-son friendship with Chen Haonan...

Ding Yunfeng nodded: "One knife and one favor, I accept Brother B's sincerity.

This matter is over.

But if you protect them to death today, they are considered to have entered the rivers and lakes, and it is no longer up to them to be rich or rich. "

"Life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky!

I, Chen Haonan, was Brother B's horse for a day, and I will be Brother B's horse for the rest of my life.

What will happen in the future, I don't need Sir Ding to worry about it for me! "Chen Haonan rushed over to help Big Brother B, looked at Ding Yunfeng and shouted.

After saying that, Chen Haonan and the others supported Big Brother B and left the store without looking back.

Zhan Mi snorted disdainfully: "It's hard to persuade a ghost who wants to die!

Three glass bottles and one knife will buy your lives.

Brother Feng, he really wants to give up your hands, he already made a move on the court, what a bunch of idiots. "

 The first oath: Since entering Hongmen, your parents are my parents, your brothers and sisters are my brothers and sisters, your wife is my sister-in-law, and your nephew is my nephew. If you don’t follow this rule, don’t mind it , That is to break the oath, the five thunders will be destroyed.

Ninth Oath: Do not rape brothers, wives, daughters, brothers and sisters, offenders will be punished with five thunders.

No.11, if a brother entrusts his wife and children, or an important event, if he doesn't do his best, he will be killed by five thunders!

No. 30, you must not use the Hong family brothers to bully others, not to mention murder and seek hegemony, you must keep your own law and order, if you violate it, you will die under ten thousand swords!

No.30 Three oaths: Don't rape any young children of my Hong family brothers. Anyone who commits such crimes will be punished by five thunderbolts.

(End of this chapter)

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