Chapter 506

The camel suddenly changed its style of painting, and it was better to sit far away from Dongxing and his group. They didn't know that a few minutes ago, the leader of Dongxing was talking nonsense about the fact that he was preparing to run for election;
But at the surrounding tables, everyone looked at Dongxing and his group in a strange way.

"Made, stop eating!" Crow was the first to get up and leave.

It's always been him who goes down the mountain and makes others eat badly. When was he silently dissed like this?
Situ Haonan, who captured the dragon and tiger, held down Wu Zhiwei who wanted to get up with the crow: "The crow drank a lot, I will drive him off, and you stay with the leader."

"Well, you two take your time, I'll have a drink with Brother Qing, and talk about the engineering business..." Sandhopper raised his glass to Wu Zhiwei and Lei Yaoyang, and after drinking it all, he picked up the wine bar and walked towards the main table Chen Yaoqing.

Lei Yaoyang also didn't want to stay and embarrass himself: "I'm going to the bathroom."

With a thick skin, the camel raised his glass and said a lot of flattering words to the chicken.

After he sat down, he realized that there was only one smiling tiger left at the table.

"Huh? How many of them are there?"

Wu Zhiwei sighed helplessly: "The crow drank too much, Haonan sent him back first; the sandhopper talked to Chen Yaoqing about business, and the last one went to the bathroom..."

Luo Bingrun heard that the camel's face was longer than the donkey's: "Hmph, none of them can make me worry. Let's see, if I didn't carry this old bone with my teeth, the Dongxing signboard would have fallen on the ground a long time ago." It's in the hands of you gangsters."

Smiling Tiger opened his mouth. He usually prides himself on being eloquent, but now he really doesn't know how to respond to Luo Tuo's words.


This time, Lin Huaile took over and Liansheng sat in the restaurant, and set up a total of 100 tables in total.

It's a pity that the focus of the audience is all on bragging, no!Now it should be called Mr. Wang Peijun's body!
"Everyone slow down!"

"Wang Sheng, we will definitely support you!"

"Puffing mother, blowing chicken, you are good enough! Don't say much, go back and I will mobilize those who have votes in the gang to vote for you!"

"Mr. Wang, the brothers will rely on you to protect them from now on."


Before leaving, each club boss laughed and cursed, or lowered his body, and used different methods to express his blessing and support to the blow chicken who was washed for nothing and was about to enter the political arena.

Chuiji stood at the gate to thank the guests, no matter whether the other party's status in the world was high or low, he would treat them equally and treat them with a smile.

On the contrary, the protagonist of today's banquet, and Lian Shengxin sitting in the hall, Brother Le, passed out early and was carried by the winning horse Changmao to the guest room to lie dead.

Silent all night.

The next morning.

Instead of wearing a Tang suit, he changed into a suit, and even Jin Lao changed into a Longines. He dressed himself in a gentle manner, and with his four eyes, who were also dressed like a dog, came to Repulse Bay to visit Ding Yunfeng.

Last night, it was Ding Yunfeng's turn to spend the night with Zhao Su.

While the two were having breakfast, the head of Zhao Su's bodyguard came to report that a Mr. Wang Peijun had come outside, and the other party wanted to see Ding Sheng.

Ding Yunfeng almost couldn't turn the corner for a while, and after thinking for a few seconds, he finally realized that he was blowing chicken.

"Go and invite them in." Ding Yunfeng wiped his mouth, got up and walked to the living room.

Zhao Su frowned: "You can't go see them after eating? It's not a big shot."

"It was so late last night, and you made me so full in the morning, what's your plan?" Ding Yunfeng pretended to be terrified on purpose.

Zhao Su gave him a charming look, twisted her waist and walked up to the second floor: "Virtue!"

Ding Yunfeng grinned, sat down and lit a cigarette, and saw the two men in suits and leather shoes walking in.

He yelled to Ding Sheng, and then he put half of his butt on the sofa.

The four-eyed man dared not even sit down, so he put down the gift box and stood behind the boss with his hands tied.

"A Ming, don't be restrained, find a place to sit by yourself." Ding Yunfeng picked up the cigarette case, knocked out two cigarettes and threw them to the two of them: "Uncle Jun, it's not bad. Today's look, I think, you can go to the governor's mansion to sit in the office." no problem."

"No, no, no, Ding Sheng, I have a few catties and a few taels. I know very well, how can I be worthy of your word 'uncle'?" Chuiji stood up on the spot in fright.

Ding Yunfeng looked indifferent, and waved his hands: "Oh, I buy beef offal in Kwun Tong. I also call him uncle..."

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng really didn't care about these details, Chui Ji sat down again with a smile on his face.

He first thanked Ding Yunfeng, and invited Wang Yifei and Robinson to help him stand at the Backbone Restaurant yesterday;
Then he told Ding Yunfeng how he planned to run for the Tuen Mun district councilor election, and what he would do after being elected...

Ding Yunfeng listened very carefully, because he found that blowing chicken was really well prepared.

He visited the local gentry in the New Territories, several influential taxpayers in Tuen Mun, and the leaders of many associations/gangs in advance.

It can be said that it was once the background of the people of the rivers and lakes to exaggerate the chicken for nothing.

This year's Tuen Mun District Councilors are at least [-]% sure that they will be elected based on their own strength alone!
"I can help you with the police case. There is no such thing as a blowjob after black and white. There is only one Mr. Wang Peijun;

I can also help you find a few bosses in the Tuen Mun district to support you in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

You have to remember one thing, now that you have landed, you should not have close contact with people on the same path.

Even, in a short period of time, don't worry about helping Liansheng to seek some so-called benefits.

If someone below has an opinion about you, you tell him to come to me, and I will talk to him. "Ding Yunfeng knocked on the armrest of the sofa and said in a deep voice.

Wang Peijun was shocked when he heard the words, and said with a serious expression: "Okay, Ding Sheng, I will remember."

Seeing this scene with four eyes, he endured the excitement in his heart. He has been with the braggart for many years, and the boss is treated as a waste, so naturally he is also regarded as a piece of shit by the people on the road.

These years, Chuiji was pushed to sit in front of the stage with Liansheng. As the winner of the opponent, he didn't even get a piece of land. It can be said that he has been laughed at by the Taoist for nearly ten years!
Unexpectedly, he, who was already preparing to apply for a job with Chen Yaoqing, would actually be able to see the day when the boss was reused by Brother Feng?
Chuiji didn't dare to bother him for too long, and after getting Ding Yunfeng's affirmation, he left after sitting for a while.

After a while, Lin Huaile came with Dongguan boy.

Compared with the four-eyed restraint, Dong Guanzai greeted Ding Yunfeng and sat on the sofa at the end.

On the contrary, Lin Huaile's sitting posture is the same as that of blowing a chicken, both of which are half spanked.

"Brother Feng, I'm taking the liberty to come here today, because I have one matter at hand and I dare not make a decision..." Lin Huaile drank a cup of tea.

He put down his teacup and looked at Dongguan boy: "Dongguan boy is in charge of half of Tsim Sha Tsui now. I want to help him get a job. I want to ask brother Xiafeng, is this possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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