Chapter 7

Aunt Biao opened her mouth and opened up her moves. Uncle Biao, who was deeply favored by the Lei family back then and had to repay him with his own body after the disaster, instantly lost three points in his waist.

"These years, my old lady has followed you, eating salted fish and drinking plain water, do you have a complaint?" Aunt Dart approached Uncle Dart step by step.

"Let's not talk about it, let's just say that in recent years, my cousin Lei Luo has made a fortune, and whoever is related to him has not relied on him to make a fortune?
You cousin-in-law is noble, your radar dart is amazing!
People don't think you're an asshole, but you don't think he's a gangster who collects dirty money!

A Luo came to visit my big cousin several times, but you were chased away every time by your black face, and now the two families don't even have to be relatives! "

Uncle Biao's face turned red, and he snorted: "My Radar Biao is upright, and I look down on the kind of gangster with no butthole the most in my life.

Besides, we are talking about Daluzi now, why are you talking so far? "

"Don't interrupt me, I haven't finished yet."

"Tell me, fat woman, let me have a good time today!"

Seeing Uncle Biao walking away impatiently, Aunt Biao grabbed his tie angrily: "Your brother Azun works in Hengfeng Bank, didn't you follow the way of A Luo?
Your half-brother Dong Biao, without Aluo's care, how could he be promoted to the police chief under Lei Meng so quickly? "

The more Uncle Biao heard, the angrier he became, especially the performance of the two brothers, which made him feel even more ashamed.

He struggled to pull out the tie from Aunt Dart's hand, and Uncle Dart was about to speak when he saw a teary face.

"Husband, my father loved me the most during his lifetime. I can't let someone poke his back after he dies." Aunt Dart wiped her tears while putting away the marriage letter left by Ding Yunfeng.

Uncle Biao opened his mouth to speak, but in the eyes of his eldest daughter and brother's hope, it turned into a long and helpless sigh: "Good girl, your mommy has made up her mind, I'm sorry, old man."

"If someone doesn't want to marry, whoever agrees to this marriage will get married!" Seeing this, Daidi ran out crying.

Unexpectedly, just as she opened the door, a large group of neighbors who were lying outside their house and eavesdropping all rushed in.

"Ahem, Uncle Biao, Aunt Biao..." Nan Gu, who took the lead, got up awkwardly.

The family ugliness is publicized, and Uncle Biao is angry.

But before he could get mad, the escort lady had already come out: "Everyone in the neighborhood, my father made a marriage contract with the Ding family for his grandchildren.

Today, Ding Yunfeng, a descendant of the Ding family, came to the door with the marriage certificate, and the two families will set up a banquet in another day. At that time, everyone must have a few more glasses of wine. "

Hearing Aunt Dart's words, Uncle Dart could only smile wryly and nod.

Nangu and the others have been eavesdropping outside for so long, how dare they stay at this moment?
They scrambled to send blessings one by one, and then found an excuse to get out of the way.

In the past, today's big drama in the Lei family would have been laughed at by them for at least a year.

Now I know that Aunt Dart has a cousin named Lei Luo, even though the two families haven't seen each other for a long time.

But Uncle Biao's family has this level of relationship, which is enough for these eight women to weigh before they speak.

That night...

A short man in a flowered shirt led a tall woman out of the Shek Kip Mei estate.

The next day.

Seeing the note left on the TV by the eldest daughter and younger brother, Aunt Dart was so angry that she fainted on the spot.

Uncle Dart poured warm water for her, while pretending to be helpless: "It's all right now, I forced my daughter to elope with that dwarf who laughed."

Come to my brother to recruit my brother to secretly high-five.

Last night, one was packing the luggage and the other was helping with the reception. They felt like they were doing bad things under the eyes of adults.

It's a little trick for an educated daughter to be like her mother.

How can I hide from Aunt Biao's piercing eyes?
Another quarrel broke out in the Lei family, and the similar scene from yesterday reappeared again, but this time, the protagonist changed from bringing the younger brother to the younger brother.

If Ding Yunfeng was present, maybe he would reluctantly agree.

After all, peaches will mature one day, and he feels that he can wait...

Closer to home, after taking my younger brother and running out crying yesterday, my younger brother also ran out crying today.

Only this time, Uncle Dart chased after him.

"Old Dou, Mommy, she's crazy..." Short-haired, immature peach... Laidi was crying so hard that she regretted that she should have helped the eldest sister elope last night.

"Good girl, don't worry, I'm here, take a look, what is this?" Uncle Dart put his arms around his daughter's shoulders, and took out a letter of admission introduction.

"Shengde Yu Girls' College?" Lai Di took it and opened it, and found that it was a missionary school for girls, and his name, Lin Xiaohua, was written on it.

Uncle Dart had a wise expression on his face: "Last night, you helped take my younger brother to escape, but you old man secretly found your third uncle, Dong Dart, as a helper.

Take a look at the ID card he specially sent this morning.

Not only you, but even your eldest sister, I let him change his surname back through the relationship of the police station.

Starting today, the eldest daughter of my radar bodyguard is called Lin Meiya, and the second daughter is called Lin Xiaohua.

The third daughter, Lei Zhaodi, has just started primary school, and her surname is Ding, and she is willing to wait for ten more years. It's not that I can't give him a chance to be my son-in-law! ! "

Lin Xiaohua wept with joy, Uncle Biao enjoyed his daughter's adoring eyes, and immediately pulled her onto a bus: "Shengde Yu Girls' College is a school directly under the church, and students are strictly forbidden to fall in love there. Today I will take you to complete the registration process." Procedures, dead fat woman will not count."

"Wow, old bean, you are so eye-catching!"

"Hmph, needless to say? Even that female devil on the TV station can't beat me, let alone this fat woman who only buys lottery tickets all day long?"


Ding Yunfeng left the marriage letter yesterday, in fact, he secretly expressed his opinion to the Lei family - I, Ding, don't take this marriage very seriously.

But Ding Yunfeng didn't expect that after he left, some eight women in the housing estate would use a hanger to hook out the letter he stuffed under the door of Lei's house.

In this day and age, most people value reputation very much.

If there were no rumors about this matter, Auntie Dart, who has always tolerated Uncle Dart, would definitely not be so resolute in her attitude!

But since it was spread by Nangu and other eight wives, for the sake of her late father's reputation, Aunt Biao had no choice but to stand up to the end...

Kowloon Walled City has a total of seven arenas!
These arenas are not only used to resolve the distribution of interests and conflicts within the Walled City, but also an entertainment venue for outsiders to gamble.

Wu Shihao's boss, Fei Zaichao, is the controller of one of the rings.

Fat Zaichao, who was tall, with a crew cut and a gold medal on a jade chain, was gnawing on an orange while looking at Ding Yunfeng with a smile.

"Ahao, this pretty boy just saved your wife and child last night, and you are going to let him compete on stage tonight? Are you playing with him, or me?"

As soon as this remark came out, boos abounded.

A skinny young man with long hair and tattoos on his back laughed even more: "I can't repay the kindness of saving my life, so I just send my benefactor to sell salted duck eggs. Brother Hao is a good trick, brother learned it."

"Pop collar mother, you have the guts to say it again!!" Wu Shihao was furious when he heard the words, and kicked him.

Not to be outdone, the skinny young man grabbed a chair and threw it over. Fat Boy watched the play with a smile, his goldfish eyes glowing fiercely.

Ding Yunfeng squinted his eyes slightly, rushed in front of Wu Shihao with a stride, and slammed out his right fist fiercely.

The chair made of thick wood was torn apart, and the skinny man's complexion changed drastically, but he had no time to defend himself, and was sent flying by Ding Yunfeng's jab on the spot.

Without even looking at the skinny man lying on the ground vomiting blood, Ding Yunfeng turned to face the dumbfounded Fat Boy Chao: "Brother Chao, am I good enough to be in the ring now?"

(End of this chapter)

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