Chapter 5
Shek Kip Mei, Barwick Street.

There are seven or eight folding tables on the oil-soaked roadbed, and the food stall owner in a yellow sweater is blowing water with people while shaking the frying pan.

Except for Ding Yunfeng's table, there were quacks who deliberately showed their tattoos sitting at the other tables.

Punching, drinking, blowing water...

Don't look at the poor conditions of this street food stall, but the taste of the dishes is actually very good.

Pheasant, Baopi and Nestpi three people ate so much that their mouths were full of oil.

Wang Xia sat on Ding Yunfeng's left, fidgeting restlessly with the hem of her clothes twisted.

Chen Haonan was sitting on Ding Yunfeng's right hand side, holding a bottle of Heineken beer by his side, looking around vigilantly.

Seeing this, Ding Yunfeng nodded secretly, who can tell who is a fool and who is a talent after a meal.

Before I came here, I saw Chen Haonan walking away from Datianer, so I guess he was either running to rescue the soldiers, or going home to get the guys.

Stay vigilant and take precautions! ! !

This is an essential prerequisite for being a gangster.

"Anan, relax a little bit." Ding Yunfeng smiled slightly after taking out a cigarette and scattered it around.

Chen Haonan took the cigarette and secretly smiled wryly. Alan would at most beat them up because he knew that nothing could be squeezed out of them.

But Ding Yunfeng had exposed his fortune at the housing estate stadium before, and based on his understanding of Alan, the other party would definitely not let go of this good opportunity to blackmail Ding Yunfeng!

"Brother Feng! Why don't you go first..." After a little hesitation, Chen Haonan plucked up his courage and looked at Ding Yunfeng and said.

Ding Yunfeng shook his head and smiled: "A'nan, it's right to be cautious when you come out to play.

But you have to understand that there are many things in this world that you cannot and cannot hide from. "

Chen Haonan became anxious when he heard the words, Ding Yunfeng got up and pointed to the opposite side of the street, there was a man with an evil temperament and wearing a red flower shirt, walking over aggressively with six short mules.

"It's easy for me to leave alone, but what about Xiaoxia? What about you guys? The other party will take some time to investigate, and it will even implicate Lei's family."

Rolling up his sleeves while talking, Ding Yunfeng walked out under the excited eyes of everyone: "I, Ding Yunfeng, have never been a coward who asks my younger brother to help me take the thunder."

As soon as the words fell, Ding Yunfeng kicked the table beside him, and several sets of bowls and chopsticks that hadn't been cleaned up, with leftovers in it, flung them towards Alan and his party.

Alan, who wanted to say a few words on the occasion and touched Ding Yunfeng's details, hurriedly led his subordinates to disperse.

Sudden attack, seize the opportunity.

Ding Yunfeng strode forward, grabbed the arm of the nearest curly-haired short mule, and pushed it on his knee—click!
After the jaw-piercing sound of bones cracking, the curly-haired short mule rolled on the ground in pain, with one arm bent horribly at 270 degrees.

The owner of the food stall, who was used to watching fighting scenes, stood in front of the stove and took a breath.

This kid looks gentle and gentle, and his shots are even more vicious than the guy from Tiujingling! ! !
Alan knew that he had kicked the iron board today, but he couldn't afford to hesitate right now, and while holding a knife, he stepped forward and shouted loudly: "All follow Laozi, let's hack this Pujie to death together!"

Several short mules saw that the boss had left the field in person, suppressed their horror one by one, and surrounded him holding the guy.

Seeing this, Chen Hao picked up a folding stool and wine bottle and rushed up to help.

Ding Yunfeng knew that they hadn't been trained in Big Brother B's boxing gym, and they were all fighting scum.

In order to prevent a few people from being injured, he decided to make a quick decision, and with the strength in his hand, he instantly increased the three points.



After a bone-cracking sound that made people's hair stand on end.

Including Alan Zai, the seven Fuyixing dwarf mules all knelt down.

Looking at Ding Yunfeng standing alone in the field, holding a cigarette and buttoning his clothes.

Chen Haonan and Pheasant blushed with excitement, only then did they realize that Ding Yunfeng was simply playing tricks on them at the estate court earlier.

"Today, I, Alan, confessed. This boss, please leave a name..." Ding Yunfeng broke both of Alan's legs, and he fell to the ground on his back, and asked at the top of his voice.

"My name is Ding Yunfeng. If you are not convinced, call your boss, Xiao Sa, and come to Kowloon Walled City to find me."

Damn, why is the shot so ruthless?

You said earlier that you came out of the walled city, but if you gave me ten guts, I wouldn't dare to come here to find trouble! !
Alan wanted to cry when he heard the words, the Walled City of Kowloon, that is a crime city with no care, [-]% of the desperadoes on Hong Kong Island live there!
Don't say that he is a Fu Yi Xing Lao Si Jiu, even if his elder brother is handsome, he can't offend the people inside.

Lying on the ground, he kept swearing and swearing that after today's incident, he would never dare to take revenge on Wang Xia and the others.

Before he fainted, Alan finally got Ding Yunfeng's permission to ask the owner of the food stall for help, so he seized a white car and took them there for treatment.


White car, wash the ground and leave.

A few tables not far away, a stocky man wearing a racing jacket and jeans came over with a toast: "My brother, you are very skilled!"

Ding Yunfeng followed the sound and looked at Chen Haonan with a strange expression. Your kid's future boss, Hong Xingxi B, has appeared!
At this time, it is not a fit person's thin B, but the aura is already extraordinary.

Seeing him walking towards him, Chen Haonan got up and gave up his seat.

Xi B sat down familiarly, raised his head and drank a glass of beer: "I, Hong Xing Xi B, brother, with your skills, it is estimated that seven or eight people can't get close to you!"

"Ah B, what you said is too exaggerated." Ding Yunfeng shook his head with a smile. He really wasn't lying.

"Haha, I've been boxing since I was 13 years old, and I still have some eyesight! I'm only curious about the number of boxing methods that Brother Ding uses. It has both the foundation of Hongquan and Muay Thai..."

"Ah B really has extraordinary eyesight, drink."

"I made Brother Ding laugh! I did it, you can do whatever you want."

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng didn't argue with each other, Xiao B didn't get angry, and asked the boss to add more food and wine, while chatting and laughing with everyone.

With his forthright personality, Chen Haonan and others quickly changed their names to Brother B.

Xi B had a toast with Pheasant, and filled Ding Yunfeng's cup himself under the surprised eyes of many of his subordinates.

"Brother Ding, Mr. Jiang, the leader of Hongxing, is thirsty for talents. If you can join Hongxing with your level of skill, you can do even a red stick, not to mention a red stick!"

"Ah B, it's okay to drink freely, just join the club." Ding Yunfeng smiled, shook his head and refused.

Small B's smile faltered, and the boys at the two tables behind him, with a clatter, took out their tools and stood up.

"Pujie, you look down on our Hong Xing?"

"Convex (艹盘艺), you kid, don't know what's good or bad."


Faced with the sudden sword-ridden scene in front of them, Chen Haonan and the others turned pale.

Wang Xia was so frightened that Huarong turned pale. If she hadn't run into trouble in front of Ding Yunfeng before, she would definitely have jumped into his arms.

The yelling and cursing of several Hong Xingzis became louder and louder, but Ding Yunfeng's face remained unchanged, and he looked at Xiao B with half a smile in his eyes.

A beer bottle hit the head of Hong Xingzai who screamed the most.

"Made, big or small, when will it be your turn to talk?" Thin B threw away half of the glass bottle in his hand with a dark face.

Walking slowly in front of Ding Yunfeng, Xiao B blew a Heineken without saying a word: "These guys drank too much, let my brother laugh today, we will meet again next time when we have time."

After saying that, Xiao B cupped his fists expressionlessly, patted Chen Haonan on the shoulder, and left without looking back with his subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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