Chapter 509

A Hai, A Zhan, and Hong Dou were raised by Zhou Jiang, who is both an adoptive father and a master to the three brothers and sisters!
In the original plot of "Across the World".

Bozigao, Ahai, was the first to discover that Zhou Jiang was guarding himself and using three people to steal "Herlin's Maid", thereby defrauding a huge amount of insurance premiums and hyping up the fact that the painting's price has risen.

to this end!

He escaped by feigning death, and finally turned against Zhou Jiang and sent this greedy and despicable villain to prison.

Ding Yunfeng looked at Ah Hai who was talking eloquently, smiled and took out a cigarette. The latter flipped his right hand, and a gold-plated zippo lighter came out, wiping out a cluster of orange-red flames.

Lighting a cigarette with the flame, Ding Yunfeng said slowly: "I am now transferred to the Kwun Tong Police Station as the chief, it is bad luck for you guys, the gang's lair happens to be within my jurisdiction.

I'm going to imprison Zhou Jiang in Stanley, and then subdue the three of you to help me. "

"Send my old man to jail, I've always wanted to do it.

If Brother Feng is willing to help, I can't wait to ask for it.

But to help you...

Are you also interested in those famous paintings?

Impossible, based on what I know about you, based on your wealth, you can't buy any paintings you want with money, so why take the risk of doing such a disgraceful thing?
It's not that I'm afraid, but that I walk a lot at night and encounter ghosts sooner or later.

The three of us have one life, so it doesn't matter if something happens, I'm afraid that if you are involved, you will lose your value for nothing. With a smile in his eyes, Ah Hai refused very tactfully.

Ding Yunfeng knocked on the cigarette ash and sneered: "I, Ding Yunfeng, am an ordinary person, but I can't appreciate those so-called oil paintings.

What's more, stealing paintings and selling them for profit is a thief;

If you steal some lost national treasures, steal some technology that is beneficial to the national blockade, or top-secret blueprints, it is another way of saying it. "

"What do you say?" Ah Hai's smile slowly retracted, his eyes scanning the surroundings vigilantly.

Ding Yunfeng picked up the coffee: "Grand Thief! How about this name, do you like it?"

"Brother Feng, I feel like you're fooling me." Ah Hai twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a forced smile.

"You have endured being deceived by Zhou Jiang for more than 20 years, why not try being deceived by me for a few more years?

If you hit the treasure, maybe your son or grandson will be able to turn over a few medals in your drawer to play someday in the future. "


Hearing this, Ah Hai was so frightened that he accidentally knocked over the teacup on the spot.

Hot Earl Gray tea flowed down the dining table onto his trousers.

The waiter in the restaurant came running to follow the sound, Ah Hai wiped his pants with a tissue in one hand, waved his hand again and again, and shouted NONONO.

"Please help this gentleman buy a new pair of trousers. He wears 32-inch trousers, and the rest is for tips." Ding Yunfeng opened his wallet, put out a big golden bull, and said to the waiter.

The waiter smiled and put away the banknotes, bowed and retreated.

Seeing this, Ah Hai felt worried instead of happy.

Sighing, Ah Hai threw the tissue in his hand on the table: "You can even find out what pants I'm wearing, and now let me hear those words...

Brother Feng, if I don't promise you, the three of us will have to shut up tonight. "

"Right now there are rumors out there that I, Ding Yunfeng, are domineering!
Now I can tell you that this is fake!
Don't worry, even if you reject me, I will at most arrange for you to live in Nanyang, and there is no need to kill you. "

"There are so many countries in Southeast Asia, including the tourist city - Lion City, and Annan, where people die every day.

In fact, you don’t have to be so tactful, because I know that Annan’s gang of warlords need cannon fodder the most…” Ah Hai became more and more afraid as he spoke, and finally he sighed with a wry smile: “Brother Feng, I think very clearly. From now on, the few of us will hang out with you! "

"I think you may have really misunderstood. Hey, forget it, the more I explain, the more you don't believe it." Ding Yunfeng was full of black lines, and changed to another topic: "Aren't you going back to discuss with Azhan?"

"No need! I'm the eldest brother of the three of them, so I'll just make a decision!

What's more, I didn't have a backer before, so I kept a lot of things from Azhan and Hongdou, for fear that it would be leaked and my old man would preempt them.

Now that you are covering me, Brother Feng, I don't have to continue to hide from them. "A Hai patted his chest and replied seriously.

Ding Yunfeng didn't repeat any more, and then he asked the other party about the operation process of this international painting group.

As a result, Ding Yunfeng learned that Zhou Jiang's gang was just a small organization that barely counted among the international cultural relic thieves.

According to Ah Hai's dictation, in this black industry, some people steal antiques, some people steal famous paintings, and the most fun is a foreign devil code-named White Gloves.

This person is only interested in national treasures, especially the national treasures of Huaguo!
White gloves?
And they specialize in national treasures!

Isn't that the guy who stole Qin Huang's sword and terracotta warriors in "New Best Partner"?

"Look, look!" Ding Yunfeng threw a cigarette to A Hai: "The foreign devils have been stealing our national treasures for more than 100 years, can't we steal them in turn?
snort!What kind of revenge for virtue, nonsense!

I, Ding Yunfeng, have a small background, and I always thought that reasoning between humans and animals is unreasonable!

Now I have a long-term task for you. If you have time, you can learn about the bronze statue of the animal heads of the twelve zodiac signs in advance!
When the time is right, I will introduce another friend to you. "

"Brother Feng, I agree with you with both hands!" Ah Hai nodded repeatedly. Originally, he was planning to settle Zhou Jiang, so he took A Zhan and Hongdou out of the world of stealing. Suddenly there was a surge of emotion.

"Okay, let's deal with Zhou Jiang first and then talk about other things! Recently, did he give you any tasks?" Ding Yunfeng and Ah Hai exchanged tea for wine and had a drink.

"Yes, he wants the three of us to go to the American Museum of Modern Art and steal that copy of "Jeanne Haybut"!"

"The works of Modigliani?" In Ding Yunfeng's mind, a picture of a woman with her neck tilted appeared.

Ding Yunfeng thought he couldn't appreciate the beauty of these paintings.

But the artist's other pair of "Jeanne Haybut in a Hat" was sold for as high as 2690 million pounds!
"The place of the transaction is abroad, even with you as internal support, it will not be easy to catch him...

Forget about the Interpol, not to mention that I don't have connections there, even if I do, I can't trust them..." Ding Yunfeng rubbed his chin.

"Unless you lure him back to Hong Kong Island with the painting, it will be very difficult for you to deal with him officially."

"Hehe, coincidentally, I thought so too."

Ding Yunfeng glanced at A Hai, just as A Hai was about to answer the call, the waiter in the restaurant came back after buying some trousers, and when he came out of the bathroom after changing his trousers, Brother Feng had already paid the bill and left.

a few days later.

Ding Yunfeng received two documents about Zhou Jiang from Jian Zhu and Robinson. The copy from Jian Zhu included A Hai, A Zhan and Hong Dou this time.

(End of this chapter)

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