Chapter 521 Big Water Hose Big D
How embarrassing!
In half an hour!
The press conference finally came to an end amidst Cai Yuanqi's dark complexion.

I have been in politics for more than [-] years, I don’t know how many speeches I have participated in, and how many times I have served as the host.

But like today, it was the first time that he was forced to run away after being questioned continuously by a reporter!

"Outside just now, what's the name of that bald reporter? With this professional level, he is also qualified to attend today's meeting?"

Cai Yuanqi almost made a fool of himself in public, except for Ding Yunfeng who was present at the moment, he didn't bother to cover up and directly expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Is Xiao Zhu okay? I called him." Ding Yunfeng said lightly.

Not only did the bunch of scumbags who were going to agree with Cai Yuanqi shut up, even Cai Yuanqi, the person involved, just laughed and never mentioned this matter.

After drinking a few cups of tea, Cai Yuanqi winked at some of his subordinates.

When the group of people went out, he smiled and handed a cigar to Ding Yunfeng: "Ding Sir, this time Lejia collapsed, some low-quality industries related to people's livelihood, look..."

"Cai Sir, I've never been used to smoking cigars..." Ding Yunfeng lifted the cigarette between his fingers.

Cai Yuanqi didn't force it, he laughed and took it back.

Ding Yunfeng tapped his fingers on the table, and deliberately asked: "The Le family's business, of course let Le Yazi, Le Yiwu's daughter, take over. In this case, Le Yiwu is only helping Zhou Jiang wash rice, so he doesn't want to be ruined by his family, right?" '?"

"But... Isn't Le's Group established by Le Yiwu using his criminal proceeds?" Cai Yuanqi looked up at Ding Yunfeng.

"is it?"

"Of course, I have evidence in my hand!"

"Okay, since Cai Sir said yes, that's it." While Ding Yunfeng nodded with a smile, he became more and more wary of this cannibalistic guy.


A week later...

Interpol, Hong Kong Island Division.

Looking at Yazi with a haggard face, Martin couldn't bear to sigh: "Inspector Le, the case you are in charge of this time will eventually implicate your immediate family members.

In accordance with international police regulations, I decided to let you take a long vacation so that you can take a rest and avoid suspicion by the way. "

"Yes sir!" Yazi bit her lower lip, and took out her gun and ID.

Seeing this policewoman with extraordinary background but always working hard, her face was full of disappointment.

Martin couldn't help reminding: "Your father's imprisonment is just the beginning!
When Lejia was at its peak, it fully occupied half of Hong Kong Island's film and television industry!
There are a lot of people who are eyeing your property recently, but I can't help you with these things, so please do it yourself. "

"Thank you sir!" Yazi froze when he heard the words, stood at attention, turned around and left in a hurry.

As a result, as Martin reminded, he waited until Yazi went home to call a meeting of the senior members of the Leshi Group.

She finally found out that during the one week that she was running around for her father, the top executives of Le's were interviewed by relevant departments, and ran away with money...

Just when Yazi secretly regretted not being able to keep Le's Group...

The coolies were strong, Ding Yunfeng looked helplessly at the group of his subordinates who were quarreling.

"Everyone, stop arguing, listen to me.

Concentrate funds and win Le's shadow line in one fell swoop.

Hey, I have Qiankun Films in my hand; Longhe Productions from Longwei; and the two brother film companies that Jimmy bought from me back then and later reorganized and merged; and Guaitan Films just established by Le Ge !

Now we have a total of 4 film companies in our hands!

Film sources that can be provided for impact in the future:

There are salty slices!There are action movies, comedies, and even horror movies!
If you can swallow Le's shadow line this time, and everyone releases the film, you won't have to look at other people's faces anymore.

How hot is the movie market outside now?

If you don't seize this kind of opportunity, you won't be able to see it for a day! "Liang Kun jumped onto the table and raised her hands and shouted loudly.

Long Wei, Long Bo, Lin Huaile and others applauded loudly, and Gan Lianghong and Lin Dazun, who were sitting opposite this group of people, shook their heads in unison.

"Akun, you guys are only seeing the surface.

In fact, there are not only 12 theaters in Le Yiwu's shadow line, but also many theaters have very old decorations due to disrepair.

I think that instead of buying it and spending a lot of money to renovate it, it is better to win "Hong Kong Island TV". Brother Feng has played against people a few times, and he has exerted a lot of power in public opinion!

Think about it, theaters, we can buy land and build new ones in the future.

But if we seize the opportunity this time and win the Hong Kong Island TV Station, plus the two paper media in the hands of me and Ah Zun, one good and one evil.

In the future, Hong Kong Island, who is right and who is wrong, isn't it up to Brother Feng to decide? Gan Lianghong spoke slowly.

Zhan Mi is Brother Feng's shadow, and Young Master Gan is Brother Feng's most important deputy in business. Liang Kun dare not make mistakes in front of him.

Zhan Mi clicked on the computer: "The TV station of Le Yiwu has been losing money! We need money to buy it, and we need money to invest in it later, plus salary increases to stabilize people's hearts, and publicity...

I estimate that if we don't burn [-] to [-] million yuan, we won't be able to do it. "

"Wow, it takes so much money?" Ren Yinjiu, who attended the meeting for the first time, couldn't help but exclaim.

Sitting on the plane next to him, he glanced at him blankly: "I'm going to support Brother Feng with 1800 million, your relative is big D, he's not as good as me in beheading people, and he's sharper than me in making money. I guess, this time he can get 1 Billion out."

"Isn't it? One hundred million?"

"What a big fuss..." Wei Wen snorted disdainfully: "Tsuen Wan is Brother Feng's rear, don't look at Big D who has been guarding the countryside!
In fact, Brother Feng has a lot of business, some of which are big D shares.

Of course, the share of each door is not much, but the accumulation of less makes more.

They are involved in all kinds of businesses, and the annual dividends are collected, which has long been recognized by us as an invisible big water pipe. "

"Damn, no wonder he pushed me to Brother Ji, it turns out..." Ren Yinjiu suddenly realized, and secretly scolded Big D for being cunning.

A group of people want to buy shadow lines, and a group of people want to buy TV stations.

Ding Yunfeng waited until everyone was arguing, he drank his glass, got up and walked to the center of the dance floor: "Guys, don't get too excited. If you want to buy any property here, you need someone to find a ghost to talk about it."

"Ah? Brother Feng, can't you just buy it if you have money?" Big D asked in amazement.

Zhan Mi slapped the back of his head: "Stupid you, what Cai Yuanqi and Brother Feng said was that they wanted Brother Feng to beg him!
Now that the ghost trampled Le Yiwu to death, they couldn't digest it internally?Why sell his property to Brother Feng?This is an enemy! "

"I'll pick, isn't this way you can see it, but you can't eat it?

Boss, I received a call from you last night, and I raised 1.5 million overnight! "

Big D's words fell, and the audience was in an uproar.

Ding Yunfeng gave him a hard look: "Shut up, it's a shame you've been out for so long, don't you know how to make money and don't show it?
Fortunately, there are all brothers here today, otherwise, you would be waiting to be kidnapped. "

(End of this chapter)

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