Chapter 460

Ding Yunfeng was woken up by Huang Yaobing's phone call!
Knowing that Zhou Xingxing and Cao Dahua left last night, not only did he not follow his suggestion to call support to pick up the goods at the yard, but he also messed up the matter, leaving Uncle Dafei arrested by Dafei.

Now, in order to save Uncle Da, Ah Xing has already driven a car of ok47 back to Edinburgh Middle School to redeem him.

"Made, these two nonsensical guys..." Ding Yunfeng snorted unhappily.

Huang Yaobing replied on the phone: "Brother Feng, after Ah Xing left just now, I thought about it carefully, and the few words he scolded me actually made some sense. So I thought..."

"Choose! Of course it makes sense!
These words are what I said!
He was sprayed once by me in the Edinburgh infirmary, and he was slightly modified today, turning his head to spray you.

Do you want to suppress the fact that he brought the evidence back to the redeemer, and then copy the guy yourself to help him? "Ding Yunfeng laughed without anger.

"Huh? No wonder I felt weird just now.

Why did Ah Xing's noodle sausage suddenly have such insights?
pick!It turns out that he came here to piss me off with what you said, Brother Feng. Huang Yaobing also laughed angrily.

While talking on the phone, Ding Yunfeng put on his clothes: "Forget it, you are the director, and the gun was brought over by Ah Xing.

Brother Jie and I will go over to deal with this matter.

You go to the police station and wait for the news. When you get wind, you can immediately send troops out to wash the ground. "

"That's fine too! Brother Feng, I'll trouble you then."

"I see, I've hung up. It's really a lot of things."


Ding Yunfeng knocked on the guest room door three times in a hurry, Li Jie opened the door vigilantly: "Ding Sheng, what's the matter?"

"Brother Jie, go drive right away, I'll take the guy, and I'll explain on the way."

"Okay!" Li Jie straightened his eyes. The last time Ding Yunfeng looked so serious was the night when Wu Shihao attacked the ghost Henry.


On the mountain behind Edinburgh Middle School, Da Fei brings a dozen or so boys with him.

Uncle Da's hands were tied, and he sat in the back seat of a Toyota car with a sad face.

At the back of the car, there is also a boy who can speak bird language. He is sweating profusely and is comforting a few ghosts.

These ghosts are foreign terrorists, Da Fei didn't want to sell the goods to such desperadoes.

But last night when he received a call from his younger brother, he was cheated by Zhou Xingxing, who started with the prefix star, and only his old man was caught at the scene.

Worried that something would happen if the goods were left in his hands, Da Fei decided to take some risks. Although in the original plot of the movie, he finally sold these ok47s to these ghosts because he couldn't find a suitable buyer for a long time.

My head ached from the noise of the ghost's birdsong, and Da Fei hammered the roof of the Toyota: "Made! You tell them, I will have something for them in half an hour!"

"Okay boss." The translator nodded in response, and continued to negotiate with the ghost buyer with a bitter face.

Uncle Da's face was pale, his legs were shaking so much that the entire Toyota was shaking.

He regrets it now, he shouldn't be greedy for credit last night and listen to Sir Zhou's tricks...

He should have listened to Brother Feng's words, directly called the headquarters for support, brought thousands of troops, and copied the parking lot where Da Fei hid his guns.

The logistics department of the returning police force makes egg noodles. Anyway, I have been embarrassing for decades, so why bother to play tricks?
It's all right now, don't talk about making egg powder, this time I'm afraid it's really going to be the god's card.

Just when Uncle Da's bladder was a little tight and he fainted with diarrhea, a truck drove up the mountain road.

Seeing A Xing stop and get out of the cab, Da Fei held a gun in one hand and grabbed Uncle Da with the other: "Where's my gun?"

Zhou Xingxing raised his hands and slowly opened the door, revealing dozens of ok47s inside: "Let me go!"

Da Fei thinks that he has a large number of people, so he will definitely eat this pair of 'father and son'.

He sneered and pushed Uncle Da out, and shouted at the translator, "Take the ghost to inspect the goods."

Gui Lao, who was called by Da Fei early in the morning to blow the cold wind on the top of the mountain, trotted and jumped into the carriage. Seeing this, Zhou Xingxing pulled Uncle Da back to the side.

Da Fei raised his pistol, just when he was about to say a few pretentious lines and then send the two of them to heaven.

The subordinate who followed Gui Lao into the carriage to inspect the goods suddenly shouted, "Ah, why are there so many gasoline?"

Before the words fell, Ah Xing had already thrown a lighter into it, and lay down on Uncle Da's head.

The flames exploded, Zhou Xingxing opened the lid, and the dozen or so tanks of gasoline that evaporated in the compartment all the way.

The quality of Shell gasoline was good, and it instantly killed the ghost who got into the car to inspect the goods, and even the scorching air wave rushing out of the car made Da Fei and others bury their heads in avoidance.

Ah Xing took the opportunity to draw the gun, and he squeezed the trigger several times in response to Da Fei, but he couldn't shoot a single bullet.

"It can't be opened, you are not really so kind, are you?" Ah Xing exclaimed in amazement.

Seeing the ghost buyer being sent to the west by Ah Xing, Uncle Da also picked up the cash box that was blown out of the carriage.

Da Fei angrily led a group of his men to fire at the two of them. Ah Xing and Uncle Da instantly activated the protagonist's halo, hiding behind a dozen black stars that kept firing, and turned into the dense forest on the mountain.

"You can't go to school! There are many classmates over there, they will be killed!" Uncle Da shouted holding the cash box.

"Do you need to teach me?" Zhou Xingxing led Uncle Da to roll and crawl, avoiding the bullets.

The pursuers had guns in their hands, and the two could only rely on the cover of the trees. As the distance between the two sides gradually approached, Ah Xing secretly scolded Huang Yaobing for his lack of loyalty and did not come to support him.

A figure rushed over from the front left.

Da da da……

The submachine gun in the man's hand spewed out orange flames, and took away the two closest criminals.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng who was like a divine soldier descending from the sky, Uncle Da and A Xing exclaimed: "Brother Feng! It's you!"

Ding Yunfeng suppressed Dafei and the others with firepower, he bit his toothbrush and sprayed foam: "You two sausages!
Last night, I specifically reminded you to call for support, and now that the ground is full of chicken feathers, I need to save you.

Convex!I haven't brushed my teeth yet! "

Uncle Da drooped his head and rolled aside holding the cash box.

Ah Xing didn't dare to refute, he made a tactic roll and approached Ding Yunfeng, got up and pulled out the pistol from Brother Feng's waist, and hit a gangster with two bang bangs.

Seeing the reinforcements coming from the other side, and the firepower of a submachine gun, Da Fei yelled to withdraw, turned around and was about to run away.

Unexpectedly, before running a few steps, Li Jie held a handful of Remington with both hands, pushed and pulled twice, and beat the two subordinates beside Da Fei into blood gourds.

"I'll pick! Is there an ambush?" Da Fei couldn't care about anything now, he just wanted to run for his life.

Without the burden of Uncle Da, Ding Yunfeng and the three of them could settle Da Fei and his gang in less than half a minute!
If Brother Feng hadn't shouted "Keep alive" at the last moment, Da Fei would have been shot in the head by the red-eyed Zhou Xingxing!
bibu bibu!

After receiving Lin Zuodong's report, Huang Yaobing rushed to the scene with a large group of people on standby.

Brother Jie's identity cannot be seen in the light, his record, Ding Yunfeng let Uncle Da top it!

He won the cash box and killed seven people in a row. He deserves to be the tiger of the serious crime team in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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