Chapter 49
There was a sudden silence in the store.

Without Ding Yunfeng opening his mouth, Hong Xingzai, who heard the commotion outside, rushed in one after another.

Kuaijiaosheng held a knife and put it on Ah Xiang's neck fiercely: "Pujie Dong Xingzi, do you know who you are talking to?"

At this time, Dongxing couldn't compete with Hong Xing, it was just a medium-sized club dedicated to gaining fans in the New Territories.

Sister Liang had intended to show affection to Ding Yunfeng, but when she saw that Ah Xiang dared to compete with Ding Yunfeng for a woman, she immediately felt that the opportunity had come, and she gave Kuai Jiaosheng a look of approval.

Kuaijiao wins in seconds, he clenched his knife and was about to do something.

Seeing this, Ding Yunfeng waved his hand, looked at Ah Xiang and said with a smile: "You can ask her how I treat Xiaoxia.

For the sake of your concern for your friends, I, Ding Yunfeng, will not make things difficult for you this time.

But I'm curious, Dasha is serving his sentence in Stanley, except for people from Dongxing who came to visit the prison, why have you never heard of your son visiting him? "

"I...I..." Axiang was pushed away by Kuaijiaosheng. He was frightened and covered the knife marks on his neck, faltering and murmuring, unable to speak.

Wang Xia was very anxious, but she also knew it.

At this time, once she showed a little concern for Ah Xiang.

Maybe Ding Yunfeng wouldn't mind, but the beautiful sister present will definitely let her subordinates do things.

"Ahem, let me explain this question to Sir Ding." A hoarse voice came.

Everyone followed the sound and saw that the person was wearing an orange-red casual lapel suit. He had thin cheeks and a gloomy demeanor. It was Hong Xing Liangkun who had just been released from prison and was promoted to hall master.


Liang Kun threw away the half-stained soda bottle in his hand: "Ding Sir, my name is Li Qiankun, I just came out of Stanley not long ago."

"Hehe, I know, brother Kun was promoted to hall master as soon as he was released from prison. In half a year, you opened two salty and wet film companies in Mong Kok." Ding Yunfeng glanced at Liangkun and said lightly.

Liang Kun shrank her pupils when she heard this, and looked at Ding Yunfeng in shock.

He really didn't expect that Ding Yunfeng, who only came to Stanley to work after he was released from prison, would find out all about him.

"Ahem, it's just a small fight to earn a few hard-earned money.

Ding Sir Megatron is black and white, you can just call me Akun.

I really can't bear the word 'brother'. "

Liang Kun put away his three-point madness, and pointed to the half of the Coke bottle that he had just thrown away: "I heard that there is a punk called Chen Haonan, who used the name of Ding Sir to mess around outside.

Convex (fuck dish f*ck)!

I, Liangkun, can't bear this kind of thing!

Sir Ding, you are a public official, how can you have your reputation ruined by an estate boy?

No, I just encountered this flutter on the road.

I made my own claim and rewarded Sir Ding with a Coke. "

Liang Kun pretended to be filled with righteous indignation, but except for Wang Xia and A Xiang who were confused about the situation, everyone in Ding Yunfeng could see it.

Liang Kun popped Liang Zai Nan's head with a soda bottle, mainly to get back the face of being contradicted by the latter.

At this time, he deliberately brought it up in front of Ding Yunfeng and said that apart from being frightened by Ding Yunfeng's words, he must have been prepared before coming, otherwise why would he have brought half a glass bottle with him?
Ya Zi must be repaid, cunning like a fox.

This is Hong Xing Li Qiankun.

"Talk about the business, otherwise, you can go." Ding Yunfeng didn't bother to play tricks with him, so he asked directly.

Convex (fuck dish f*ck)!

I have worked so hard to perform so much, but this Boxing King Peak doesn't give me any face?
Liang Kun originally thought that Ding Yunfeng could at least give him a smiling face.

Unexpectedly, Ding Yunfeng's condescending tone clearly regarded him as a prisoner serving his sentence in Stanley! ! !

Thinking of Lei Luo behind Ding Yunfeng, Liangkun's eyes twitched, held back her anger, and briefly explained the relationship between Dasha and Ah Xiang.

It turned out that many years ago, Dasha was sentenced to 12 years in prison for killing people by mistake in order to protect Luo Tuo, the boss of Dongxing, in a club fight.

At that time, Ah Xiang was just seven years old, and he belonged to the same dancer girl as Dasha.

Seeing that Dasha was going to be sentenced for so many years, Ah Xiang's biological mother left him and ran away with a little boy.

Axiang who suddenly became an orphan, even with Dongxing taking care of him, his life is still very hard.

Over time, Ah Xiang gradually harbored resentment towards Dasha who was serving his sentence in Stanley.

Later, when he grew up and had the ability to make a living, he even declared a clean break with Dong Xing.

If Luo Tuo hadn't thought about Dasha's affection and forcibly suppressed the matter, Ah Xiang, who was almost raised by Dong Xing, might have been regarded as a white-eyed wolf by the society.

"Don't say it, don't say it!" Ah Xiang covered his ears and shouted excitedly looking at Liang Kun.

Liang Kun shrugged his shoulders: "I have a good relationship with Dasha in Stanley, he told me these things.

Every time this idiot son was mentioned, Dasha would run to the toilet to hide and cry.

Many times, when Dasha fights with others, it is caused by being ridiculed by this matter. "

"Shut up! If he didn't come out to mess around, my mother wouldn't run away with others, how could I become an orphan?
It's all his fault, I hate him! "Ah Xiang's eyes were red, and he rushed over to beat Liangkun.

Liang Kun kicked it out with a smile, and Ah Xiang fell to the ground clutching his stomach.

Compared with his father who was more than one in Stanley, Ah Xiang just inherited the former's appearance and style, and his actual combat ability, even Jimmy can despise him.

Ding Yunfeng, who has watched the movie "Queen of Nightlife", naturally knows that Ah Xiang is very weak.

"Enough!" Ding Yunfeng shouted softly, caught Ah Xiang's Kuaijiaosheng, and released him in response.

Standing up and walking in front of Ah Xiang, Ding Yunfeng looked at him and asked, "Can you confront me, Ding Yunfeng, for Xiaoxia you like!

Why dare not face the old man who has been squatting in Stanley for ten years?

Dasha was imprisoned, you are only seven years old, how much do you really know about his father?
You don't even dare to recognize your biological father, so why give a woman happiness?
Get out, I don't want to see you, a piece of shit! "

After saying that, Ding Yunfeng waved his hand, Kuai Jiaosheng dragged A Xiang who was silent, and led him out.

"Brother Feng..." Wang Xia walked up to Ding Yunfeng with a worried face.

Ding Yunfeng put on a smile: "Don't worry, I just want to wake him up!

Dasha is a ticking time bomb in Stanley. If he can help ease the relationship between their father and son, the third prison will definitely be much more stable in the future. "

Wang Xia smiled when she heard the words, and then, with Ding Yunfeng's permission, she walked out of the Shiduo shop to comfort A Xiang, who wiped his tears, got up and left.

"Brother Feng, if Brother Xiang goes to Stanley to visit the prison, you can give them a little convenience." Wang Xia ran back, hugged Ding Yunfeng's arm and shook her.

Ding Yunfeng twitched his arms and pinched her nose: "Understood, for your sister Xiaoxia's sake, I will take care of this matter."


Hearing this, Wang Xia stepped on her toes, and suddenly took a sip of Ding Yunfeng, and Zhan Mi secretly laughed when he saw this.

Liangjie and Liangkun turned around to avoid it. The former lamented that there was such an alluring little goblin around Boxing Peak, and 72 good horses might not be enough for wading in deep water with 36 golden flowers;
The latter stumbled secretly, why did he just meet this kind of top quality, otherwise he would definitely sell it at the box office if he took it to filming.

(End of this chapter)

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