Chapter 520 False accusation
What I want to ask is not this! ! !
Faced with Ding Yunfeng's playful expression, Yazi almost went crazy on the spot.

Quickly following Ding Yunfeng out of the Correctional Services Department, Yazi managed to squeeze out a flattering smile: "Then... can my old man be rescued?"

"No! There is no rescue!
15 billion dollars!
Zhou Jiang couldn't bear this number.

Now the ghost behind your old bean pushes him out, even if he is innocent, they can make him guilty!

Here, for the sake of personal friendship, I can at most introduce you to a few high-level mages to help uncle deal with the funeral..."

Ding Yunfeng opened the car door, smiled and looked at Yazi beside him.

Yazi's complexion was black, and he twisted his body into his Ferrari.

She found that this time she came to find Ding Yunfeng to find a solution, and she was completely in a hurry to go to the doctor!

He is not Le Huizhen, and has a past with the other party. Based on the previous festivals of the two families, Ding Yunfeng is not bad at not throwing trouble at the Le family.

Silly one! ! !
Seeing the Ferrari's gas pedal booming, Ding Yunfeng lighted a cigarette jokingly.

Chen Xiaosheng tugged on Cao Leon's sleeve, and grinned at Ding Yunfeng: "Push..."

"What are you doing?" Cao Liang asked in confusion.

Chen Xiaosheng had a gossipy face: "Ah Tou and this madam Le, I can assure you that there is definitely a problem between the two of them!!!"

"Why can't I see it?"

"You're a single dog, of course you can't see it! It takes someone like me who has experienced this to find out about men and women." Chen Xiaosheng's tone was hasty and superior.

Cao Liang was shown off by him, and he wanted to refute, but he found that Ding Yunfeng's expression was not good, and he quickly opened the driver's door and got into the car.

Chen Xiaosheng was complacent for less than three seconds, and was caught by Ding Yunfeng again, his complexion instantly collapsed.

"Love Saint, I think you have a good time?"

"No, no, Brother Feng, you were joking."

"Last week, the director of the orphanage came to report the case. A group of hooligans often harassed them, trying to force him to sell the land of the orphanage. I think you will be responsible for this case!"

"Ah? Brother Feng, over here..."

"I don't need you here, go ahead, it's just a Guilian nicknamed Big Brother, I believe you can handle him."

A few words to dismiss Chen Xiaosheng, who claims to be a saint of love, and let him leave halfway to finish "The Saint of Love".Ding Yunfeng shook his head and got into the car, and brought Mason and his henchmen back to the police station.

As for the 'principal' old Mason?
Ding Yunfeng was too lazy to go to the airport to get stuck, and MacLehose promised to let him go back to London to retire, even if he could intercept it, so what?In the end, either after the trial, Judge Guilao acquitted him, or MacLehose and Cai Yuanqi found another ghost to stand in for the dead ghost.

Taking advantage of the trend this time, all the members of Mason's faction were cleared out of the Correctional Services Department, which was considered a very unexpected harvest.


Zhang Yang's siren came from far to near, and the "Hong Kong Island Daily" and "Yijiukan", which received the wind in advance, sent 4 reporters and 4 paparazzi. When they saw the police car stopped, they immediately surrounded it and slammed Pierce. Several ghosts shot wildly.

"Sir, I heard that Sir Mason, the former head of the Correctional Services Department, was involved in a transnational painting piracy gang and fled in fear of crime this afternoon. Is there such a thing?"

"NO. This is a rumor, this is a false accusation!"

"This newspaper has obtained confirmation from Mr. Pierce, Assistant Commissioner of the Correctional Services Department.

Sir Mason, the former Commissioner of Correctional Services, has been providing support for an international illegal painting gang..."

"Stop! What are you talking about? I didn't say that!" Seeing this bald reporter, he only asked himself, then pulled the microphone back to make up nonsense, Pierce's eyes turned red anxiously.

Several other ghosts also received similar treatment.

The four reporters from "Hong Kong Island Daily" are okay, they only talk about the case, regardless of the wind and the moon.

The paparazzi sent by the "Yijiukan" next to it have made up eighty chapters of the stories that Pierce and the women of the old Mason family had to tell.

For a moment, the scene was chaotic.

It wasn't until Ding Yunfeng finished smoking a cigarette and got out of the car that the group of reporters was finally willing to let Pierce and the others go, and left with enough news materials for a week's headlines.

"Damn it, I want to find a lawyer to sue them. These unscrupulous reporters should all go to hell!"

Pierce was still chattering, but Supervisor Zhu, who had been watching for a long time, walked over and reminded him in a low voice.

It's better to shut up, and now write the story that you and old Mason have to tell at most. If you continue to force Lai Lai, maybe the protagonist of the story will become you and old Mason, that Shar Pei dog.

After all, these two paper media are all subordinates of Brother Feng.

Pierce was frightened into a cold sweat on the spot, and after that, he really didn't dare to make a mistake, no matter whether he was recording a statement or explaining materials, this ghost was quite cooperative.

Three in the afternoon.

Cai Yuanqi finally made Le Yiwu agree to take the blame through coercion and temptation.

With a few pieces of information given by the latter, he hurried to the Kwun Tong Police Station before the press conference started.

"Cai Sir! I told you to come here when the time comes, but you can't be stuck within 3 minutes of the press conference, right?" Ding Yunfeng smiled and walked in front of Cai Yuanqi.

Cai Yuanqi wiped his sweat and retorted: "Ding Sir, Le Yiwu is a man of dignity, you think it's easy for him to bow his head and cooperate?"

"is it?
But an hour ago, I had already dealt with six Correctional Services officials headed by Pierce. "Ding Yunfeng pointed to a stack of materials beside him, and replied playfully.

The corners of Cai Yuanqi's eyes twitched. Fortunately, at this time, Sister E came to inform that the reporters outside were about to enter the venue, and asked them to prepare to speak.


The reporter who got the news and ran to get the first-hand news...

As the door of the conference hall opened, it was like a shark smelling blood, and quickly stepped into the seat and sat down.

Cai Yuanqi took out the piece of paper that Ding Yunfeng gave him before, and announced loudly:
This time, the multinational painting group that was uncovered by the Kwun Tong Police Station was apparently headed by Zhou Jiang, and behind it was Le Yiwu, who provided rice washing services for the entire group through his years of connections in the business world;
Even Sir Mason, the former Commissioner of Correctional Services, also played a disgraceful role in this case, such as providing protection and finding contacts for buyers...

After talking eloquently for about ten minutes, Cai Yuanqi finally finished the brief summary of the case compiled by Ding Yunfeng and announced that he would enter the questioning session.

The reporter of "Hong Kong Island Daily" was the first to raise his hand.

Cai Yuanqi was very tired, and just about to ignore it, Ding Yunfeng next to him asked Sister E to pass the microphone to the questioner/myself.

The reporter was not afraid of the scene, and he said Wang Bo: "Excuse me, Sir. If according to what you said, the police had a lot of criminal evidence in advance, why couldn't they control Mason in advance, but let him escape successfully?"

(End of this chapter)

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