Chapter 507 Three Sons
Just one question?
Instead of probing?
Ding Yunfeng glanced at Lin Huaile playfully, and then looked at the excited Dongguan boy: "That's great!
The name is not right and the words are not right, and I have made such a great contribution to the society. Even an outsider like me thinks that it is not too much for Dongguan Tsai to be a red stick. "

"Thank you, Brother Feng, for your promotion!" Dong Guanzai stood up happily, clasped his fists, and shouted at Ding Yunfeng.

A shadow flashed across Lin Huaile's eyes, rushing at his mother!
I'm the boss of your worship, and it's me who proposes you to resign.

Even if Brother Feng decides to give you the territory and the title, but I am your boss, and I am not even qualified to be thanked by you by the way?
"What are you thanking me for? I'm a bad guy, I'm just speaking from a third-party point of view, and I'm just saying something fair. If you want to thank me, you can thank your boss Le Ge." Ding Yunfeng chuckled.

Dongguan Tsai turned to look at Lin Huaile: "Big brother, thank you!"

"You are my horse boy, if I don't take care of you, who else can I take care of?
Sit down quickly, frizzy, be careful not to disturb your sister-in-law, next time you won't even be able to get in the door. "Lin Huaile put away his dissatisfaction, and smiled and cursed at Dongguan Tsai.

Ding Yunfeng: "A Su is not so stingy, don't listen to your big boss's random cover-ups.

Well, it's getting late, and I have to go to work in Kwun Tong..."

"Brother Feng, let's take our leave first."

"Sorry, I didn't greet well."

Several people walked out of the villa together, watching Lin Huaile and Dongguan Tsai get into the car and leave. Ding Yunfeng took the suit jacket and big brother from Zhao Su.

"The one named Lin, I don't like him, he looks rebellious."

"He can't fight back. He just wanted to come over and try to see how much I can tolerate him just after he took over the position." Ding Yunfeng kissed Zhao Su and gave her a reassuring look.

Zhao Su helped Ding Yunfeng straighten his collar: "You just know what to do, drive slowly."

"Understood." Ding Yunfeng turned around and got in the car. As soon as he left the villa area, he immediately grabbed his brother and called Zhan Mi: "I promised Dongguan Zaizai, you have to ask him out for a talk."

"Understood! Brother Feng, is Lin Huaile doing something wrong?"

Ding Yunfeng smiled satisfied with Zhan Mi's reaction: "It's not enough to cause trouble, he brought Dongguan boy over to pick me up.

On the surface, it was to help Dongguan Tsai to ask me if I could agree to his post.

In fact, he wanted to give it a try. His disciples only listened to me, Ding Yunfeng, or Lin Huaile. "

"Hey, with Dongguan's head, he must not have saved Lin Huaile's face." Zhan Mi looked at the report while holding the phone by his neck.

"In the past, Dongguan boy looked down on Lin Huaile a little bit. This time, he almost took down Tsim Sha Tsui alone. He will not take Lin Huaile seriously."


Ding Yunfeng didn't spend too much energy on Lin Huaile. Anyway, with Zhan Mi's ability, he would definitely be able to make Dongguan understand what he meant by letting him monitor Lin Huaile afterwards.

The Kwun Tong Police Station has been repaired by Brilliant Company overtime.

In just half a month, it has been completely new from the inside to the outside!
Ding Yunfeng passed the criminal team on the first floor and found that Cao Liang was pulling iron with Chen Xiaosheng and others.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for a small police station like Kwun Tong to encounter major cases.

Small disputes among ordinary people are handled by uniformed men or members of the criminal team.

This group of talents go to work every day. Apart from working out with Cao Leon, they also follow Chen Xiaosheng to the gun club to shoot targets and practice guns.


"Brother Feng, have you had breakfast?"


When everyone saw the Director, Qi Qi came over to say hello.

Ding Yunfeng bragged and farted with everyone, then walked up to the third floor with a cigarette in his mouth.

This shows Cai Yuanqi's insidiousness. If you, Ding Yunfeng, do meritorious service, you won't be able to do so unless you get promoted!

Then I simply won't give you the chance to make meritorious deeds, and send you to a small police station that doesn't shit or lay eggs to be the chief, so that you can live the retirement life of a veteran cadre in advance.

"I'm in the city tower~view~mountain~view, ear~listen~outside the city~chaos~." Ding Yunfeng hummed "Empty City Strategies" and pushed open the door of the director's office.

Sister E was painting her eyebrows when she was startled by the sudden sound of the door opening.

She put away the eyebrow pencil and the mirror with a guilty conscience: "Brother Feng, can you knock on the door next time, people are scary, scary to death."

"The so-called women are those who please themselves, Sister E, you are too absorbed in thrushing your own eyebrows, and you blame me for opening the door too quietly?" Ding Yunfeng suppressed a smile, walked to the seat and sat down.

Opening the newspaper that Zhu Su'e had laid out in advance, Ding Yunfeng uncovered the teacup, um, the water temperature was just right, she deserved to be the best secretary in a Hong Kong drama.

Zhu Su'e gave Ding Yunfeng a blank look, and sneaked out of the mirror to continue: "Old Zhu has come to see you several times in the morning, if you are free, how about I ask him to come up now?"

"It's probably because I asked him to sort out the case of the painting gang last time. Go and call him."

Supervisor Zhu, who received a call from the internal line of the police station, came over quickly.

He was sitting upright, and put a thick kraft paper bag in front of Ding Yunfeng: "Ding Sir, these are the things you asked me to tidy up last time."

"Very good, Sister E, make two cups of coffee here." Ding Yunfeng opened the brown paper bag: "Old Zhu, wait a moment, let me take a look first."


Ding Yunfeng read the materials very quickly, after all, he had watched the movie "Across the World" more than how many times.

Pulling out a form, he pointed to a photo of a middle-aged man on it: "Zhou Jiang! This person, do you know his background?"

"Collector, philanthropist." Supervisor Zhu puffed up his chest and replied.

Ding Yunfeng chuckled: "Wrong! He is a collector who doesn't have any property under his name, but has a lot of money to collect, and attends charity banquets of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals from time to time."

"Well... Ding Sir, this is the most difficult part of this case!
Zhou Jiang is a celebrity. Without definite evidence, we cannot apply for a search warrant. "

I think it's a hooligan!

He trained the three orphans to become thieves from an early age, stealing famous paintings for himself.

How is this kind of person different from the traffickers on the street? "Ding Yunfeng snorted, his tone was very bad.

Zhu Jian looked at Ding Yunfeng in astonishment, and when he met the latter's gaze, he bowed his head a little guilty and avoided it.

Many years ago, when he was a patrolling policeman in uniform, he once ran into A Hai, A Zhan and Hong Dou who were working together to steal bread and give it to the widowed mother-in-law.

For the sake of the kindness of the three of them, he didn't catch them in time, but took them to a full meal, and gave them money afterwards, so that they would not steal in the future.

It's a pity that he didn't investigate carefully at the time, and he never thought that Zhou Jiang, who adopted the three children, was actually a habitual thief, and Jian Jie missed this opportunity to save them from the flames.

However, with the kindness of this meal, he was considered godfather by the three of Ah Hai.

Over the years, Supervisor Zhu has felt guilty towards the three of Ah Hai.

In the dossier given to Ding Yunfeng today, he didn't mention the two adopted sons and a adopted daughter at all, and only pointed his finger at Zhou Jiang!

(End of this chapter)

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