Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 517 You Are Eyeing That Ghost

Chapter 517 You Are Eyeing That Ghost
Cai Yuanqi spoke dryly, while MacLehose, who was sitting behind the desk, closed his eyes tightly and did not speak for a long time.

Standing bowed for a long time, Cai Yuanqi couldn't stand it anymore, he raised his head cautiously, and said tentatively: "Sir, I think...

The "Hong Kong Island Daily" cannot be allowed to remain in Ding Yunfeng's hands.

When I saw him agreeing to John to see Zhou Jiang, I thought that he had briefly reached a consensus with us on this matter...

But after reading the newspaper in the morning, I feel that Ding Yunfeng doesn't talk about the rules of the game in the political arena. For this kind of person, I suggest..."

"Fack! I suggest you an old mother!
Is it still a "Hong Kong Island Daily" issue?
You pig head, you are the chief of the police department, are you just staring at the one-acre-three-point land that you Chinese people talk about?
Come, take a look at these, these, and these..." MacLehose got up and threw a large pile of newspapers at Cai Yuanqi, who took the opportunity to beg for mercy, straightened up by the way, and backed away.

After the governor finished his anger, Cai Yuanqi finally recognized from the messy papers on the ground that they were all faxed copies of newspapers from New York.

Thinking that with the current fax machine technology, the content of a piece of A4 paper would take about one minute to transmit, Cai Yuanqi secretly smiled wryly, besides the governor's office, which department has such a condition?
"Look, let's see, how will this matter end?

One Zhou Jiang is definitely not enough, this is the request from London!
Some people in the United States wanted to take advantage of this case to wash rice, but London resisted the pressure and said that they could not make such an opening.

Otherwise, if there is one, there will be two. There will be many cases in Hong Kong Island that will be used by others in the future. Hong Kong Island must not become a tool for other countries to launder rice! ! ! "McLehose threw the pot away and threw the difficult problem to Cai Yuanqi.

Cai Yuanqi groaned secretly. Due to the special conditions on Hong Kong Island, there are many spies and intelligence personnel from all over the world hidden...

Now this case, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are watching secretly.

If it is not handled properly, the governor will definitely throw him out to carry the thunder.

Because Ding Yunfeng is just a senior inspector, his rank is really too low, and he is the chief of police, not too bad.

"Sir, you said that Zhou Jiang can't do it alone, I don't know..."

"Are you a pig, you want me to teach you? Didn't you just mention Le Yiwu, the chairman of Leshi Group?"

"Mr. Le belongs to Sir James." Cai Yuanqi half-spoken, and found that MacLehose's complexion became more and more ugly.

Cai Yuanqi suddenly came to his senses, Sir James was a trusted confidant of the previous governor, he had served three governors, and he had a high prestige in the governor's mansion.

"Sir, there is a major discovery about the fact that Le Yiwu, chairman of the Le Group, is the mastermind behind the Zhou Jiang case.

Personally, I think it is necessary to immediately report to Ding Yunfeng, the Kwun Tong police chief who is in charge of the case..."

"Then why don't you go quickly, what are you doing here with me?"

"Yes sir!"


After hurriedly running out of the Governor's Mansion, Cai Yuanqi got into the car owned by Brother Yi and hurried to the Kwun Tong Police Station.

Pushing away Ding Yunfeng's office, Cai Yuanqi saw that the outside was about to turn upside down, and this guy was actually making hot pot in the office.

"Hey! Isn't this Cai Sir? Have you eaten, do you want to join us?" Ding Yunfeng knocked on a plate of fat beef and asked with a smile.

Cai Yuanqi smiled and sat opposite Ding Yunfeng. He took apart a pair of disposable bamboo chopsticks very familiarly and said, "Sir Ding, what a trick. Back then, in his ancestral home in London, he built a momentum to help Lei Luo clear his name and get a medal. Now you are fighting in the public opinion war." The rank is higher, and he actually uses the United States to put pressure on London..."

While talking, Cai Yuanqi picked up a beef ball in the sand tea soup: "I admire, admire!"

"Hey, Cai Sir, you think too highly of me.

I was not satisfied with only arresting one Zhou Jiang, and wanted to lure a few more bastards into the water. But I didn’t expect that Zhou Jiang, who claimed to have a hobby of burning paintings, would actually attract so many people in the United States to participate. "Ding Yunfeng smiled and swept the beef on the plate into the hot pot.

"Anyway, just because you can set your sights on New York, you're so much better than me.

All right!Let's not talk about anything else, anyway, your goal has been achieved.

The meaning of the above is that one Zhou Jiang is not enough, and Le Yiwu should be pushed out to take the blame. "Cai Yuanqi's tone was flat, and he said the cruel sentence of letting allies die.

Ding Yunfeng paused: "Both the principal culprit and the mastermind behind the scenes are Chinese? Don't Cai Sir think that this kind of targeting is too obvious? The United States attaches great importance to human rights, racial discrimination and so on..."

"Don't mess around, it's enough mess now. Which ghost are you eyeing?" Cai Yuanqi looked at the beef balls in the bowl and worried.

"How about the Charlie family?"

"Ding Sir, stop joking!
The value of the Charlie family's property on Hong Kong Island has exceeded 15 billion US dollars!

Even if your proposal nods, logically speaking, it cannot be explained. "

"That's right, then...the Mason family head office?"

Cai Yuanqi squinted his eyes and stared at Ding Yunfeng through the hot pot: "Ding Sir, you are really welcome. The holiday between the Mason family and you, if I remember correctly, it has been several years."

"Cai Sir, look at me, Ding Yunfeng, is he such a stingy person?"

"Hehe..." Cai Yuanqi lowered his head and took a bite of the beef balls, then raised his head and said, "This is too big a matter, I can only bring the word to you, as for whether it will work or not, I can't guarantee it."

"Then wait for the boss to say it's ok, you can talk to me again, don't worry, Cai Sir will come over at any time, I can fill up the hot pot!" Ding Yunfeng replied calmly while picking up the beef.

Cai Yuanqi was unable to meet Zhou Jiang, nor could he persuade Ding Yunfeng to cooperate in closing the case. He just ate a hot beef ball and drove back in a hurry to see the governor.

Knowing Ding Yunfeng's conditions, MacLehose thought about it. Anyway, the Mason family belonged to the previous governor. Sir Mason has occupied the Correctional Services Department for a long time. If he is pulled down this time, he will not be able to arrange for his cronies to go up. ?

"Sir Mason is old, he was deceived by that villain Le Yiwu!
However, he used his family relationship to provide a lot of convenience for this criminal group, and he has an inescapable responsibility!

In the afternoon, I will let Sir Mason fly back to London to retire.

After afternoon tea at three o'clock, you can ask Ding Yunfeng to file a case. By the way, you must tell him that this is my last line, and that's it, you can go to work. "MacLehose pinched the bridge of his nose and said in a deep voice.

Fleeing in fear of crime?
That's right, no matter what, Old Mason is also a nobleman of his ancestral family, so it's pretty good to have this result!
Cai Yuanqi endured his surprise, bid farewell to MacLehose, and rushed to the Kwun Tong Police Station again.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng lying on the sofa picking his teeth, Cai Yuanqi waved away Zhu Su'e who was busy clearing the table: "The superiors agreed!

However, nobles must have the dignity of nobles. After three o'clock in the afternoon, we will hold a press conference, Ding Sir, now we can discuss the case. "

"of course! I already made it up!
Cai Sir, take a look, if you think the plot is OK, in the afternoon, you can read according to this piece of paper!"

(End of this chapter)

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