Chapter 522

Big D was so frightened by Ding Yunfeng's words that he almost took out his helmet and put it on on the spot.


Brother Feng, is there any way you can take down Le's Shadow and Hong Kong Island TV together?

Regardless of whether it is a TV station or Shadow Line, if these two are accepted, there is only one movie studio short of filming, and your entertainment map will be complete! "Gan Lianghong walked up to Ding Yunfeng and said while the gang was fighting around Big D.

Ding Yunfeng thought for a while, then smiled bitterly and replied, "You pretend I don't want to?
The money is easy to handle, no matter how much the difference is, I can ask a few bigwigs from the chamber of commerce for help.

The problem is that the ghost will not agree to this kind of thing. This is what Cai Yuanqi secretly leaked to me. I can only choose one of the two. "

"It's a pity." Zhan Mi also came over and sighed helplessly when he heard the conversation between the two.

Gan Lianghong snorted coldly: "They became tycoons in the entertainment and media industries in Brother Aofeng!

Especially the media, we have succeeded several times in stealing chickens with public opinion. I guess the planning of "Hong Kong Island TV" will not go smoothly this time.

Brother Feng, I've changed my mind now, and I'll just choose Le's shadow line.

Let's dominate the film industry first, and then we will find other things later. "

Jimmy bit his cigarette and smoked half of it: "I second!

Brother Feng, this Le's shadow line is worth about 12 billion Hong Kong dollars.

After buying it, we can hand over the refurbishment work to Brilliant Company.

Materials, labor, and the total cost price, I estimate that about 5000 million can be settled.

Then, we dismissed the grassroots employees who were originally in the shadow line, leaving the middle managers alone.

For the missing manpower, we transferred people from Liansheng or Hongxing. In the first two years, we just paid the younger brothers a basic salary. "

I had a big fuck.

Zhan Mi, when did you thick eyebrows and big eyes become more lonely than Wang Yifei?

After hearing Zhan Mi's plan, Ding Yunfeng almost choked on the smoke, and quickly shook his hand: "Don't be kidding, I, Ding Yunfeng, have come out to mess around, how often have I treated my brother badly?
In terms of salary, you must not mess around.

Jimi, put away your computer and don't be controlled by the cold numbers above. "

"Sorry, Brother Feng! I know I was wrong." Zhan Mi was startled when he heard this, and put away the calculator embarrassingly, while Gan Lianghong patted him on the shoulder next to him.

At this moment, Li Jie walked up to Ding Yunfeng quickly, holding a mobile phone in his hand: "Brother Feng, Boss Sun is calling."

"Robinson?" Ding Yunfeng took it in surprise, grabbed the phone and said a few words, he took Li Jie and Gan Lianghong, left Zhan Mi to control the field, and left in a hurry.


Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

Ding Yunfeng and Gan Lianghong walked into the living room where Brother Tai and the others often gather together.

As soon as the two entered the door, they found that the atmosphere was not right.

Brother Tai is still sitting in seat C, while Brother Ping is sitting on the sofa on his left, opposite Brother Tong.

The new brother, whom I hadn't met several times, rarely came from Haojiang today. He was sitting on a small stool next to the desk, leaning on a cane in both hands, with a sad expression on his face. Robinson was beside him, holding a Stack paper towels.

"Ah Feng, sit down. Ah Hong, I forgot my heart medicine at home, can you go back and get it for me?" Brother Ping spoke in a calm tone, but Ding Yunfeng, who was familiar with the old man, could hear from his slightly deep voice. Hear the pent-up anger.

As soon as Gan Lianghong heard it, he knew that the matter was serious, he answered wisely, turned around and walked out of the small hall, closing the door behind him.


Hearing the sound of the door being locked, He Xin stood up holding his cane, and strode up to Ding Yunfeng: "Ah Feng, I have an unspeakable request..."

"Brother Xin, tell me, I'll listen." Ding Yunfeng had a vague guess, stood up and helped He Xin to sit down, but was refused by the other party.

"My boy, Tianbao, something happened to him.

Some people told me that Tianbao's death was not an accident, but man-made.

If I want to know who killed my son, I have to exchange it with Hong Kong Island TV.

Ah Feng, I'm so sorry, but as a father, I..."

He Xin almost gritted his teeth and said these few words. He claimed to be a hero of his generation, and spent half his life on the Haojiang River. How had he ever been threatened like this?

What happened to He Tianbao?
Damn it, how could I forget to remind Huang Shihu to pay attention...

Ding Yunfeng blamed himself secretly. From He Xin's words, he remembered the plot of "Casino Tycoon II: Supreme Invincible".

In the film, He Tianbao, He Tian'er, and her boyfriend Cheng Zhen, who came back from studying in the United States, entered He Xin's company together.

During this period, Cheng Zhen thought that He Xin was the murderer who killed his father, Fu Jiajun, and set up a scheme to kill He Tianbao.

Later, He Xin found out the real culprit, and it was time to kill Cheng Zhen.

He knew from Guo Yingnan (the funny version of Taige) that Cheng Zhen was the illegitimate son of himself and his first love, Cheng Leer (played by Wang Zuxian, the non-tricky version of Cheng Leer)!
Thinking of He Xin's pain in the movie and knowing the truth about He Tianbao's death, Ding Yunfeng felt more and more guilty.

He firmly grasped Brother Xin's right hand: "Stop talking, Brother Xin, I can understand, you have to mourn!

I'll wait for the boss to let the wind out, and call Lian Sheng and Hong Xing to blow out the rats behind the trouble..."

"No! I'll do it myself." He Xin wiped the corners of his eyes, and opened a pair of murderous hawk eyes: "No matter who dares to lay hands on the people around me, He Xin, I will make sure that he can't live or die. !"

"Ah Xin. Calm down, don't fall into other people's tricks!" Brother Tai sneered.

Brother Xin turned his head angrily, and glared at him angrily: "Shut up! My son was killed by someone, at this moment, you still tell me to calm down?

That's right!

At the beginning, when we took the gambling cards together, we fell apart in terms of charitable investment.

But you have a problem with me, and you insist on withdrawing the shares!
I have nothing to say about this, I owe you!

But Tianbao was the one you grew up watching?
I asked you to call the number to help scratch people, but you actually refused..."

"Ah Xin! What are you talking about? We have known each other for decades, and I..." Brother Tai got up angrily, and Brother Ping and Brother Tong came over to dissuade them, pulling them away one by one.

Lu Binsun walked up to Ding Yunfeng, and told him in a low voice that He Xin asked Brother Tai to help him scratch, but was rejected by the other party.

Ding Yunfeng looked at Brother Tai, whose face was flushed with suffocation, and who was holding back his new brother's anger.

Combined with the plot in the movie, he roughly guessed the reason——

The Tai brother in this world is closer to the prototype in reality. With his power in Hong Kong Island and Haojiang, he may have found out that the person who set up the scheme to kill He Xin and his sister's eldest son He Tianbao was He Xin and Cheng Le'er. illegitimate child.

One is the tragedy of human relations between brothers fighting against the wall;

The second is the romantic debt of He Xin when he was young;
The third is the scandal involving the former Haojiang gambling king Fu's family.

How can these things be said on the bright side?
The most helpless, because of the differences in casino income between charity and Haojiang construction.

Brother Tai and Brother Xin have had conflicts for a long time, and the two have lost a lot of private communication in the past few years.

Today, Brother Tai was pressured by the Chamber of Commerce by Brother Xin. If he kicked out the truth, he would be seen as an insult to the situation; up!

(End of this chapter)

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