Chapter 479

Close the network?

Huang Zhicheng showed a contemptuous smile.

He took out a cigarette case, knocked one into his mouth, and lit the lighter: "When the cargo ship docked, Ni Kun accompanied a group of lonely old people in the Kowloon Recreational Home to sing;

When the white powder was distributed, Ni Kun was still singing;
When Gandhi, Niigai, Wenzheng, and Guohua were handing in their numbers, the old guy still hid in the Kowloon Recreational Center and did not come out to sing, so he pushed a short boy Chen to help him collect money..."

The index finger poked Chen Yongren's chest fiercely, and Huang Zhicheng asked him coldly: "Shut up your words?
If I cast this net, believe it or not, apart from you, the entire Ni family fan group will not be able to net the other Ni family members at all? "

"I'm not from the Ni family! My surname is Chen!" Chen Yongren was furious when he heard the words, and he pushed Huang Zhicheng away.

Huang Zhicheng took a step back, stretched out his left hand to grab Chen Yongren's right wrist, pushed his lower back with his right hand, and pressed him against the fence of the roof.

"Look at what you look like!"

With one move, he pressed Chen Yongren, who was struggling endlessly, and Huang Zhicheng shouted in his ear: "Do you know, what is your action called? Assaulting the police, or beating the boss? Ah!"

"Convex (艹盘色), I'm not from the Ni family."

"you are not?

If you are not, do you think that in only three years, you can become the horse boy of the Ni family group?
If you are not, there are so many police officers in Wong Chuk Hang, why did Principal Cheng and I choose you?
Han Chen is Ni Kun's confidant, Yu Zingqiang is Han Chen's confidant, and you are the leader of Yu Zing Qiang. This can be said to be the direct line within the Ni family group.

Ni Kun already knew your identity, and even the two information you gave me were all deliberately leaked out to test you.

If you were replaced by another boss who was eager for success, you idiot's grave would be one meter high now!
It's a shame you still have the face to ask me why I don't close the net...

Okay, now I will give you two answers, one is for the overall situation, and the other is to save your life, choose one yourself, is it enough!Convex! "

With a ferocious face, Huang Zhicheng pushed Chen Yongren away viciously.

Chen Yongren opened his mouth wide and cried silently. He grabbed his hair with both hands, and slowly squatted down leaning against the fence of the roof.

Huang Zhicheng glanced at him, put his hands in his pockets, looked at the sky, and smoked the cigarette silently.

When Chen Yongren calmed down a bit, Huang Zhicheng took out a pack of tissues and threw it to him: "It's good to just cry, isn't it a lot easier now?
Hey, do you remember how you promised me before you started the mission that you wanted to be a policeman.

Look at your virtue just now!
This month, there were a total of seven cases of intentional injury.

The higher-ups chose you to pretend to be a young and Dangerous boy, do you really think of yourself as a young and Dangerous boy? "

"I don't think of myself as young and Dangerous, how can I be an undercover agent? What's more, the boss asked us to go out to work with a group of young and Dangerous, can I not do it?"

"Then do you know that if the case is too dark during the mission, when you complete the mission and return to the team, it will greatly affect your future promotion?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~
During this period, Jordan Lin Huaile's protégé Dongguan Zai, that lunatic was more high than taking drugs, and led people to kill Tsim Sha Tsui on time every night at twelve o'clock.

After tonight, I have to talk about whether I am alive or not, let alone the future..."

At this time, Chen Yongren was arranged by Huang Zhicheng to do acupuncture at Ni's house a few years earlier than in the movie.

At this time, he was in his early twenties, so he was naturally not as good as Chen Yongren, who was able to complain in a self-deprecating tone in the original plot.

[Obviously it was three years, but three years later, three years later, three years later, three years later, it will be almost ten years, boss! 】

A few words, full of how much heartache!
I am afraid that only the person concerned can taste it.

Seeing Chen Yongren opening his mouth without a few words, he felt like a quack.

Huang Zhicheng held back his anger, and handed him a cigarette: "The purpose of calling you out this time is to relieve your psychological pressure.

I also want to remind you that Jordan Lin Huaile suddenly broke into Tsim Sha Tsui, maybe Ding Yunfeng was up to something.

Be careful yourself, Ding Yunfeng doesn't know your identity, he has always handled cases directly and rudely, without any technical content, and he likes to let his subordinates shoot randomly.

If you meet Ding Yunfeng, run faster, if you are really killed by him, there is really nowhere to complain! "

"Wait a minute, isn't Brother Feng from the Wan Chai Anti-Mafia Team?"

"He has good hands. This time he reached out to Tsim Sha Tsui to grab the case. If you are not convinced, you can ask Brother Yi to complain."

Huang Zhicheng made a complaint, and then pushed Chen Yongren: "Wait a minute, you have a problem with your thinking, Brother Feng? Are you familiar with Ding Yunfeng?"

"Choose, I think you are the only one who has a problem!
Go up to the sitting hall level like Ni Kun and Liang Kun;

Go down to the Street Fighter who is cheated and abducted in the street.

On the road, anyone who comes out to mess around, people call him Brother Feng, do you want me to call him Ding Sir in front of people? "Chen Yongren was completely speechless.

Looking suspiciously at Huang Zhicheng, Chen Yongren suddenly noticed.

This time I needed psychological counseling. It seemed that it was not me, but Sir Huang, who was upset about being robbed of the case by Sir Ding, and deliberately asked me to vent my anger.

"What are you looking at? It's almost three o'clock, and you still don't want to leave? Do you want to wait for me, the head of the serious crime team in Tsim Sha Tsui, to invite you to drink afternoon tea?"


Lantau Island, Po Lin Monastery.

Han Chen stood up from the futon. With a casual expression, he inserted a handful of incense sticks into the incense burner in front of him. Without looking back, he walked towards the small courtyard behind the nunnery.

Standing five steps away from Brother Chen's worship, it was a young man wearing black sunglasses and a windbreaker with a stand-up collar.

He clasped his hands together and recited prayers to the solemn Buddha statue.

Hearing the sound of footsteps gradually walking away, he took out a stack of banknotes without counting them, stuffed them all into the merit box, and then quickly chased after him.

"I heard from Mary that you haven't gone back to get money for a long time."

"Thank you Brother Chen and Sister Mary for your concern. I was promoted to the leader of Team B of the Mong Kok Anti-Mafia Team two months ago. The salary is good enough for me."

"Oh? Promotion and salary increase, then congratulations Sir Liu!
Look, this good news came too suddenly, and I didn't prepare a congratulatory ceremony in advance..." Han Chen smiled, but his eyes were cold: "Why don't you do it like this, before 1 yuan a month Yuan, from now on, mention 3 yuan? "

"Brother Chen, there's really no need..."

"Hey, now that you've been promoted, your social circle has naturally improved to a higher level.

In the future, when people come and go, and colleagues socialize, how can we lose money? "

Han Chen ignored Liu Jianming's flickering eyes and laughed, "ICAC is not a vegetarian!

Most of the detectives I knew before went in now.

Since you call me Brother Chen, will I watch you stumped by the word money? "

(End of this chapter)

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