Chapter 503 Action Cancellation
"Everyone, today..."

Just as Ni Yongxiao started talking, there was a special ringtone coming from his body. He endured his impatience, took out his mobile phone and walked aside.

After dozens of seconds, Han Chen and others saw that Ni Sheng's expression turned ugly.

"The operation is cancelled, everyone let's go."

Break up?

Did you make a mistake!

Now the atmosphere is here and the emotions are full!
The filial son who vowed to avenge the murder of his father, you actually took the lead in announcing the dissolution of the gang?
Han Chen and the others were stupefied. They either wrote a suicide note last night, or explained the funeral to their family members!
Looking at the expressions of several people, Ni Yongxiao knew that he had to give them an explanation, otherwise, it would be difficult for him to convince the public in the future.

He turned around to look at Ni Kun's black and white portrait, and said coldly, "The few of you stay, and the rest of you should leave."

"Okay, Ni Sheng." Han Chen nodded first, and waved away Cockroach Qiang and Chen Yongren.

Seeing Han Chen taking the lead, Guohua and the others also dismissed Ma Zai.

When there were no more footsteps behind him, Ni Yongxiao, who had calmed down, turned around and said, "I just received a call from the big boss, who said that he and Ding Yunfeng had settled the matter. This is the end of the matter, and we are not allowed to conflict with Liansheng."

Big Boss' order! ! !

Han Chen and the others were stunned when they heard the words, no wonder the filial son was scared on the spot, this is because someone held his neck and bowed his head from the air!
Several people exchanged eyes silently, and they all saw the word "lucky" on each other's faces.

What's so special about people from the Ni family who are going to fight during the transition period with Liansheng?

It is said that it is to observe the ceremony in the past, and it will not mess around.

But looking at your murderous appearance with a filial belt tied on your head, whoever believes you are an idiot.

Fortunately, the big boss made a prediction in advance and made a timely call to stop him.

Otherwise, your dutiful son has made it, and our group may have to be buried on the spot by He Liansheng.

"That's the way it is. If it's okay, you can go first." Ni Yongxiao pinched the bridge of his nose and waved.

Several people nodded in response, but they all had a sneer on their faces as soon as they walked out of Ni's house.

The nigger suggested that it is better to find a place to gather.

This suggestion was echoed by others on the spot.

Han Chen didn't want to go at first, but he was worried about being squeezed out by a few people, so he could only follow with a smile.

Jingle Bell.

Kwun Tong Police Station, Commissioner's Office.

Ding Yunfeng picked up the phone that rang for the first time when he transferred from Wan Chai.

To his surprise, the person who called him was actually that opponent whom he had never met—Cai Yuanqi.

"Ding Sir, I'm Cai Yuanqi.

I heard that you recently renovated the Kwun Tong Police Station!

How about it, can I approve some funds to go on? "Cai Yuanqi was sitting in the police chief's office that originally belonged to Rice. He had a square nose and a temperament similar to Chen Zhichao, but he was a little more feminine than the latter.

Ding Yunfeng just went to Kai Tak Airport to see off Rice yesterday, so he naturally knew that Cai Yuanqi was promoted from Special Branch to First Brother.

"Oh, Sir Cai, congratulations, congratulations on your promotion to the police chief.

No, although we in Kwun Tong are a little poor, we still have money to repair the police station. "Ding Yunfeng smiled while holding the phone receiver.

Cai Yuanqi snorted, and after a few polite words, before hanging up the phone, he pointedly mentioned to Ding Yunfeng that Tsim Sha Tsui has a stable social environment.

Ding Yunfeng knew that this guy's sudden call was definitely not out of nowhere.

He put down the receiver and dialed a few numbers on his mobile phone.


Ding Yunfeng learned from the intelligence network that was founded by Zhan Mi and later handed over to Li Jie.

A few minutes ago, Ni Yongxiao summoned the members of the Ni family and planned to go to Sansheng Temple in Tuen Mun to watch the reelection with Liansheng.

But before leaving, Ni Yongxiao received a call, and for some reason, suddenly announced the cancellation of the action.

"This Cai Yuanqi, if I hadn't watched the movie several times, I would definitely have taken your showing of weakness as a gesture of favor." Ding Yunfeng thought for a while and smiled.

And this time.

Sansheng Temple, Tuen Mun.

Chui Ji Gao held up and Lian Sheng's keepsake leading stick, and slowly placed it in the palms of Lin Huaile's raised hands: "A Le, from now on, I will hand over Lian Sheng to you."

Seeing Lin Huaile excitedly holding the faucet stick and declaring the Hongmen 36 oath loudly, all the fierce men who were present watching the ceremony showed envy in their eyes.

This is He Liansheng!
After the righteous group became lonely, it became the most powerful society in the rivers and lakes of Hong Kong Island.

Unexpectedly, it was blown so lightly that it was handed over to Lin Huaile, the straw sandal.

"Hey, a new generation is replacing the old ones, no wonder He Liansheng is so prosperous! If it weren't for the recent fight against the Ni family in Tsim Sha Tsui by Dongguan Zai, who would know Jordan Lok? But it happens that such a person also has the opportunity to be in the position. What about the museum!"

"Hey. No matter whether you become a puppet or not after taking the position, He Liansheng is better than other clubs just because of his bragging rights and his quick retreat."

"That's right, the people at the top don't love their positions, and the people below have opportunities. This is the courage and vigor that a big society should have."

The ceremony ended with everyone discussing in low voices. Brother Le of Xinzuoguan announced that 100 tables have been set up, and I hope everyone can come and have a drink.

When everyone heard the words, they naturally applauded.

Of course, to be eligible to have the backbone to serve on the table, you must at least have a reputation as a hall master in the Jianghu.

Ordinary winners or leaders, on the side of Sansheng Palace, also have arrangements with Liansheng.

There are hundreds of tables of flowing water, the dishes are hard enough, the pipes are enough, and the wine is full of alcohol!

As long as you don't come to cause trouble, you will be greeted by the corresponding level and Liansheng Brothers.

On the side with backbone, Dong Guanzai led a group of men, beaming to welcome the gangsters who came to have a feast.

Because there were too many people present, Big D, Ren Yinjiu and others all came out to help.

Now that Lin Huaile is sitting in the hall, he has to put on airs, unless the person coming is a heavyweight, otherwise he will not go out to greet him.

"In these years, the most prestigious and ostentatious job banquet must not be avoided by Chen Yaoqing, the tiger of Wanchai."

"That's right, Lihao, the leader of Yiqun, brought 12 large-bottomed lion dancers to congratulate him. On the main table, there is also the prince Gan Shao of Yihai Group as a guest, and by the way, there is also Brother Feng."

"By the way, is Sir Ding coming today?"

"Probably not coming...

In the final analysis, Lin Huaile, he also switched from Fat Deng's command to Brother Feng, and he couldn't compare to Coolie Qiang, Zhan Mi, and Chen Yaoqing's direct descendants!
In fact, everyone knew very well what kind of quality he was sitting in the restaurant. "

"Stop talking sour words!

This is the seat of the number one club on Hong Kong Island!

Even if you can only stay in Tuodi every day and nod your head as a mascot.

Believe it or not, the people queuing up for this matter can go from Victoria Harbor to Victoria Peak! "


These discussions will more or less reach Lin Huaile's ears.

Holding the faucet stick tightly, Lin Huaile frequently looked towards the entrance of the hall.

For today, he asked someone to recruit a few big bosses to support the scene.

Although not as good as Gan Lianghong back then, but with one or two big water hoses on the main table, at least he won't be looked down upon too much.

(End of this chapter)

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