Chapter 519 What's next

"Mr. Le, you are under arrest. This is an arrest warrant!" The masked man's eyes were cold, and he spoke Cantonese with a London accent.

Le Yiwu was shocked when he heard the words, the ancestors?

what's the situation?
I am a businessman, and I am also a Chinese businessman who betrayed the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and took refuge under the banner of the ghost, but one day he was tortured away by the master above him? ? ?
With question marks all over his head, until the cold silver bracelets locked his wrists, Le Yiwu finally came back to his senses.

He put down his pretentiousness a few seconds ago, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Impossible, absolutely impossible, I'm from Sir Mason, the security secretary, which department are you from..."

"This is my ID!" The masked man took out a red leather ID book, opened the front page, and shook it in front of Le Yiwu. The latter saw the flashing content, and hurriedly shut his mouth and stopped complaining.

Special Branch
S4 (local threat group)

External Operations Team Leader: Jeff Sturt

Came here to arrest me today, and it turned out to be someone from the intelligence department S4!

This is the direct line of Cai Yuanqi's direct line, but the other party didn't even get a word of it, and think about it, the leader of the team is a ghost!

Then, the person who wants to touch him this time must be a ghost with a higher level than Cai Yuanqi.

The more Le Yiwu thought about it, the more chilling he became. In the past few years, he used his status as a member of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce to help James a lot.

Originally, he thought that in time, the Le family could grow into a pro-Y chaebol at the level of the Li family and the Li family.

Unexpectedly, Gui Lao never regarded him as one of his own, and today he abandoned Le Jia without even giving him a reason.

Throwing away the cigar, Le Yiwu stood up in a daze.

Yazi heard the movement upstairs, put on a coat and ran down. Seeing the marks on the combat equipment of the S4 operatives, she immediately understood which department the people came from.

"I'm Interpol Le Yazi, and this is my work ID..." He also showed a copy of the ID, and Yazi won 3 minutes to communicate with his father from Jeff.

A Chinese businessman who was abandoned by his superiors is of course not worth mentioning, but such a young Interpol inspector is enough for Jeff to save face.

"Daddy! What did you do? Are you going to be taken away by S4?"

"I don't know, I don't have time to explain now, you are going to Taiping Mountain..." Le Yiwu reported the location of James' official residence, and asked Yazi to ask his backstage boss for help.

Yazi knows that S4 can be dispatched, and what Le Yiwu is involved in this time is absolutely powerful.

He didn't dare to ask too many questions. When his father was taken away by Jeff, Yazi quickly got into the car, drove a Ferrari, and rushed to James' mansion.

"Miss Le, please don't embarrass me, since Sir James doesn't want to see you, it doesn't matter how long you wait!
Let's go back, the residence of important officials of the Governor's Mansion is not suitable for strangers to stay for a long time. "James' butler persuaded Yazi sternly, and every time she said a word, the blood on her face faded.

James is Lejia's new backer, and now even he doesn't want to show up. It is conceivable that Lejia will peel off its skin this time.

Yazi was suffering in her heart, but she didn't dare to force her to stay any longer. She drove away, clutching her big brother, and made a few phone calls on the way to check for wind.


Not surprisingly, the colleagues who used to surround her courteously.

Regardless of their rank, everyone treated her like a plague god, and hung up the phone before she could finish speaking.

"Made, there's really no one." Yazi angrily threw the eldest brother on the passenger seat.

Suddenly, she thought of a person, and immediately slammed the steering wheel. The Ferrari's engine roared loudly, turned into a bolt of lightning, and rushed to the Kwun Tong Police Station.

He casually prevaricated the male police officers who saw her getting out of the car and rushed over to show their courtesy.

Yazi pulled Zhu Su'e who came back from buying milk tea: "Where is your boss? At this point, where did he go?"

"Oh? Yazi!

Brother Feng took Cao Liang and Chen Xiaosheng to the Correctional Services Department to catch Mason's henchmen!
You don't know about this matter? "Zhu Su'e looked at Yazi in surprise.

Yazi was so angry that her teeth itch, she left Zhu Su'e, got into the car again, and chased to the Correctional Services Department.

Fortunately, this time, she finally met Ding Yunfeng.

Inside the Correctional Services Department, in the office.

Holding a document in his hand, Ding Yunfeng looked at the Correctional Services Department, apart from Mason, seven or eight high-ranking ghosts: "Everyone, Sir, I am Ding Yunfeng, I believe everyone has heard my name to some extent.

I take the liberty to come here today. I have nothing else to do, but Sir Mason is involved in a case. I am going to invite the relevant people under his sect to go back and do as little as investigation. "

Little research? ? ?

Everyone's eyes widened.

It's not the first day we met. Don't we know who you are, Brother Stanley Peak?
"Ding Sir, at the Correctional Services Department, there are only staff working for the Queen!
There is no such thing as 'who is under whose door'.

I think you got the survey wrong. "A man with a mustache took the lead in rebutting.

Someone was the first bird, and others echoed, Ding Yunfeng suddenly clapped his palms: "Well said, since that's the case, then I'll just roll the roll, Assistant Director Mr. Pierce..."

Hearing that Ding Yunfeng didn't save any face, he really started calling names and arresting people.

Pierce, the standout, has a gray complexion. He is Mason's close confidant and the designated successor as the next Director of Corrections.

He knew very well that when Mason failed to seize Ding Yunfeng's "Hong Kong Island Daily", he let the police transfer Ding Yunfeng to Scotland Yard for training.

Yazi came over just in time to see the scene of Ding Yunfeng arresting people by name.

Apart from secretly admiring him, she also felt a little worried about Ding Yunfeng.

In Hong Kong Island, there are ghosts who catch Chinese, but Chinese catch ghosts, and they all have flowers on their shoulders. She can't imagine how Ding Yunfeng will end up next.

"Report, the arrest of all suspects is over!" Cao Liang personally handcuffed the group of ghosts and reported Ding Yunfeng's words, which caused an uproar.

Pierce pushed away the Kwun Tong police officers who were guarding him: "What is a suspect? Didn't you mean to assist in the investigation? Ding Yunfeng, I now demand that the handcuffs be released..."

"Hey, you talk a lot. Leon Cao, I'll give you one minute to calm him down and tell him to shut up."

"Yes sir!"

Cao Li'ang proved with his fist, as long as you are tough enough, the opponent will give in!
In the past 40 seconds, Pierce, who was yelling at himself for hurting himself, did not dare to stab his head at all. Even the officials of the Correctional Services Department, who were clamoring to make a report to make Ding Yunfeng look good, kept their mouths shut.

"Let's go, close the team!" Ding Yunfeng waved his hand, turned around and found that Yazi had come over at some point, standing not far behind him.

"Ding Sir, my daddy..."

"It's embarrassing, he followed the ghost, besides being a ghost, what else could he end up with?"

(End of this chapter)

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