Chapter 523 I Can Hurdles

"Brother Ping, you look very bad!"

"Hey, everyone, stop arguing, something is wrong with Brother Ping!"

Ding Yunfeng suddenly took a step forward, pulled Ping Ge who was blocking He Xin, shouted for help, and gave him a wink at the same time.

Brother Ping understood in seconds, he immediately held his heart: "I can't do it anymore! Suddenly I can't breathe, medicine... medicine..."

"Ping!" Brother Tai and Brother Tong strode forward.

Brother Xin's complexion changed drastically, and he ran to the side and called Baiche.

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After being in a mess for a while, brother Ping, who covered his heart wrongly but was ignored by everyone, was carried away by the doctor in a white car with a ruddy complexion.

"Hmph! If something happened to Ah Ping today, I'll see how you explain it to his family!"

He Xin slammed his mouth first, he took Tai's hat off, cursed and got into the Rolls-Royce and left.

With a dark face, Brother Tai put on a suit jacket, told me that my company was busy, and got in the car to leave.

Brother Tong shook his head and smiled wryly, walked up to Ding Yunfeng and asked, "Ah Feng, don't blame Ah Xin, you are still young and have a lot of opportunities to get rich!
This time let him, the God of Wealth, owe you a large amount of favors. When he sorts out the family affairs, not to mention one Hong Kong Island TV station, even two, he can pay you back! "

"Brother Tong, you misunderstood me. I'm not happy. It's because I heard that Tianbao had an accident and I couldn't help. I feel a little guilty." Ding Yunfeng rarely took the cigar handed by Brother Tong. Finally took the cigar cutter in Robinson's hand.

"Hey~ Who can help with this kind of thing?" Brother Tong took a puff of his cigar and sighed: "You and I are not gods, and everyone has a lot of things to take care of.

Sometimes when I get busy, I have to be stuck in time for meals. If I want to drive a bit, I can help as much as I can, and I will do my best. "

Robinson also gave a few words of comfort. Ding Yunfeng squeezed his cigar and asked in a low voice, "Brother Tong, do you know who threatened Brother Xin to buy Hong Kong Island TV Station to exchange information?"

"Hmph, someone you can't think of."

"Huh?" Ding Yunfeng frowned, and suddenly thought of someone: "Le Xiaowen?"

"Your boy's reaction speed is beyond my estimation, that's right! It's this guy, Le Xiaowen has been released from Mao Xiongguo." Brother Tong looked at Qionghui: "I don't know what channel he received the wind from, and he also I don't know how he won Ah Xin's trust.

In short, if this guy can come back alive in Siberia, he must be different from before.

However, you don't have to worry too much, Hong Kong Island TV is gone, and LeTV Movie Line is still there.

Ah Xin asked me to help you with this matter, how about it?You have 10 billion now, if not, I will lend you some. "

"Brother Tong, my people have done an assessment, and Le's shadow line is at least 12 billion." Ding Yunfeng looked at Brother Tong in surprise.

Brother Tong laughed loudly: "Yes, this price estimate is quite accurate, it seems that you have talents under your command, Ah Feng.

Yes, the market price of Le's Shadow is indeed worth 12 billion.

However, Ah Xin felt ashamed of you this time, and he promised to help you pay [-] million.

The remaining [-] million, my Shark Tong noodles, isn't it worth the price? "

Ding Yunfeng promised Brother Tong that he would raise one billion Hong Kong dollars within three days, and then he would quickly return to the Night Bar in Causeway Bay with Gan Lianghong, who had stepped back from the venue.

"Brother Feng, you are finally back." Seeing Ding Yunfeng, Big D greeted him with a mournful face.

With tears in his eyes, he complained about his bloody and tearful history of being blackmailed by a gang of gangsters during Brother Feng's absence.

"Okay, if you are worried that the money in your pocket will be targeted by everyone, then put it with me and use it to buy shadow lines." Ding Yunfeng threw a lucky lottery in the past and secured 1.5 million funds.

When everyone heard this, they immediately understood that this time Brother Feng and Gan Shao went out, they had already finalized their goals and decided to acquire Le's Yingxian.

"Brother Feng, are you sure?" Zhan Mi, who was in charge of money, looked at Ding Yunfeng and asked solemnly.

"It's settled! Over there, Brother Tong will help us get it done. The purchase price of the shadow line is tentatively set at 10 billion Hong Kong dollars." Ding Yunfeng lit a cigarette.

"Oh yeah! Brother Feng is Brother Feng. If you go out for 2 hours, you will save 2 million. Everyone, brothers, give me a chance, and I will give you 4000 million." Liang Kun applauded vigorously and shouted first.

Not to be outdone, the plane quoted 1500 million.

With two beginnings, others followed suit.

More like Coolie Qiang, Zhan Mi, and Chen Yaoqing opened up 1 million yuan, and less like Zhong Chuxiong and Lin Dazun's few million. In less than 5 minutes, they have already collected about 6 million yuan.

Lin Huaile sold fruit in Jordan before, so he didn't have a lot of money.

Last time he supported Dongguan Boys to lay down half of Tsim Sha Tsui, plus the extravagance of his superiors later on, even though he was expensive to sit with Lian Sheng, but this time he really didn't have the money to participate in the shares, so he could only watch enviously.

"I admit 500 million, Brother Zhanmi, don't think it's too little." Dong Guanzai raised his hand and shouted.

Lin Huaile looked over in astonishment: "500 million? Dongguan boy, where did you get so much money to be a member?"

"Grandpa, don't get me wrong, these are not from the public money. I sold the car first, then the building, and then I borrowed some from Master Su and Datou. I managed to get it together." Dong Guanzai put down his wine glass and looked at Lin Huaile explain.

The corners of Lin Huaile's eyes kept twitching when he heard this: "Are you crazy? Selling cars and houses and finding brothers in the association to borrow money to invest?
Didn't you hear Jimmy just now?

This shadow line is very old. It needs to be refurbished when it is bought, and the original employees have to be laid off.

It may take 2-3 years to survive until the return of capital and profit. During this period, you will not have to live? "

Dongguan boy chuckled: "Grandpa, I have thought about what you are thinking about.

When I asked Master Su and Datou to borrow money, I agreed that each of them would lend me 150 million. Brothers in the community, the interest should not be too complicated. In short, after three years, I will give each of them 300 million with principal and interest.

Master Su has no courage, even if he needs money halfway, he dare not ask me for it in advance;

Datouzi memorizes the gang rules by heart, Article 16 is very clear, brother's money and belongings must be returned, if there is any intention to swallow it, it will be destroyed by five thunders.

If I have nothing to say, I won’t pay it back. I will pay it back when it’s due. Now I’m borrowing money according to the gang’s regulations. Is there a problem?”

Lin Huaile was so overwhelmed by Dongguan Zai's nonsense that he almost rolled his eyes. He lowered his voice and continued to ask, "Borrowing money is outrageous enough. You don't need to put your house and car on it."

"I can temporarily live in Tuodi, as for the car...

In Tsim Sha Tsui, people come and go, 12 hours during the day, at least 11 and a half people are stuck in traffic.

I think it is more convenient to walk over the fence and cross the road! "Dong Guanzai replied confidently.

Seeing Lin Huaile's constipated expression, he added mysteriously: "What's more, Brother Feng, when did he let the younger brother suffer?
If it weren't for the current red stick and the need for a pair of outfits to go out, I would even lose my gold chain and gold labor! "

(End of this chapter)

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