Chapter 493 Mary panicked
Seeing the drastic change in Ni Yongxiao's expression, Ding Yunfeng shook his head secretly.

Ni Kun can also be regarded as a hero of the previous generation, and there is no way for him to retreat during his lifetime.

You, Ni Yongxiao, have just been promoted, and you haven't created value yet, so you want to go ashore to wash your hands?
Although Ding Yunfeng didn't want to win over the Ni family who specialized in fans, he was very interested in the umbrella on the head of the Ni family.

Ni Yongxiao's mouth is very strict, facing Ding Yunfeng's several temptations, he did not reveal a single word.

In the end, under Ding Yunfeng's insistence, he was disappointed and went back with this batch of well-prepared generous gifts.

On the other side, Han Chen came back from Kowloon Walled City after eating hot pot.

Seeing Han Chen's face when he entered the door, Mary knew that something troubled him.

"Why did you drink so much? Didn't you tell me yesterday that you have to accompany Ah Xiao to see Ding Yunfeng today?" Mary stepped forward to help Han Chen take off his suit.

Han Chen sighed, walked to the sofa and sat down: "He won't let me follow..."

"Why is that? Third uncle went to Australia, and now the Ni family, apart from you who have dealt with Ding Yunfeng, who else can stand on the stage?" Mary's face was full of question marks.

Han Chen rubbed his face vigorously with his hands: "Honey, from Ah Xiao's attitude towards me, I think he seems to suspect that I killed Uncle Kun..."

"Shh! Don't talk nonsense like that!

If someone takes it out of context and reaches Ah Xiao's ears, you and I will definitely die. "Mary was taken aback. She prayed to God and prayed to Buddha on weekdays, hoping that something would happen to Ni Kun.

But before she could make up her mind, she figured out how to kill that old pervert.

Ni Kun has already been killed by someone, and seeing good times coming, how can he help others to take the blame at this time?

If Han Chen doesn't say anything today, Mary hasn't thought about it in this direction.

Now that Han Chen mentioned it, Mary panicked. She didn't know whether Ni Yongxiao knew about her relationship with Ni Kun.

"Don't worry, maybe I'm thinking too much.

After all, on the day that Uncle Kun consecrated his spirit, my performance was a bit outstanding.

Maybe it was because of this that Ah Xiao suspected me.

Go to sleep, I'll take care of it. "Han Chen was full of pity, and held Mary's palm tightly.

Mary squeezed out a wry smile, tossed and turned all night and couldn't sleep, and finally stayed up until dawn. When Han Chen went out to work, she hesitated again and again, and finally made a phone call.

After half an hour.

Peninsula Hotel, room 404.

Huang Zhicheng knocked on the door excitedly and came in. Seeing Mary's increasingly mature figure, he took a deep breath and sat beside her: "I came out suddenly, what's the rush?"

"Old Ghost Ni is dead, and Ah Xiao is now in charge of the Ni family..."

"Hey, I've been watching Ni's house for so long, and I know the news much better than you!" Huang Zhicheng lit a cigarette and waved at Mary: "I haven't seen you for several years, this time I'm invited out, can you forget about it?" The Ni family?"

"A Xiao suspects that my husband killed his old man. I don't know what to do, so I can only ask you to discuss it."

"Impossible, there is no reason for Han Chen to kill Ni Kun." Huang Zhicheng was full of question marks. He didn't know that his childhood sweetheart, Bai Lian, had been defiled by Ni Kun N times.

Mary was in distress, and grabbed Huang Zhicheng's palm: "The three of us have known each other since we were young, and now that A-Chen is in trouble, you won't die without saving him, will you?"

"Convex (哉盘哦)!" Huang Zhicheng withdrew his palm: "Save? How can I save it?

I sent people to arrest people. I need evidence. I can't say that I suspect that Ni Yongxiao is going to kill Han Chen, and then let me arrest him without evidence, right? "

"You want evidence, right? Okay, I'll help you find it. Didn't you always want to solve the Ni family?
If the Ni family falls, it will be good for you and me. I have never spoken to you since I was a child.Will you help me this time? "Mary looked up at Huang Zhicheng.

Huang Zhicheng walked to her side, lifted Mary's delicate chin, and the latter slowly closed her eyes.


Ni Yongxiao didn't know that just because he couldn't understand Han Chen's little scheme, he would force Mary to seek help from her childhood friend Huang Zhicheng.

Mary really has the evidence of the Ni family's fans. She has been controlled by Ni Kun for so long, and she has been thinking about how to take revenge day and night. In addition, Han Chen, as the backbone of the Ni family, can naturally collect some things if he pays a little attention.


These evidences all point to Ni Kun and implicate Han Chen.

Now it is definitely not enough to use it to bite Ni Yongxiao. For this reason, Mary decided that besides contributing to the 'police force' at Ni's house, she had to find someone to help.

Two days later.

When Liu Jianming came to the West African restaurant, he saw Sister Mary sitting at the table by the window and wearing a one-line skirt.

"Ming Tsai, I want Ni Yongxiao to die." Facing this former champion, Mary was straightforward, with her charming lips, uttering cold words.

Liu Jianming was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the coffee: "Yes, but can I ask why?"

"Ah Xiao is suspecting that brother Chen killed his old man."

"How is that possible?" Liu Jianming suddenly raised his head, but in an instant he realized that he had overreacted, and said decisively, "Uncle Kun is not mean to Brother Chen, and it would be no good for Brother Chen to kill him!"

"That's right, our husband and wife can't figure it out either." Mary smiled wryly and shook her head.

From the beginning to the end, Mary didn't realize it, and she was always scaring herself.

Liu Jianming's eyes moved slightly, he pretended to be embarrassed, and finally agreed to Mary's request, using his work convenience in the SB intelligence department to support Huang Zhicheng's future actions against the Ni family.

Saying goodbye to Sister Mary, Liu Jianming went home quickly and reported the matter to Li Jie.

After Ding Yunfeng heard this, he was stunned on the spot.

Now that Ni Kun is dead, why does Mary still insist on taking Ni Yongxiao's life like the plot of "Infernal Affairs 2"?
"The kite means that a fan group of the size of the Ni family must be covered by an umbrella.

The last time he took advantage of the chaos to kill Ni Kun, it was already very risky. If another Ni Yongxiao died in a short period of time, he was worried that there would be chaos. "Li Jie relayed Liu Jianming's suggestion.

Ding Yunfeng nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, his thinking is more mature than I imagined.

Brother Jie, you send someone to tell him that you can help Huang Sir just by supporting him at work. "

Liu Jianming received Ding Yunfeng's instructions that afternoon, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and killed Ni Kun, the latter deserved to die.

Ni Yongxiao has been abroad, so it is impossible for him to have an affair with Sister Mary.

During this period of time, he learned a lot in the intelligence department and saw a lot of top-secret information, including the Ni family.

Liu Jianming even found some strange markings on the files of the Ni family. Judging from the handwriting, it should be left by the same person.

This time Ni Yongxiao suddenly came to power, and Dongxing, who was originally a deadly enemy with the Ni family, suddenly stopped targeting Ni Yongxiao.

There seems to be a black hand manipulating all this, Liu Jianming is not crazy if he can't figure out the situation and mess around!

(End of this chapter)

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