Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 501 Information Merchant Dillon

Chapter 501 Information Merchant Dillon
Ever since the scumbag husband cheated on the mistress and abandoned their mother and child.

Zhu Su'e lost her smile for a long time. In the past, she got along well with her old boss Huang Youxie.

It's a pity that there were several misunderstandings in the police station, which made Huang Youxie's wife think that the two were having an affair.

If it wasn't for Huang Yaobing who happened to be looking for a policewoman everywhere, Huang Youxie was about to drive her to the uniform team to step on the road.

As for Chen Xiaosheng.

This thirty-something-year-old virgin is really enthusiastic.

Zhu Su'e has not yet recovered from her previous relationship injury, and she can't stand Chen Xiaosheng's fierce pursuit.

On the contrary, since Ding Yunfeng knew her till now, he has no pretensions to get along with her as an equal, and he is quite funny, allowing her to breathe a little bit under the pressure of life.

However, there is an idiom called extreme joy begets sorrow.

Zhu Su'e couldn't laugh very quickly, because she didn't wait for her to sort out the list of items that needed to be purchased.

Chen Xiaosheng's naive smile had already appeared in front of her.

"Good morning sir!

Senior Sheriff, Chen Xiaosheng report for duty!

Hi, Sister E, we meet again! "Chen Xiaosheng stood at attention at Ding Yunfeng, and raised his eyebrows at Zhu Su'e, who had a frozen expression.

I saw Zhu Su'e pointing at Chen Xiaosheng 'he he he' with her tongue out.

Ding Yunfeng held back his smile, and walked out with his arms around Chen Xiaosheng's shoulders: "You don't need to be polite! Shengzi, you came in time.

Sister E, you know each other, so I won’t introduce you, let’s go, I’ll take you downstairs to meet some other colleagues. "

"Hello, will your solution come?" Zhu Su'e frantically stopped the two of them.

Chen Xiaosheng smiled complacently: "I have a friend at the gun club named Song Zijie. He accidentally found out that Brother Feng transferred you to Kwun Tong, so he immediately called and let me know."

"Brother Feng, why didn't you tell me first?"

"What did I tell you? Haven't you heard anyone say that it is better to demolish ten temples than destroy one marriage?

You are divorced, he is not married, and your child likes him and is willing to accept him as a father. This is simply a match made in heaven. " Ding Yunfeng pushed back jokingly.

Zhu Su'e has become petrified, and Chen Xiaosheng is interested in her, she can feel it, the problem is that the other party hasn't confessed to her yet!

Now being directly pierced by this layer of window paper by Ah Tou is simply social death.

Chen Xiaosheng next to him was also a little embarrassed, his dark face turned red: "Brother Feng, I'm so ashamed, in public..."

"You don't like her?"

"I like it!"

"Then am I right?

Hey, I don't know what you are struggling with.

This matter between men and women should be cut quickly!
Brother Feng is doing a good deed today, helping you two to fast-forward 12 episodes.

No need to say thank you, just concentrate on helping me work hard in the future.

Alright, let's give them a little time to cover their faces and step their feet. Now let's go downstairs to pick up Cao Leon and dog Wang Lun, enjoy some water, and smoke a cigarette.

Save those nasty words of yours for asking her out for a candlelight dinner at night. "

As Ding Yunfeng said, when he dragged Chen Xiaosheng down the stairs with a face full of reluctance, Zhu Su'e covered her face with her hands, stomped her feet, and rushed back to the office screaming.

The 35-year-old Sister E has the personality of a 15-year-old girl. No wonder Chen Xiaosheng, who went out to buy salty dishes on the street, caught his eye.


Just as Ding Yunfeng was running in with several new subordinates in Kwun Tong.

Song Zijie, who couldn't go with Brother Feng, didn't even have an appetite for lunch, so he drove away from the Wanchai Police Station alone, driving aimlessly on the street.

The fuel tank gradually bottomed out, and the car was powerless to stop.

Ajie pushed the door depressed and came down. After looking around, he found a bar not far away.

"A piece of egg fried rice, it's green, thank you."

"Yes sir, what would you like to drink?"

"Need not!"

"Ah, this..." The bartender looked at Song Zijie who was lying on the bar counter speechlessly.

Liangzi, it’s fine if you come to the bar at noon to order fried rice, at worst, you can call Jade Tea Restaurant for delivery.

But you don't even join us for a shot, isn't it a bit of a mess?
"What? I'm afraid I don't have money to pay?" Ajieniu lost his temper again, and looked up at the bartender.

The bartender puffed up his cheeks, and was about to call the spectator to come over to deal with it, but saw the boss, Brother Long, coming over with his cigar in his mouth: "Ah Shui, I'll greet this guest, you go eat first."

Hearing the familiar voice, Song Zijie turned around in doubt, his complexion immediately darkened: "Why are you?"

"I opened this bar, why can't it be me?" Song Zihao, who changed his name to Brother Long, walked into the bar with a smile: "Let me buy you a drink."

"Don't drink!"

"I'm in a bad mood. It's good to have a drink." Brother Long shook his head and smiled, put down his cigar, turned around and picked up a whiskey: "You have to go to work in the afternoon, so I'll give you the whole glass of water."

Seeing his brother skillfully start mixing wine, Song Zijie snorted coldly: "You really look good, why? Instead of selling counterfeit banknotes, have you switched to selling counterfeit wine?"

"Hey, Sir Song, I, Dillon, am an intelligence dealer with a record in your police force! However, your current level is too low to have access to this level of secrets."

"Cut, an informant is an informant, what an intelligence businessman..."

"Hey, don't you think I'm bluffing you?

I receive my salary every month. After tax deductions, I get 3475 yuan and 8 cents.

In a sense, we are colleagues now! "Brother Long kept stirring his hands, making Song Zijie doubt his life.

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you." Ajie waved his hand, and decided to get up and leave. He was afraid that if he continued to sit down, Song Zihao would be full first if he didn't eat fried rice with eggs.

Seeing this, Brother Long stopped him: "Aren't you curious, how can I file a record with the police?"

Hearing this, Ajie really sat back.

Brother Long pushed a cup of amateur-level water cut in front of his younger brother: "According to the confidentiality agreement, you can't tell me what you know.

However, that person had long expected this to happen today.

He allowed me to violate the rules once, listen carefully, my person in charge, police number PC16888..."

"Brother Feng?" Song Zijie was taken aback, and Brother Long proudly took a puff of his cigar: "If you don't believe me, you can check with him. By the way, I also know why you were not taken to Kwun Tong by him this time."

"Why?" Song Zijie asked hastily. He didn't realize that the time he stayed in Longhu Bar had already exceeded his red line.

Song Zihao took a look at him, and said in a low voice, "Silly boy, brother Feng's apparent promotion this time is obviously a kind of suppression by the higher-ups of your police force.

If you let him take away both the leaders of your anti-mafia group AB, wouldn't it be him starting anew?

Also, the last time I helped the police solve the Hengda counterfeit banknote case and Gao Yingpei banknote transportation case, I have already become a non-staff member of the police.

But in the past six months, your application for promotion to probationary inspector was still rejected by the higher-ups.

However, since Brother Feng was transferred this time, you just passed the application for a trainee inspector. Have you thought about it deeply? "

(End of this chapter)

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