Chapter 518
You are really good at making arrangements! ! !
Cai Yuanqi accepted the 'script' handed over by Ding Yunfeng with restraint, the veins on the back of his hands were tense, and he wished he could punch into fists and punch it.

"Ding Sir's professionalism in handling cases, I have been famous for a long time, no need to read, I believe you!" Cai Yuanqi took a deep breath and laughed loudly.

Ding Yunfeng raised his eyebrows and looked over: "Really? But I don't believe you.

If Sir Cai really valued my work ability, why did he transfer me from Wan Chai to Kwun Tong to idle? "

"Cough, cough, work needs...

The people here in Kwun Tong also need you, Sir Ding, the evil killer.

Everyone is a messenger, isn't it just transferred to work wherever it is needed?

It's not a good idea to care about the size of the jurisdiction, it's really not good! "Cai Yuanqi is also considered to be quick-witted. In desperation, he managed to catch Ding Yunfeng's record straight to the point!

Ding Sir snorted, and he didn't continue to discuss this topic with Cai Yuanqi.

He simply changed the topic and mentioned how to spend the few hours before the press conference...

"Well, Le Yiwu's side, I'll take care of him.

Old Mason, he will fly to London before three o'clock, and I estimate that at one o'clock in the afternoon, he should have taken his relatives away.

Let the Kwun Tong Police Station be responsible for those people under his command. "

"Okay, I'm in charge of catching Mason, and you are in charge of catching Le Yiwu. I'm very satisfied with this division of labor."

"Then it's settled!" Cai Yuanqi finally settled with Ding Yunfeng, wiped off his cold sweat, and got up to leave.

"OK! My people will prepare the venue for the press conference in advance. When the time is almost up, Cai Sir will bring someone to show up."

"Thank you, I hope we can cooperate happily."


After sending Cai Yuanqi away, Ding Yunfeng turned around and pulled his face down.

He sat back in his original seat, opened the drawer, and there were classified and stacked important news published by several major newspapers in New York City in the past week.

Cai Yuanqi has no conditions to see real-time faxes of foreign newspapers and periodicals, but Ding Yunfeng is willing to spend his own money to keep track of these international trends.

Especially when Gan Lianghong went to New York, he spared no expense every day to fax the news about this case to Hong Kong Island.

"I really didn't expect that the United States doesn't talk about martial arts...

15 billion paintings were stolen and burned viciously by the thieves, what a braggart, Zhou Jiang is more than just floating in the sky, this fucking is about to land on the moon..."

Scanning the eye-catching headlines published in the newspaper above, Ding Yunfeng showed helplessness.

Although the official participation of the United States this time made London have to pay attention to the case, and Cai Yuanqi even changed his position in just half a day, and he did not hesitate to betray Le Yiwu, an ally.

But coming from a later generation, he still dislikes the United States, a country that does the most dirty things.

Getting up and walking to the room where Zhou Jiang was temporarily detained, Ding Yunfeng waved back the guy in charge of guarding the other party: "The above said, besides you, this time I have to hand over Le Yiwu to be buried with you."

"Ding Sir, everyone knows that people don't speak dark words, I don't need others to be buried with me now.

I just want to know, how many years will I be sentenced? "Zhou Jiang smiled sadly.

Ding Yunfeng tossed him a cigarette: "The amount of money involved in the case, in my opinion, must not be less than 20 years."

"20 years? Okay, I admit it, but I'm not convinced that the amount of money involved in the case is too large!
1500 million US dollars, this amount is astronomical for most ordinary people, but in the eyes of a big boss like Ding Sir, I am afraid that you will not even frown..." Zhou Jiang haha With a smile, his eyes were full of indignation.

Ding Yunfeng shrugged his shoulders: "I'm sorry, someone helped you raise the amount involved from 1500 million to 15 billion, that's right! Besides Le Yiwu, behind the two of you is the Mason family!"

"What? Sir Ding, please tell me again, how much did you pay for it?"

"$15 million!"

"Damn! Is this bullying? I can't speak up now?

15 billion?Do they know that I can make a lot of money at most for a painting? "Zhou Jiang laughed angrily. He took two big puffs of cigarettes, looked up at Ding Yunfeng whose expression remained unchanged: "There is also the Mason family. If you didn't mention it, I would never have heard of this family..."

"It's okay, you heard it now.

I can even tell you that Old Mason, the head of the Mason family, is currently No.1 in the Correctional Services Department. "

"Correctional Services Department, the institution that manages Stanley Prison?" Zhou Jiang reacted quickly, and he looked at Ding Yunfeng with a groan: "I see, this Mason family must have offended you before!
This time they will be embarrassing, and you are definitely behind it.

Bhagavan, Bhagavat!
You even dare to touch the ghost, but the opponent's status is still No. 1 in the Correctional Services Department.

Ding Sir, I, Zhou Jiang, have convinced you. "

"You're welcome, I've said so much, I just want you not to talk nonsense in front of people." Ding Yunfeng flicked the cigarette butt, and said slowly.

Zhou Jiang nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry, Ding Sir, I know how to do it!
I came out to hang out, and there are some things that have always been clear.

for example!

Even though you have been away from Stanley for so many years, over there, everyone from the warden to the guards in military uniforms will give you three points of face.

I just want to live in Stanley safely and securely. As for other things, I will do whatever you want. "

Sighing to himself that Zhou Jiang knew a lot, Ding Yunfeng took out a new statement full of words.

Zhou Jiang caught it in a hurry, he quickly scanned it several times from beginning to end, and returned it to Ding Yunfeng.


"Of course! If we don't have this shorthand ability, how can we be called professional?" Zhou Jiang smiled lightly, closed his eyes and muttered in a low voice.

Ding Yunfeng listened for a while, and found that this guy actually recited what he wrote word for word.

You have this kind of ability, why do you have to be a thief if you can't do anything?

Seeing Zhou Jiang strangely, Ding Yunfeng turned around and left. After a while, Zhu Su'e came over with Chen Xiaosheng, and the two recorded a statement for Zhou Jiang again. Then Ding Yunfeng signed his name and reported it to a one-stop team. Within an hour, they jointly waited for the news Cai Yuanqi, who was in charge of the case, closed the case.

at the same time.

The Lejia villa was suddenly surrounded by people sent by Cai Yuanqi. Le Yiwu, who originally wanted to go to work, looked in amazement at the special forces personnel who rushed to him with a microcharge.

"What do you mean? Kidnapping?
In broad daylight, everyone dressed like the Flying Tigers...

Which side are you from?

Doing this way, you are not afraid of being liquidated by the Hong Kong Island Police Force afterwards? "

Although Le Yiwu was not panicked, he lit a cigar slowly, and exhaled a puff of second-hand smoke at the masked man holding a micro-punch in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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