Chapter 508 Bozi Cake Ah Hai

"Ding Sir, I...I want to review with you..."

Zhu Jian's face turned red and stood up. He buried his head and looked at the desktop: "In addition to the leader Zhou Jiang, this internationally renowned painting pirate gang, in fact, there are... there are three other members..."

Listening to Zhu Jian's stammering, he mentioned A Hai, A Zhan and Hong Dou...

He even confessed that many years ago, by chance, he recognized these three thieves as adopted sons.

Ding Yunfeng closed the file, shook out a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth: "Old Zhu, what you did actually hurt them."

"Ding Sir, I know I was wrong! However, I have persuaded them many times, and they promised me that they would never steal again." Zhu Jian had no children in his life, and when he heard Ding Yunfeng's words, he thought he would not let him go Ah Hai three people.

Ding Yunfeng smiled, and rolled up the information that the other party just sent: "If you believe me, write a new report with the information you know when you go back, and hand it in tomorrow;
If you don't believe me, you can make a report in the afternoon and apply to be transferred to another police station.

As for Ah Hai and the three of them...

For the sake of your and my colleagues' friendship for half a month, when they go to court, I can help them find a barrister. "

"Ah, this..." Zhu Jian looked up in surprise, he didn't expect Ding Yunfeng to be so decisive, forcing himself to make a choice on the spot.

"Old Zhu, go slowly, and close the door for me by the way."

"Yes sir."

Seeing Zhu Jian put away the file in a lost mood, Zhu Su'e gave him a comforting look, pointed out quietly, and hinted that he should stop making Ding Yunfeng mess with him.

Watching Supervisor Zhu walk out of the office with a dejected expression, Zhu Su'e waited for the footsteps to go away, and immediately came to refill Ding Yunfeng's cup with the coffee pot in hand.

"Tou, these little thieves are Lao Zhu's adoptive sons, and he watched him grow up since he was a child, you understand him!"

Ding Yunfeng glanced at Zhu Su'e: "Sister E, I suddenly discovered that you are more gossip than those three aunts and six women in the housing estate!

Lao Zhu's matter, at a small level, is called not reporting, but at a high level, it is covering up criminals!
You see, he is almost fifty, and he is still a senior sheriff, and he is still a senior sheriff after the police force is restructured!
It is conceivable that he has long been included in the list of Dansan police officers. "

"Tou, I heard people say that you seem to be covering up..."

"Huh?" Ding Yunfeng frowned slightly, and looked at Zhu Su'e with bad eyes: "If you have no strength, you can't cover it up!

I, Ding Yunfeng, persuade people to abandon evil and improve. What I do is called asylum, do you understand?
Tell me, which one is spouting behind my back? Is this Chinese class taught by a math teacher? "

Zhu Su'e was scolded by Ding Yunfeng, and she simply sold out her suitor: "Chen Xiaosheng told me, he also said that the chair and leader of the two associations, He Liansheng and Hongxing, all depend on your face... …

I'm going to buy stationery, I'm going to go first..."

Hearing Chen Xiaosheng whistling behind his back, Ding Yunfeng pressed the intercom and shook him up from the criminal department downstairs.

Chen Xiaosheng didn't know that his sister E had already leaked the rumors that he deliberately showed off during their last date to Ding Yunfeng, the client.

Hearing Brother Feng calling up by himself, Chen Xiaosheng thought he could see Sister E again, so he rushed forward happily.

"Shengzi, I heard people say that your kid is spreading rumors outside, saying that the sitting in the restaurant with Liansheng and the leader of Hongxing all depend on my face, Ding Yunfeng, to do things?"

After Chen Xiaosheng stood at attention and saluted, Ding Yunfeng opened his mouth and gave him a critical blow.

Sister E, this time I will be killed by you! ! !

Chen Xiaosheng's swarthy face was sallower than a wax figure in fright.

He smiled embarrassingly: "Brother Feng, I was wrong! You want to be beaten and punished, I admit it, but I hope you, don't blame Sister E, she doesn't understand these things..."

"He's in his thirties, he's just fooling around all day, he's not serious, no wonder Sister E still refuses to accept you!

This kind of thing, as my subordinate, how can you say it out of your mouth? "Ding Yunfeng walked up to Chen Xiaosheng, and slapped him on the back of the head several times.

Chen Xiaosheng didn't dare to hide, Brother Feng's hand was so strong that his head hurt a lot.

But at this moment, the other party is willing to beat and scold him, expressing that he is not completely disappointed in him, he is afraid that the scene will appear without beating or scolding, and directly informs himself that he will be transferred the next day...

After slapping this guy ten times in succession, Ding Yunfeng snorted coldly, and threw him a note with his name and address on it: "You guys can't be idle!
You are given a task to atone for your sins, and you go to invite this person to a West African restaurant.

I can't see anyone at noon, so you can pack your things in the afternoon and prepare to be transferred to guard the pond! "

"Yes sir! Thank you, sir!"

"Fuck off!"


In order to protect the goddess, the executive power of licking the dog is quite strong.

At noon, Ding Yunfeng took Zhu Su'e into the West African restaurant.

When I entered the door, I saw Chen Xiaosheng sitting at a table facing the street with a tall and handsome young man, waving to this side.

"Brother Feng, if you want to see me, just call Hong Xing or talk to someone from Lian Sheng.
This morning I was eating bozai cake on the balcony, suddenly a red light spot moved from my right hand to my heart, and finally rose to the center of my eyebrows! ! !
Woooooo, to deal with me, a little pickpocket, you actually have to use a sniper rifle!

Brother Feng, at that time, I was almost frightened by this Sir so that I could shit and pee. "

Ah Hai, who looks very similar to French Li, immediately complained with his mouth flattened when he saw Ding Yunfeng sit down.

But looking at his two eyeballs rolling around, it is obvious that this embarrassing look is deliberately pretended by him.

"Oh...and said you have nothing to do with Hong Xing and He Liansheng!!!" Zhu Su'e pointed at Ding Yunfeng with an expression that you don't need to quibble.

Chen Xiaosheng got up and pulled this silly Baitian away: "Let's not hinder Brother Feng to handle the case, I reserved a table over there. This restaurant's Wellington steak is very famous..."

"Come to a West African restaurant to eat Beef Wellington? What a fool!!!" Seeing the Huanxi couple walk away, Ah Hai shook his head and laughed.

Immediately, he stood up solemnly, and stretched out his right hand to Ding Yunfeng: "Brother Feng, my name is A Hai, and my nickname is Bo Zai Gao.

My ostensible occupation is a dealer in cultural relics, but my real identity is a thief of famous international paintings.You have something to do, please tell me! "

"How do you know that I have something to see you?"

"Hey, if you want to catch me, then you won't send someone to contact me privately!

What's more, with Brother Feng's style of handling cases, you usually order thousands of troops to beat criminals into hornet's nests after you have said a few words on the scene. "

Ah Hai smiled all over his face, and he poked his chest with his thumb: "I'm alive now, so it can be seen that I am still somewhat useful to you, Brother Feng!
After much deliberation, only the skills of these two hands are qualified to win your favor! "

(End of this chapter)

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