Chapter 461 Madam Hu

"Hey, not bad, not bad!"

Huang Yaobing stood in front of Dafei with a smile, Zhou Xingxing and Uncle Da raised their heads, the latter held the Remington brought by Li Jie with his left hand, and the cash box brought by the ghost buyer with his right.

The "Hong Kong Island Daily" and "Yijiukan", which can always get first-hand news about major cases, sent a total of six reporters to the scene this time.
The camera clicked and clicked to snap shots of the shootout scene, and an enthusiastic citizen, Dr. Ding, was standing outside the venue eating preserved egg porridge.

Seeing Huang Yaobing start making up stories to the camera, Ding Yunfeng turned around and got into the Bentley: "Brother Jie, let's go back and catch up on sleep, I'm so exhausted."


A few days later, the matter concerning the Dafei arms case finally came to an end.

Ding Yunfeng finished his vacation, resumed his identity, and returned to the Wanchai Police Station, leaving behind hundreds of female students who learned of his identity and regretted not working harder to capture Ding Sir.

(police officer + undercover agent + doctor + pretty boy + money) / female student = it's really exciting.

Because of the words first, Ding Yunfeng transferred Uncle Da and Lao Wang back to the police force when the case was closed.

Lao Wang is familiar with Jiulong, and Ding Yunfeng arranged for him to work under Hu Xin.

Uncle Dada's idea surprised Ding Yunfeng.

Maybe Uncle Da has done Li Jie's military exploits, and has been touted by the media for the past few days, causing the old man's mentality to be a little flustered. He actually found Brother Feng and asked to be transferred to the Wanchai Anti-Mafia Team?

"Uncle Da, according to your qualifications and your contribution this time, it is enough to be an office in the logistics department.

There is no real power, but drinking tea and reading the newspaper every day and waiting to get off work, and the salary has been raised by four or five grades, isn't it the life you dream of? "Looking at Uncle Da in front of him wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket of the same style as the Terminator T-800, Ding Yunfeng really couldn't laugh or cry.

"Brother Feng, you don't need to persuade me!
After this action, I feel very ashamed and ashamed of my previous thoughts!

I, Cao Dahua, am a policeman. When facing criminals, I should face up to difficulties instead of passively avoiding them.

I want to recruit your subordinates to follow you, please help me! "

Damn, I, Ding Yunfeng, am not Yu Suqiu!

What the hell are you pretending to be a tough guy in front of me?
Looking at Uncle Da who was drifting away, Ding Yunfeng pinched the bridge of his nose: "Okay, okay, come if you want, my office here is big enough, and there is no shortage of an office desk."

As soon as Ding Yunfeng signed the application for post personnel transfer, he saw the chair beside Uncle Da being pulled away, and Zhou Xingxing sat down with his head in his hands and his hands down with a slumped face.

"A Xing, what are you doing here? Didn't you go back to the Flying Tigers?"

"Brother Feng, I'm here to rely on you!
Jane Sir kicked me out of the Flying Tigers, he said, the Flying Tigers are not suitable for me, let me find my own way out. Zhou Xingxing was weak, and took out a document from his arms and handed it to Ding Yunfeng.

Brother Feng took a look and almost couldn't help laughing. It turned out that Zhou Xingxing was too personal and heroic, and the Flying Tigers had long criticized him.

This time, he was borrowed by Huang Yaobing to the Wanchai Police Station to investigate the missing gun case. He made his own decisions and almost made a big mess!

If Ding Yunfeng hadn't gone to support in time, not only Zhou Xingxing might have died, but Uncle Da might have been killed.

The Flying Tigers, who didn't like him, finally had an excuse to kick him out.

"Okay, okay, it just so happens that Uncle Da also applied to come with me, so the two of you will be partners in the future." Ding Yunfeng even accepted Uncle Da, and he didn't care about accepting an extra Zhou Xingxing.

Hearing that Uncle Da gave up his leisurely position in the logistics department, he had the audacity to join Ding Yunfeng's subordinates.

Ah Xing was stunned, he looked Uncle Da up and down: "You want to come to the serious crime team? Pooh, haha, hahahahaha..."

"A Xing! Is this funny?
How do you say it is sharing weal and woe, going through the hail of bullets together, right?
In front of Ah Tou, are you embarrassing me now? "Uncle Da took off his sunglasses suddenly, and glared at Zhou Xingxing angrily.

Zhou Xingxing laughed so hard that tears flowed: "No, do you know what the Anti-Mafia Group does? It's just you?"

Seeing that Uncle Da was trembling with anger from Ah Xing, Ding Yunfeng tapped on the table with his fingers: "Enough! Do you still want to come to Wanchai Anti-Mafia Group?
If you think my arrangement is not good, then we can find another job together. "

"Sorry sir!"

"Don't dare, Brother Feng."


Suppressing these two troublemakers, Ding Yunfeng shook his head and called Huang Yaobing's office.

After a while, Huang Yaobing not only came over by himself, he also brought a policewoman with exquisite face and heroic eyes.

"Come, come, let me introduce you. This is Ding Yunfeng, Sir Ding, the head of our Wanchai Anti-Mafia Team." Uncle's little niece."

madam hu?
I want you to find a policewoman to replace Anna and help us write the report, and now I have brought a bully flower here! ! !

Ding Yunfeng stood up with a smile and took the initiative to shake hands with madam Hu, only to find that the other's palm was warm, but not soft, and had thick calluses.

"Miss Hu often practices guns?"

"Ding Sir is very observant. In fact, my marksmanship is very ordinary, but I practice karate, judo and other fighting styles, so my palms are rougher than other girls." Madam Hu showed a bright smile at Ding Yunfeng.

Huang Yaobing laughed and said, "Ah Hui is one of the talented people. If I hadn't heard that you are short of people, Uncle Hua would not have let her leave the Central District."

"Let Ms. Hu be my secretary. I have wronged her. I will go to the Central District to say thank you to Uncle Hua when I have time."

Huang Yaobing laughed out loud when he heard this, Hu Liandao didn't dare to be the madam.

In fact, the two of them didn't know, Ding Yunfeng's words were really rude.

madam Hu Nengwen Nengwu, youthful and beautiful, but the soul of Bawanghua.

After chatting and joking, Ding Yunfeng told Huang Yaobing that both Zhou Xingxing and Zhou Xingxing would be transferred to his place.

Huang Yaobing was a little surprised when he heard that, he personally persuaded Uncle Da.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Da, who was a little drifting at first, saw Madam Hu, just like Ah Xing, he couldn't move his feet even more.

"Oh, forget it, come if you want to come.

If I can't do it someday, I will arrange to go to the transportation team at worst. Huang Yaobing sighed.

By the way, he reminded Ding Yunfeng that now that there are more and more people, it is almost time to consider group management.

"In a few days, I will draw up a list and give it to you."

"Okay, then you can ask Madam Hu to make a report for me to approve."


Three new colleagues came, and one of them was a beautiful woman. In the past two days, seeing Anna voluntarily transferred away, a group of animals in a depressed state seemed to be revived.

French Li, Fat Leopard, Zhou Xingxing and Uncle Da, these four superstars circled around Hu Zhonghui and offered courteousness, which made Uncle Zhan, who was responsible for the job, go crazy, and finally suppressed the four.

"Ah Hui, you don't have to be polite to them!

If they still dare to pester you in the future, you can let me or Brother Feng know!

All of them don't think about solving crimes and doing meritorious service all day long, they only know how to pick up girls! "

(End of this chapter)

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