Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 480 You go with Ding Yunfeng

Chapter 480 You go with Ding Yunfeng
I don't want money!
Don't force it!
Liu Jianming clenched his fists, his knuckles turned slightly white.

He remembered that a few years ago, when the leader of Yiqun was not in jail and Brother Chen was not a big boss, he was Uncle Kun's errand boy who carried bags and drove the car.

But one day, something happened, Brother Chen offended Wu Shihao, and in the middle of the night, he was put into a sack and thrown outside Ni's villa by the volunteers.

It is said that Brother Chen was beaten badly by Yiqun's people that night. (Chapter 115-116)
However, just after this beating, Uncle Kun lost a follower, and under the flag of the Ni family, there was an extra leader.

Another month has passed...

It is still in the Po Lin Monastery on Lantau Island where the two are standing today.

At that time, Brother Chen, who had just taken over the position, raised his glass and said to a group of brothers.

"The fortune-teller said that I was a one-and-done success, but I disagree.

I think those who come out to mix, live or die are up to themselves.

The days you follow me are the shortest, the foundation is the cleanest, and you can choose your own path.

I wish you all the best in the police force, cheers, Sir! "

Recalling that scene back then, Liu Jianming let go of his fist and squeezed out a smile: "Brother Chen, then I won't be polite to you."

"Hey, you used to follow Mary, and of course you are on your own with me. If you say this, you're out of touch." Han Chen saw that Liu Jianming softened, and the coldness in his eyes receded a lot. He patted the other party's arm and smiled. Said: "Speaking of Mary, a few days ago, my wife mentioned you as a little brother!

You go back to see her when you have time, and the law doesn't stipulate that as a Sir, you can't have a few old friends from the club.

When the water is clear, there will be no fish. If a person's background is too white, it will easily arouse the suspicion of others. "

"Okay, I'm free, I'll definitely go visit Sister Mary." Hearing this, Liu Jianming immediately remembered the enchanting figure buried deep in his memory.

Han Chen tapped a few words to restrain Liu Jianming who was faintly wanting to get out of his control.

At this moment, he turned around and posed for poses, but he didn't realize that the other party heard his wife, and suddenly became a little bit out of place.

Otherwise, with Liu Jianming's current expression management ability, he would never be able to hide it from Han Chen's eyes!

Good luck!

Liu Jianming joined the police force and has been a [-]-year-old boy for three years.

In the next second, he suppressed the emotions he shouldn't have shown, walked five steps away from Brother Chen, and each looked at the sky to exchange information.

After a few minutes……

Liu Jianming's expression was astonished, and he couldn't help but let out a low cry: "What? You want me to apply for transfer to Wanchai and Brother Feng?"

"Well, you heard that right.

I have already received the wind. This time, Lin Huaile, the leader of the Jordan Hall and the joint victory, suddenly sent troops into Tsim Sha Tsui. Behind him was Ding Yunfeng.

You should know that all the fierce men who are targeted by Ding Yunfeng will have no good end.

Crazy policeman with hot hands, these four words are not blown out, but piled up by many human lives.

With a bad reputation, no one is afraid!
But looking at it from another angle, Ding Yunfeng really has nothing to say about his subordinates.

Black and white, are there still few examples of brothers climbing to the top and becoming famous?
If you can work under Ding Yunfeng, it will not only be helpful for your future promotion, but also if the Ni family is embarrassed one day, I hope Sir Liu will let me go for the sake of past kindness. "

Han Chen's face was full of smiles, but Liu Jianming couldn't help but smile. To put it nicely, didn't he just want him to be buried next to Ding Yunfeng to make needles?

Made, Shorty Chen inserted a needle into Brother Feng's side, this guy is too brave, if things fail, everyone just wait to finish the game together.

Liu Jianming came up with several reasons to decline, but Han Chen resolved them one by one, especially when he heard that the other party had already helped him get through to the Mong Kok Director in advance, and now it was up to him to hand in the application form, which would approve it in seconds when passing.

Mingzai almost cried.

"Look at how kind I am to you, in order to help you arrange to go to Ding Yunfeng's subordinates, I spent a full 200 ​​million yuan!

Brother Chen doesn't ask for anything else, he just wants Brother Feng to take action against Tsim Sha Tsui one day, and you should let me know in advance so that I have time to hide. "


A week later.

Ding Yunfeng and Uncle Zhan were reading the newspaper. Chen La, his cousin-in-law Huang Sir, and a young man who looked very much like young Lei Luo knocked on the door and walked in.

"Brother Feng, Uncle Zhan, hurry up and taste the egg tarts made by Amin." Huang Sir put down the letter.

Chen La said hello to Ding Yunfeng, left a box on the table, and took out the other copies, and distributed them to Song Zijie, Cao Li'ang and others.

Because of Chen La's relationship, Huang Sir often interacted with Ding Yunfeng and his subordinates.

Teacher He got married last week, and the entire Wanchai Anti-Mafia Team, except for Zhou Xingxing who was secretly sad, even Uncle Da who was riding an iron horse downstairs followed Ding Yunfeng to have a wedding drink.

"What's the wind blowing today? Did you bring egg tarts here to see me?" Ding Yunfeng looked at Liu Jianming next to Huang Sir and asked meaningfully: "This guy is a bit unfamiliar, I don't know..."

"Brother Feng, let me introduce..."

After Sir Huang's introduction, Ding Yunfeng's eyes moved slightly - it turned out to be Liu Jianming!
However, Hong Kong Island time is now January 1976. It seems that it is still related to the chaotic timeline. "Infernal Affairs", which originally happened in the 1s, was brought forward.

"Brother Feng, in the Hong Kong Island Police Force, the person I admire the most is you!"

Liu Jianming excitedly looked at Ding Yunfeng, who looked like a rookie in the workplace, and said incoherently when he met his idol: "I want to apply to be transferred to Wanchai to be with you, but unfortunately no one can introduce me.

Because the day before yesterday I overheard Brother Huang saying that he and you are good friends.

I have the audacity to come here with him today, so don't blame me for being too abrupt. "

"Haha, Sir Huang often has dinner with us. If you want to get to know me, come here early." Ding Yunfeng laughed loudly and patted Liu Jianming on the shoulder: "But, having said that, if you want to follow me, you also want to see Mong Kok Will they be released over there? It's easy for me to talk here. I'll call Fatty Huang and it will be settled in one sentence. The problem is on your side..."

Liu Jianming was shocked when he heard the words. He had heard people say that the Wanchai Police Station had the final say, not the director Huang Yaobing, but the other party's nominal subordinate Ding Yunfeng.

But when he saw it with his own eyes, Ding Yunfeng had to decide whether to accept him or not.

Liu Jianming was still very surprised. Uncle Zhan received a wink from Ding Yunfeng and said with a sinister smile, "Mingzi, it's easy to talk here, but the key lies in Mongkok. Have you talked with your director?

In fact, wherever we are, we are fighting criminals and maintaining the stability of Hong Kong Island.

However, since everyone is working together in the police force, and the transfer of relevant personnel, even if Brother Feng can help you withstand the pressure in Mong Kok this time, in case you are transferred to another department one day, these little guys Things will become a stain on your future promotion. "

 I only wrote 1 chapter yesterday, and I will add it tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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