Chapter 492 Umbrella
Less than a week after returning from abroad...

Ni Yongxiao first suppressed the three rebellious boys, Guohua, Gandhi and Niigi;

Then he ruthlessly rectified the interior, picking out a large batch of egg powder during Ni Kun's reign;
In the end, he took the initiative to take the initiative and snatched back a pedestrian street in the hands of Dongguan Tsai at any cost!

Three fires were burned in succession, and the crumbling Ni family settled down in an instant.

Many associations who wanted to take advantage of the civil turmoil in Ni's family and lead troops into Tsim Sha Tsui to plant flags, saw Ni Yongxiao's reluctance, and chose to stop their flags and drums.

"What a Ni Yongxiao, he is truly a formidable future generation, and Old Ghost Ni can be regarded as a successor." Luo Tuo sighed in admiration.

Crow's expression was unruly, he shrugged his shoulders and got up and said: "Boss, Ni Yongxiao snatched back a street from the hands of Dongguan Tsai, and there must have been a lot of casualties in this battle.

I think it will be tonight. I will bring 200 people to fight over him and kill him while he is in a hurry! "

"Shut up! I'm still here, when is it your turn to give orders?" The camel glared at the crow.

Smiling Tiger hurriedly got up to smooth things over: "Boss, the crow is just eager to help the society expand its territory.

Moreover, what the crow said made sense.

In the past, when Ni Kun was here, we had no way to go to Tsim Sha Tsui for bulk cargo.

It's rare that the Ni family's vitality is seriously injured this time, so don't miss this opportunity! "

Luo Tuo glanced at the two of them, and sighed heavily: "Do you think I don't know this truth?
This morning, I received a call saying, since Ni Yongxiao can support the Ni family.

In the days to come, it's still the same, don't bother. "

Smiling Tiger and Crow were taken aback when they heard the words, Dongxing had someone in Baidao.

As the real power base of Dongxing, they naturally know about this.

But who is this person?

Or, how many such people exist?

Historically, only the leader can know!
Now it seems that not only Dongxing has an umbrella over his head, but the Ni family also has one.

Hearing that something happened to Ni Kun earlier, Luo Tuo was ready to move, and had been wanting to kill the Ni family, but today, it suddenly stopped.

want to come.

It may be that Ni Yongxiao's amazing performance in the past few days has been recognized by the people above the Ni family.

The other party picked up the black glove that he wanted to throw away, and reached an agreement with the people above Dongxing, and then he gave the order [Don't toss].

With a blink of an eye, Wu Zhiwei deduced the reasons for this matter, and grabbed the crow who was still about to talk, and he looked at the camel with a smile and said with a smile.

"Boss, if there are orders from above, it will be as usual. As the saying goes, harmony makes money."

"Well, it's good for you to know these things yourself, and don't spread them around." The camel picked up the teacup and said, blowing on the froth.


Just as Wu Zhiwei guessed, when Ni Yongxiao spared no expense to stabilize the situation.

that night.

Ni Yongxiao suddenly received a call and went out alone for more than an hour.

After he came back, he woke up several family members overnight to go to the study for a meeting.

no one knows.

That night, the Ni family closed the door and discussed something...

In short, when they were busy with Ni Kun's funeral, there was only one Ni Yongxiao.

Others quickly sold off their properties on Hong Kong Island, and then the whole family immigrated abroad.

Kowloon Walled City, Lee Kee Fragrant Meat.

Guohua, Gandhi and Hei Gui were having a hot pot with fragrant meat. Behind the three of them, there were seven or eight cronies standing.

"Oh, I thought that if Ni Sheng died, I would be able to get rid of the control of the Ni family.

Who would have guessed?

It's not even a week yet!

Around my neck, another little Nisheng was born..."

Guohua whined and swallowed a piece of fragrant meat, but unfortunately the temperature was too high, so hot that he could only turn his head and spit it out.

Gandhi pushed his glasses: "Who let us all be caught by others?

By the way, don't say I didn't remind you.

Ni Sheng is Ni Sheng, how can there be any difference in size?
It’s okay to talk about it in private, if it gets to other people’s ears, I’m worried that he will give you small shoes to wear. "

"Damn, everyone here is my own, that's why I said that." Guohua gave Gandhi a sideways look, picked up the wine glass, and clinked a glass with the two.

The nigger grabbed the wine bottle, poured the wine and asked, "Tomorrow is number four?"

"I know, I'm already ready for the day when the numbers are due." Guohua replied impatiently, blowing on the fragrant meat.

"No! What I mean is, why don't we make an appointment and delay him for a while?" The nigga raised his glass tentatively, looked at the two and said.

Gandhi and Guohua exchanged glances, they were very moved by the black ghost's suggestion.

Every month, the amount you give to the Ni family is not small.

If it can be delayed for a while, no matter whether it is put in an underground bank to make money, or if you are bolder, cross the sea and go to Haojiang to fight for it, it will be very interesting.

The eyes of the three were wild, and when they reached an agreement, Han Chen walked over with a cockroach and a smile.

"Hey, Shorty Chen, Uncle Kun's first seven days have just passed, so you don't want to pretend to be a filial son?
Haven't you heard someone say that to be a human being, you must start well and end well? "The black ghost saw Han Chen take a pair of bowls and chopsticks and come to sit down. He couldn't help but get angry when he was interrupted.

Gandhi and Guohua looked at Han Chen with a sneer. The day after Ni Kun's accident, everyone made an appointment to hide together and wait until the Ni family was finished.

However, Han Chen backstabbed them and ran to the mourning hall to fight for performance. This time the black ghosts are eating meat, so naturally he was not reserved for him.

"Hey, Uncle Kun saved me before, but this time I was murdered. If I don't do something to come out, what will the people think of me? How can I come out to mess around in the future?"

Han Chen's eyes flickered, and he was familiar with the hot pot: "Anyway, I do what I think I should do, as for what people think of me.

I, Han Chen, have a clear conscience!

Come on, everyone, eat quickly. "


Just when Han Chen ran to find Guohua and the others to make a side stove.

Ding Yunfeng looked at a large pile of expensive gifts on the coffee table, smiled at Ni Yongxiao and said, "Ni Sheng, it's the first time we meet, and you bring so many gifts, I'm really terrified."

"Brother Feng. Whether Ni Sheng is Ni Sheng or not, you can just call me Ah Xiao." Ni Yongxiao smiled very elegantly.

He pointed to a picture of Tang Bohu's lady and said: "These are all found in my father's study, and I don't know if they are true or not. If there is something wrong, Brother Feng, please don't blame me."

"You don't get paid for nothing, Ah Xiao, take your things back."

"Brother Feng, I came to visit you today, but I actually wanted to tell you that I intend to take the Ni family ashore..." Ni Yongxiao saw that Ding Yunfeng was serving tea to see off his guests, so he quickly expressed his intention.

Ding Yunfeng glanced at him, then slowly shook his head: "Ah Xiao, you can say these words, I believe you have the determination.

However, the person behind the Ni family will not allow you to do this.

The business of the Ni family is his pocketbook. "

Ni Yongxiao's expression changed slightly. The money empire did not collapse back then, and the Ni family had been eating with Brother Luo all the time.

Later, Brother Luo retired, and the Ni family urgently needed to find a new backer in order to protect themselves.

At that time, Ni Kun preferred Chen Zhichao, but unfortunately Chen Zhichao was sent away by the marine police before he got online.

In the end, the Ni family settled for the next best thing and found Cai Yuanqi who had just been transferred from Sanzhiqi to Taiguan.

(End of this chapter)

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