Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 502 I Can't Do Fighting, Killing, Killing

Chapter 502 I Can't Do Fighting, Killing, Killing

Song Zihao's beating woke up Song Zijie who was in a daze.

"It's Brother Feng, it's Brother Feng who made a deal with the higher-ups, so that I can pass the application for a trainee inspector." Ajie murmured in a low voice, he grabbed the wine glass in front of him, tilted his head and drank half of it.

At this time, the bartender Ah Shui came back with a lunch box.

Brother Long stepped forward to take it and snatched Ajie's wine glass: "If you really want to thank Brother Feng, you should cherish this opportunity even more, and strive to rise a few more levels so that you will be able to repay him in the future.

All these years, you have always blamed my background for making you unable to get promoted?

Why don't you think about it, Brother Feng still came from swimming in his hometown, now the ghost wants to suppress him, and he has to weigh it every time! "

Song Zijie was speechless, he buried his head in opening the lunch box, and began to eat in big mouthfuls.

The next day!

Madam Hu received an official transfer order - to leave the Wanchai Police Station and return to Bawanghua;

One day later, Song Zijie also received a transfer order to be transferred to the Anti-Mafia Team of the Central District Police Station as the team leader of Team B.

Ding Yunfeng was busy supervising the project of Brilliant Company to repair the Kwun Tong Police Station. In the past half a month, he had no time to go out and wander.

On this day, Sansheng Temple in Tuen Mun District.

The gongs and drums are noisy, and there are huge crowds of people.

At every intersection from the road to the foot of the mountain, in addition to the guards from He Liansheng and the Sirs from the Tuen Mun Police Station.

The former is in charge of the town hall, ensuring that friends from the rivers and lakes who go up to the mountain to watch the ceremony will not bring some prohibited guys in to hurt their peace;
The latter stared at the former, wary of conflict and bloodshed.


"Uncle Blowing Chicken, the camel and the five tigers have arrived in front of the palace."

"Oh, excuse me, I'm going to meet Brother Camel."

"You're welcome, brother blowing chicken, you are busy, we can find a place to sit on our own."


This was the last day of Chuiji's sitting in the restaurant. In the past, he didn't need to receive people from the rivers and lakes, but today he lowered his figure and greeted them in person.

I don’t know, I thought blowing chicken was enough for everyone’s face.

In fact, the bragging is because he thinks that when Lin Huaile is handed over, he will have to wash his hands and quit the rivers and lakes by the way.

The next time he appears, he will be a member of the Tuen Mun District Councilor in the New Territories.

After washing up and going ashore, naturally, he can no longer associate with these old friends as a person from the rivers and lakes.

Today, I can chat with you a few more words, drink a few more glasses, and I will draw a perfect end to my rivers and lakes...

With four eyesight, Blowing Chicken strode out of the Sansheng Palace. When he saw Luo Tuo leading the five tigers of the East Star coming up, he smiled and cupped his hands: "Brother Luo Tuo, you are here, and we are far away to welcome you. Brother Dong Xing , please come inside!"

"Blow chicken, you're welcome, we are old acquaintances, let's go..." Luo Tuo laughed and held blow chicken's hands, the two exchanged polite words, and walked into the palace gate of Sansheng Temple side by side.

There were many mahogany chairs in the temple, and the camel sat down with the five tigers, and pulled the blowing chicken to his side: "What the hell are you doing? You have done a good job, why do you suddenly want to retire?"

"Hey, Brother Camel.

I'm in my early fifties this year.

I can't do it even if I fight;
When sitting in a restaurant to make money, I am tired of making money again;
In the past, Zhanmi, Ah Qiang, and Ah Qing were enough to open up territories and earn money.

Now there is an extra Jotun Lok and Dongguan Boy, not to mention Airplane, Big D...the rising stars of this gang.

This is the same as Liansheng sitting in the restaurant, I blow a chicken to sit on it, or push a cat to sit on it, the effect is actually the same.

The worst, before I knew it, I had been in a row for three or four times!
Wow, I go to Tuodi every day to be a mascot, how can you know that my heart is empty and boring.

Luckily, at the end of last year, when our club was counting, I accidentally discovered that there were [-] million in the club's public account!

Ah, finally let me find something to do.

This year I spent money to buy the entire Sai Yeung Choi Street.

Expanding the Tuodi of the association tenfold and renovating it is considered to be something I made during my reign and displayed for future generations to see.

If I don't take advantage of my grades to retire now, do I have to wait until the day I become demented, can't take care of my stool and urine, and leave it on it to stink and make people hate it? "

Blowing Chicken spoke in a helpless tone of Versailles, which camels couldn't pick up.

After drinking soy milk in the morning, the wind blows all the way on the mountain road, and the camel, which is older than the chicken, suddenly feels a little peey.

"I haven't retired at 63 this year, so why are you only in your early fifties?
Wait.I'm going to the bathroom, wait for me to come back and talk again. After saying that, the camel got up and went to the toilet.

Seeing Dongxing Wuhu sitting still, Chuiji frowned: "Hey? You don't send someone to follow?
Brother Luotuo is a man of age, if his foot slipped and fell into a shithole today, Dongxing would be embarrassed. "

Having said this, if it weren't for the strength of Ji and Liansheng, He Ji would have been beaten to pieces by the East Star Five Tigers on the spot.

"I'll go." Smiling Tiger stood up holding his nose.

Blowing Chicken nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, we come out to hang out, we must know how to respect the old and love the young."

"Uncle Blowing Chicken, why didn't I realize that your eloquence is so good?" Golden Retriever Tiger squeezed out a smile and stabbed secretly.

Unexpectedly, Chuiji was not angry at all, he was full of complacency, and wiped his neatly combed back hair: "Ah Qiang and the others all said this!

In fact, I secretly signed up for a few crash courses in public speaking recently, and spent around [-] yuan before and after, which was somewhat effective. "

"Wow, uncle blowing chicken, don't you want to be a TV show host instead of sitting in a restaurant?" Crow deliberately laughed loudly.

"It's about the same, it's about the same, I'm suddenly free, I must find something to pass the time..."

At this time, the camel and the smiling tiger who went to pee came back.

Hearing the words of blowing chicken, the corners of the mouths of the two of them twitched, saying that you seem to be managing a lot of things, don't you just nod and sit in the restaurant.

At this time, Siyanming came in to report, and Liang Kun, the leader of Hongxing, came with the speaker of the [-]th district.

Chuiji said sorry, and left quickly with the leading horse.

The camel snorted at his back, shook his hands and sat down.

Situ Haonan avoided the flying water drops and gave him a dark look.

Although Blowing Chicken's words are annoying, but he can retreat bravely and leave a chance for others, which is a good place to sit.

Look at the camel again, when you go to the toilet, your shoes are all wet, and you still hold on to your seat and don't let go. Do you really want to sit until your brain is demented?

The last time Siyanming went to post invitations, these ambitious people have already started to look at the camels, and today they heard the words of blowing chickens, and they can't wait to stab the camels on the spot and kill this old guy .

The arrival of Liangkun pushed the atmosphere to the peak.

On the other side, in Tsim Sha Tsui, Ni Yongxiao tied his head and brought incense to Ni Kun's spiritual tablet.

The four backbones of the Ni family, Han Chen, Guohua, Gandhi and Heigui, each have black circles on their right arms.

They held incense sticks in both hands, and behind them stood elite horsemen like Cockroach Qiang and Chen Yongren. This group of people were all in black suits, and everyone had serious expressions, exuding a terrifying and tragic aura.

(End of this chapter)

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