Chapter 48 A Xiang's Threat

If not for the sake of not being bullied during the business.

With Zhan Mizai's heart, how could he be willing to join the club and tarnish his reputation?
Seeing Chen Haonan stepping into the muddy pit of the underworld with all his heart, Zhan Mi, who heard the hint of prank in Ding Yunfeng's words, suddenly felt emotional, and couldn't help laughing and cursing a few words.

The beautiful sister who was sitting on the side curled her lips. She was born in the night scene mother Sang, so she didn't like Zhan Mizai's words.

In her eyes, even if Chen Haonan is not accepted by the big boss this time, even if he is not accepted by the big boss B this time, sooner or later he will walk on the road of no return.

Liang Zinan was lucky enough to be able to follow a boss who was willing to help him suffer three glass bottles and a knife wound!

"Brother Feng, it's rare to come here to wade in deep water.

Be sure to treat me tonight and let Ah Liang treat you well.

Otherwise, Hong Xing will have a meeting next month, and I'm afraid I won't be able to explain to the leader..." Sister Liang looked at Ding Yunfeng, her red lips parted, and her smile was like a flower.

There must be something to ask for under the courtesy! ! !
Ding Yunfeng put his arms around Wang Xia and smiled playfully. Seeing this, Zhan Mi was about to speak, when suddenly Hong Xingzai trotted in.

"Beautiful sister, Brother Baotou sent someone to ask, what should we do with the group of estate boys following Chen Haonan?

In addition, they just caught a stupid big man who shouted to save Miss Xiaoxia. "

"Stupid? Big man?" Wang Xia, who was suddenly promoted to sister rank, stood up and asked, "Is that man called Ah Xiang?"

"Sister Hui Xiaoxia, she seems to be called by this name..." Hong Xingzai suddenly thought of something, and he quickly added: "By the way, he is wearing a white sweater from Yunlai Teahouse. He may be a waiter in the teahouse."

Wang Xia breathed a sigh of relief, sat down and hugged Ding Yunfeng's arm: "Brother Feng, Ah Xiang is my neighbor, he probably heard that I was being bullied, so he came here to help me..."

Ding Yunfeng glared at Wang Xia.

I haven't seen this little girl for a year, and she is really getting more and more presumptuous. In front of everyone, she actually took advantage of him?
In order to prevent Wang Xia from continuing to succeed, Ding Yunfeng stood up and took more than a dozen packs of lucky tickets from the owner of Shiduodian, and stuffed them into the arms of Hong Xingzai who came to report the letter.

"Since he is Xiaoxia's friend, please trouble this little brother to run again and bring him here. Let's share these packs of cigarettes with everyone."

How could this Hong Xingzai guess that he helped his brothers get so many cigarettes just by running errands?

Especially when he saw Sister Liang nodded with a smile, he was so happy that his molars almost came out: "Brother Feng, don't worry, within 10 minutes, I will definitely bring that Brother Xiang over here." !"

After saying that, Kuaijiaosheng quickly took off his sweatshirt. He pocketed more than a dozen packs of lucky lottery clothes into a bundle, then turned around and rushed out of the Shiduo store, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Haha, Sister Liang has a lot of capable people..." Ding Yunfeng laughed when he saw this.

Sister Liang joked on the surface, but she was a little anxious in her heart.

Because of Kuaishousheng's sudden interruption, the invitation that Ding Yunfeng almost accepted earlier seemed to have been deliberately forgotten by him.

Boss B is a reckless man who doesn't see the big picture at all!
I haven't had time to solve the matter of the laundry room in Stanley, but you offended Boxer Feng for a few housing estates.

it's good now!

You yourself have finished your prestige and left with the newly-acquired young man.

I'm just left as a girl, sitting on wax in front of others...

Secretly scolding Big Brother B in her heart, Sister Liang was able to become one of the talkers in the [-]th District of Hongxing through Jiang Tiansheng.

In addition to her extraordinary beauty, she also has extraordinary eyesight after hanging out in nightclubs in her teens.

She felt that Ding Yunfeng had deliberately avoided his invitation, and Sister Liang did not force her to stay. She was smoking a cigarette while thinking about countermeasures.

Please don't worry, there is still plenty of time.

There are 72 golden flowers and 36 good horses in the deep water wading pen.

As long as Ding Yunfeng stays, Sister Liang is confident that after some in-depth communication, she can take back Stanley's laundry room from He Liansheng...

Kuaijiaosheng proved that whether a man in Huaguo can run or not has nothing to do with whether he eats sea cucumbers or not!

In one breath, he ran from the end of the estate in Tsz Wan Shan to the stadium shop at the end of the estate, and then ran back with a package on his back.

Nearly 800 meters back and forth, Kuaijiaosheng just panted slightly.

He gave the lion-headed leopard head the cigarettes rewarded by Ding Yunfeng, and then took Axiang who was a little nervous and set off again.

Ah Xiang, who was constantly urged by Kuaishou Sheng all the way, has a ferocious face that looks like Dasha.

He is a few years older than Wang Xia and has always had a crush on this neighbor.

Last year, Wang Xia's family deliberately asked her to drop out of school and go to Yunlai Tea House to be a dim sum girl.

After hearing this, Ah Xiang went to Yunlai Teahouse to work as a waiter in advance.

It's a pity that Xiaoxia, who he never forgets, met Ding Yunfeng in this life, which changed the trajectory of his life.

Wang Xia's dim sum girl didn't make it, but Ah Xiang signed an apprenticeship contract and was forced to clean tables and benches in a teahouse for a year.

an hour ago...

Ah Xiang, who came home from a busy day at the teahouse, heard that Wang Xia was taken away by the lion-headed leopard head under Liang Jie's men.

He was so anxious that he couldn't care about other things, so he came to rescue people with a shoulder pole.

Sister Liang, in this person's hands, he has more than [-]% control over deep water wading.

When Xiaoxia fell into her hands, what would happen to her? Ah Xiang felt scared after thinking about it.

"Hey, big man, I'll see Miss Xiaoxia later, don't talk nonsense.

Earlier you came over with a shoulder pole to beat people, and you were beaten up a few times by Brother Leopard Head, so you can't shout for injustice. " Kuaijiaosheng saw that the Shiduo shop was in front of him, so he hurriedly handed a package of good luck to Ah Xiang.

Ah Xiang was at a loss when he heard the words, why did Wang Xia get promoted to sister rank just because of the talk of these short mules?
"Sister Pretty, Brother Feng, man, I brought it." Kuaijiaosheng clasped his fists and saluted, and immediately exited the Shiduo shop. Before leaving, he gave Ah Xiang a warning look.

But at this time, how could Ah Xiang have time to talk to him?
Seeing Wang Xia snuggling beside Ding Yunfeng with a happy face.

Axiang, who was ready to go against his heart and save others by calling out his father as a fool, his heart instantly shattered into pieces.

"Brother Xiang, what are you doing standing there?" Seeing that A Xiang was very happy, Wang Xia pulled him in front of Ding Yunfeng, "This is Brother Feng who beat Alan away last time and helped me pay a lot of tuition. "

Looking at Ding Yunfeng, who has an outstanding temperament, and his appearance kills him by [-] streets.

Ah Xiang was ashamed of himself, but seeing his sweetheart by his side, he still bravely asked: "Xiaoxia, what is your relationship with him?"

"Brother Feng..." Wang Xia glanced at Ding Yunfeng, and replied shyly, "Of course she is Brother Feng's daughter!"

Seeing Ah Xiang's unlovable expression when he heard the words, everyone seemed to hear the sound of something cracking.

"Since you are Xiaoxia's friend, please sit down and have a cigarette." Ding Yunfeng glanced at Wang Xia and shook out a cigarette.

Zhan Mi and Sister Liang looked at each other and smiled, Qiqi shook their heads.

Both of them are human beings, so I can't tell that this big stupid likes Wang Xia.

Ah Xiang didn't pick up the cigarette, gritted his teeth and looked up at Ding Yunfeng: "You, you have to treat Xiaoxia better!
Otherwise... otherwise I won't let you go!I'm an old man, my old man is Dongxing's big fool. "

(End of this chapter)

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