Chapter 462
Senior qualifications, high police rank, and Ding Yunfeng's designated deputy to sit in the rear.

Uncle Zhan went into a rage, and the four who surrounded the madam Hu Xianqin immediately dispersed in a rush.

After chasing away the flies, Uncle Zhan took Hu Zhonghui to the partition outside Ding Yunfeng's office, pointed to a tin file cabinet in front of him and said, "When Anna was here, she was responsible for writing all the reports of the Wanchai Anti-Mafia Team.

Of course, sometimes I also help..."

Hu Zhonghui's smile froze. She didn't expect that she would write reports for so many people when she came here by herself.

When Uncle Zhan took out a bunch of keys and handed them over to her, madam Hu took the opportunity to inquire that his predecessor, Dian Jie, was suddenly going to be transferred, did he make any mistakes at work?
"Don't think too much, Anna applied for transfer on her own initiative.

Brother Feng is very good at speaking. If anyone makes a mistake, he will help him out, let alone a secretarial post dedicated to writing reports? Uncle Zhan waved his hand to signal Hu Zhonghui to sit down: "You know, I secretly told you that if you work with Brother Feng, you will have a lot of opportunities to make meritorious deeds and get promoted..."

"Uncle Zhan, stop joking.

As a secretary who writes reports, besides accumulating qualifications and spending time, what chances do I have for promotion? "Madam Hu showed a wry smile.

She used to be an instructor in Bawanghua, but when Uncle Hua heard that Ding Yunfeng was short of people, he transferred her here immediately without even discussing with her.

On one side is the front-line combat department whose status is equal to that of the Flying Tigers;
On one side is the secretary post who sits at a desk all day making reports.

Which side has more opportunities, you can see it without being blind.

Seeing that Madam Hu was a little moody, Uncle Zhan stopped lighting his cigarette and said, "Xiaohui, I have known Uncle Hua for decades. Today, when you call me Uncle Zhan, I can tell you the truth..." …

Brother Feng's situation is more complicated. Without special cases, no matter how much credit he makes, he won't be able to get promoted.

Therefore, he will give up many opportunities to the guys under his command.

You see, the one over there who is as strong as a bear, his name is Cao Li'ang.

Originally he was going to the Flying Tigers, but his brother-in-law, Happy Valley Police Chief Chen Jianxin, put him under Brother Feng's hands.

It has not been three months yet, and Cao Liang has been promoted to senior police chief.

You heard what Lao Huang said just now, brother Feng will be divided into groups soon, no surprises, a group leader Cao Li'ang can't escape..."

Hu Zhonghui was slightly surprised when he heard the words, curiously grabbed Uncle Zhan, and continued to inquire about the new boss Ding Yunfeng's preferences and way of doing things.

At noon, Ding Yunfeng walked out of the office and knocked on the door with his fingers. Everyone put down their work and got up to look over.

"In order to welcome Madam Hu, Ah Xing and Uncle Da to join us, we will go out for lunch at noon. Fat Leopard, you go downstairs and call Lan Bao, and we all go there together."

"Oye! There's another big meal!" Francie Lee took the lead in applauding with a smile, and the others followed suit.


Two hours later, Jumbo Seafood Restaurant.

Ding Yunfeng saw that everyone was almost finished eating, pointed to Song Zijie and Cao Li'ang and said, "I'm going to divide the anti-mafia group into two groups, A and B, and you two will be the team leaders.

There are tentatively 5 members in each group. Dog Wang Lun is responsible for training police dogs and will not join any group.

You guys are discussing the selection of candidates. If you are short of places, you still want talents with special skills. Write me a note tomorrow, and I will help you go to the military uniform team to transfer them. "


"Wow, Brother Jie, Sir Cao, you have been promoted, you must treat me."

Everyone gathered around Song Zijie and Cao Liang to toast, Zhou Xingxing felt a little uncomfortable seeing this, he got up and walked to the side of the boat, opened a pack of cigarettes and lit one himself.

After respecting Song Zijie and Cao Liang, Da Shu walked over quickly: "Sir Zhou, with your and my abilities, the leaders of Team C and Team D will be ours sooner or later..."

"Uncle Da, you can just call me A Xing from now on."

"Then...well then..." Seeing the persistence in Zhou Xingxing's eyes, Uncle Da hesitated for a moment, then nodded in response.

After taking a sip of his wine, Uncle Da glanced at Song Zijie and Cao Liang who had become the focus of everyone: "Ah Xing, have you decided which group to join?

Although I, Cao Dahua, think that my ability is not inferior to the two of them, but we are newcomers, we can't just ask Brother Feng to recommend himself, let him create another C group.

You know, my biggest shortcoming is humility. "

Are you so humble?
You're almost floating in the sky.

Facing Uncle Da who was full of confidence, Zhou Xingxing was too lazy to refute this time.

Shaking his head and sighing, he looked at the sea view and continued to smoke.

At this time, Ding Yunfeng came over with madam Hu: "What? Are you full so soon?"

"Ah Tou." Uncle Da greeted Ding Yunfeng with his lips, but actually his eyes wanted to stick to Madam Hu's body.

Zhou Xingxing couldn't see it, and secretly gave him an elbow.

Under the pain, Uncle Da quickly looked away, madam Hu had already been tempered by Jane proudly.

With a distant look on her face, she completely ignored Uncle Da Da. She went through everyone's files before eating. She knew who was a talent and who was a waste. She knew better than the other party.

Ding Yunfeng took the good fortune from Zhou Xingxing, stuffed it into his mouth and nodded: "I told you this morning, you two will be partners for the time being.

For Group A and Group B, you should not join for the time being, but handle the case independently and report directly to me. "

"Yes sir!" The two were shocked when they heard the words, and saluted in unison.

What Brother Feng said was very clear, and he just told everyone that Group C will be formed with two people as a team.

"Okay, now there is a case that needs you to investigate.

There are three big guys on the road, the leader is nicknamed Four Eyes, and the other two are called Daxia and Baldhead.

Most of their men were recruited from the Baishi refugee camp, so they were called the Annan Gang.

I heard the wind, recently they brought white powder from Annan to Hong Kong Island through a person nicknamed Ah Shan.

Ah Xing, I know you were the Operation Commander of Team A of the Flying Tigers before.

However, just after you were transferred, the rank of inspector was changed to sheriff again by your superiors.

If you want to lead the team, in addition to changing your previous way of doing things with excessive personal heroism, you also need to make some contributions to convince the crowd.

Destroying the Annan gang is an opportunity! "

Ding Yunfeng patted A Xing on the shoulder, A Xing resisted his excitement and replied: "Brother Feng, I have already changed it. I will definitely not make mistakes in this case."

"That would be the best. The dog Wang Lun has already trained three police dogs. If you need to borrow them, you can talk to him yourself." Ding Yunfeng gave the opportunity, so naturally he would not deceive anyone, and even sent out police dogs.

Before Zhou Xingxing could reply, Cao Dahua had already patted his chest and said: "Brother Feng, don't worry, although Ah Xing is frizzy, but with me watching over him, he will definitely not make mistakes!"

It's because of you that I won't be at ease...

Ding Yunfeng was unable to complain about Cao Dahua, and ordered the two of them to go to work to find information about the Annan Gang, and he turned around and returned to the banquet.

 I can't bear it tonight, I have a headache, I'll write it tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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