Chapter 6

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng had an enmity with Fu Yixing first, and now he doesn't even give Hong Xing face, plus Xi B's goodwill before leaving, Chen Haonan was a little absent-minded next.

Sure enough, when Da Tian Er came, he took the initiative to bid farewell to Ding Yunfeng.

Although Ding Yunfeng was a little surprised, he didn't take it to heart.

After all, he used to take advantage of this kind of little hooligan.

After glancing at Wang Xia, Ding Yunfeng paid another 100 yuan, planning to ask Chen Haonan and others to take care of her and Lei's house on the 24th floor of Block 10 in the near future.

Chen Haonan thought about it, but he didn't accept it in the end, but he promised that if Lei's family and Wang Xia encountered difficulties, he would notify Ding Yunfeng as soon as possible.

"Brother Feng, remember to come and play with us when you have time!" the heartless pheasant shouted while being pulled by Chen Haonan.

Ding Yunfeng smiled without saying a word, but seeing Wang Xia following her steps, he felt a bit embarrassed.

"Brother take me away." Wang Xia wanted to cry, and stepped forward to hug Ding Yunfeng.

If she hadn't been lucky enough to meet Ding Yunfeng today, she might have been dragged by Alan to a green house to sell her sex!

Therefore, when Ding Yunfeng stepped forward to beat Alan Zai away, her original utilitarianism unknowingly turned into a deep attachment.

Ding Yunfeng pushed a few times, and found that the girl was crying and refused to let go, so he could only comfort him in a low voice.

Wu Shihao can cruelly send a flower abroad to grow into a rose, but Ding Yunfeng can't do such a thing of threatening Wang Xia.

After spending a lot of time, Ding Yunfeng finally made Wang Xia cry.

Considering Wang Xia's age and the harsh environment of Kowloon Walled City, it is impossible for Ding Yunfeng to take her away.

After asking about the school's address, Ding Yunfeng took Wang Xia there and helped her pay all the tuition fees for her sixth form at one time.

"Brother Feng, when I graduate, I'll go find you!"

"Silly girl, it's like being separated from life and death, can't I come and play with you when I have time?"


Reluctant to part, Wang Xia and Ding Yunfeng returned to Kowloon Walled City.

Touching the shriveled wallet, Ding Yunfeng laughed at himself: "The plan can't keep up with the changes. The 2000 yuan was originally intended to be used on the day when Lei Luo was in danger in the Walled City.

Now it seems that I have to try to make a little money before I catch Lei Luo's line..."

After thinking for a moment, Ding Yunfeng opened the door and walked out of Wu's house.

Kowloon Walled City, this is a city of sin where all illegal activities exist.

Brothels, casinos, dog meat stalls, black clinics, milling workshops, and even organ smuggling...

Ding Yunfeng wanted to get money quickly, but also didn't want to be unable to clean up his crimes in the future. Considering the end, he decided to go to the Walled City Ring to make a guest appearance as a boxer!
Boxers in the Walled City, not boxers!
In a boxing match, people rarely die; in a walled city ring, people die every day.

In the past, even if Ding Yunfeng possessed Ye Wen's martial arts skills, even if he was given ten lives, it wouldn't be enough to kill him even if he was on stage.

Fortunately, he rescued Amei's mother and son, and got the heart of the strong as a mission reward.

He who grew up in a peaceful age has finally made up for his shortcomings in mind.

Otherwise, once you get into the ring and get stared at by those city fighters who are on the verge of life and death all day long, you might be too timid before the fight begins!

Reporting Wu Shihao's name, Ding Yunfeng did not encounter any trouble walking around the city.

He even vaguely felt that Wu Shihao should let the word out, otherwise whenever he asked someone for directions, why would these walled city residents who seemed to be very difficult to talk be so respectful?
I passed by illegal activities set up in stairs and darkrooms everywhere.

Ding Yunfeng found Wu Shihao, Dawei and Serena in the corridor of an old six-story building.

Just as he was about to speak, a passenger plane bound for Kai Tak Airport happened to pass obliquely over the Walled City.


The roar of the engine was deafening.

Wu Shihao pulled Serena to talk, but his voice was completely covered by the noise of the plane.

"We came out to mess around..." Wu Shihao raised his voice, his face was both solemn and helpless: "We came out to mess around..."

Maybe this is already a cliché, Serena shouted impatiently: "Understood, there must be a bottom line!!!"

Just when the roar of the plane passed by, Wu Shihao was taken aback, and sighed unhappily: "Do you want to be so loud?"

Repeatedly asking Serena not to sell fans to the students, Wu Shihao smiled and walked towards Ding Yunfeng: "I came back so soon, didn't you find any relatives?"

"I found it, it's just that the other party is not at home." Ding Yunfeng handed over a lucky lottery.

Wu Shihao took out the lighter, and lit it for Ding Yunfeng first: "Would you like to help? My own, you're welcome."

Glancing at the scrawny fellow daoist who was squatting in the corner with a matchbox in his mouth and chasing the dragon (fans), with black eyes, the smile on Ding Yunfeng's face slowly disappeared.

Seeing this, Wu Shihao walked aside with his arms around Ding Yunfeng's shoulders, and said in a deep voice: "Ah Feng, you must not imitate him, that thing, once you eat it, it will last you a lifetime. If you eat it someday, you and my brother will have nothing to do. I will definitely break your leg!"

Facing Wu Shihao who clasped his shoulders with an excited expression and a serious tone.

Ding Yunfeng's mood was very complicated. If he hadn't come from later generations, he would never have imagined that this person would become the number one drug lord on Hong Kong Island in the future!

"Since you know that white powder is harmful to people, why do you still make such bad money?" Ding Yunfeng asked suddenly with a cold smile.

Wu Shihao froze when he heard the words, there was joy on his face knowing that his brother understood the dangers of drugs, but also the embarrassment that his secrets were exposed.

"Your words, a fellow named Yan Zheng also asked me." Wu Shihao slapped the railing hard, and Wu Shihao laughed at himself: "I'm greedy for money, it's good to have money."

"They buy, we sell. Buying and selling is about supply and demand. Ah Feng, you've seen it too. I never allow children and students to sell. As for those fellow Taoists..."

"Did I, Wu Shihao, tell them to suck it? I didn't! They wanted to suck it themselves! I didn't force them! They are stupid! You can't blame me..."

It's like Zhang Qing and Sun Erniang selling human steamed buns on Shizipo and making a "three don't kill" fig leaf.

The more Wu Shihao spoke, the more confident he became. His rough face was glowing with a faint golden light under the setting sun, and there was a hint of holy brilliance.

It's just that he seems to be paying attention to the morals of the world, and he has a bottom line in his confession.

In Ding Yunfeng's view, it was more like deliberate self-hypnosis for the sake of earning ignorant money.

Knowing that he and Wu Shihao are two people, Ding Yunfeng stopped talking, he couldn't wake up a person who pretended to be asleep.

"Okay, let's not talk about these unhappy things." Wu Shihao flicked his cigarette butt, looked at Ding Yunfeng with a smile: "You took the initiative to come to me, there must be something wrong, tell me, see if I can help."

"Brother Hao, I'm going to fight in the Walled City ring, please help me go through the formalities."

"What? You are going to the ring!!!"


Shek Kip Mei Estate, 24th Floor, Block 10.

After returning home, many neighbors made a fuss about throwing a wedding banquet. Because of Ding Yunfeng's appearance, a fierce quarrel broke out.

"Unless I get fired from the TV station, I won't agree to let my daughter marry a mainland boy who doesn't even have a tile to cover his head!" The radar dart slapped the table with full momentum.

Brother Lai said to Brother Zhao in a low voice: "My dad has worked in satellite TV for 17 years, and the chance of being fired is lower than Mommy winning the lottery."

Brother Zhao gave the radar dart a thumbs up, the latter tightened his tie and gave his eldest daughter and brother a calm look.

With the support of his father and younger sisters, Daidi stepped forward and shook Aunt Dart's arm: "Daluzi is a good guy, so I don't want to marry him, Mommy, besides, he already has a boyfriend."

Aunt Dart stood up abruptly when she heard the words, her huge tonnage and angry fat face looked like a volcano about to erupt.

"This marriage was arranged by your grandfather with the Ding family. The old man wants to be strong in his life. I must not let him lose face down there.

Linda Dart, I now declare your objection null and void!Don't forget, if my dad wasn't there, your family would have been burned to death in the Shek Kip Mei fire! "

(End of this chapter)

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