Chapter 524 Lin Huaile Was Tricked

What a shopping spree!

The corners of Lin Huaile's eyes twitched, and he suddenly felt that all the boys under his command would be worth 500 million.

As a sitter with Lian Sheng, he couldn't show nothing at all, could he?
He bowed his head and thought for a while, Brother Le was so embarrassed.

Just when he was hesitating, how about calling out 1 million first, and waiting for the big D to issue an IOU afterwards.

Siyanming, who hadn't shown up for a long time, knocked on the door and came in wearing a black suit and gold-rimmed glasses.

"Brother Feng, Wang Sheng asked me to come over and told him to buy shares worth 800 million yuan." After greeting everyone with a bright smile on his eyes, he walked up to Ding Yunfeng and said.

Ding Yunfeng handed over a cigarette: "Wang Sheng has a heart, go and find Zhanmi to hand over."

Four-eyed Ming took it respectfully, took out a lighter and lit it for Brother Feng, then went to Jimmy to open the briefcase, and took out a kraft paper envelope: "This is a cashier's check from Standard Chartered Bank, Brother Jimmy, order some. "

Zhan Mi took it, threw it into the beer carton at his feet, and then, with a cigarette in his mouth, he issued a receipt: "Brother Ming, please tell Uncle Chuck that the formal shareholding document must wait for the shadow line to be obtained before hiring Huang Dawen Law Firm Get it out."

"It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter! In fact, before Wang Sheng sent me over, he didn't know what property Brother Feng was going to buy. Well, Brother Zhanmi, you are busy, I will go first."

"Big D, send Brother Ming off."

"My brother, you're welcome! Big D, I have to drink tea, I'll go first."


Seeing that Siyanming didn't even drink a glass of water, coming and going in less than 2 minutes, which means blowing chicken and spending 800 million, Lin Huaile couldn't sit still anymore.

He walked up to Big D awkwardly, and pulled him to a corner aside: "Big D, I have something I want to discuss with you."

Many people in the rivers and lakes can't trust banks.

Today, I heard that Brother Feng was going to attack the property under the name of Le's Group. Everyone came to the meeting with hundreds or even tens of millions of cash.

Big D is the leader of Jimmy, and this will bring ponytail, Huadi and others are counting the money.

Suddenly pulled up by Lin Huaile, he replied impatiently: "Brother Le! Can you talk about it the next day? Didn't you see that I am so busy now?"

"It's just a minute of your time..." Lin Huaile looked around cautiously and asked a little embarrassedly: "Can you lend me 1 million..."

"A sudden borrowing of money? Didn't you just pay the bills at a meeting last week?" Big D looked at Lin Huaile suspiciously.

Lin Huaile blushed. She couldn't admit that she was strong but capable. Last time, she owed a lot of foreign debts to put on a show for her superior...

Seeing the tightness of sitting in the hall, Big D rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Okay, Brother Le, if you say 1000 million, 1000 million is [-] million. However, there is one thing I want to ask for your help here, brother."

"You said."

"I have a cousin who came back from America."

"His name is Ren Yinjiu, I know, you arranged for him to worship under the door of the plane, and now he is in charge of two Dashuangkou barbecue restaurants in Mongkok."

"That's right, I want to ask Brother Le, after three months, isn't the club going to open the mountain gate once a year to accept horses.

At that time, can you have a way to arrange for my cousin to take a job? "Big D laughed.

Lin Huaile's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, and now with the winning streak, he opened the mountain gate to take in the horses, and was promoted to the bottom of the ranks, making the old four and nine below break their heads time and time again.

The red stick must be handpicked by Brother Feng!
This is an unspoken rule inherited from the chicken blowing era.

Lin Huaile had just assumed the position and didn't dare to change it. The white paper fan and straw sandals left were the important bargaining chips he used to buy people's hearts!

Today, Big D asked him to open his mouth, so naturally he didn't like the straw sandals.

After all, Big D would rather wait for many years, but also to be a red stick.

Today he was willing to spend 1000 million favors, there is no reason to just buy a pair of the cheapest straw sandals!
Looking not far away, there are gangsters carrying banknotes or checks to buy Zhanmi's subscription shares.

Lin Huaile was very anxious, thought twice, forced a smile and agreed: "Ajiu, he's not bad personally...

I watched the plane and he praised Ajiu for doing things properly in front of his uncles several times!
Well, I think it's almost time for Ajiuza to take over. "

"Okay, Brother Le is Brother Le! He is very generous and quick-talking. Since you nodded, I will find a chance to talk to Brother Feng." Big D raised his chin with his hips on his hips, and suddenly laughed like a fool.

Brother Fengfeng?

Lin Huaile was stunned. He grabbed Big D who was about to leave: "Wait a minute, Big D, what do you want to say to Brother Fengfeng?"

"Brother Feng, for the past few years, Brother Feng has to agree to tie red sticks on April [-]th?" Big D replied confidently.

I rely on!

What do you mean, you want to arrange for your cousin to tie a red stick?

Don't be so joking, it's only been a few years since Ren Yinjiu joined and won consecutive victories!
How many seniors in the club are still waiting in line for the top position. I have to bear a lot of pressure to arrange for him to overtake this time. Do you still want to ask Brother Feng to ask him to tie the red stick?
In case Brother Feng nods, and no one dares to criticize him himself, why don't I be scolded to death by the people below?
"Brother Le, Brother Le?" Big D raised his palm and waved it in front of Lin Huaile.

Lin Huaile came back to his senses, persuaded with a bitter expression: "Big D, I thought just now that you wanted Ren Yinjiu to be a white paper fan..."

"White paper fan?" Big D chuckled and said, "My cousin is not as smart as I am, how could he tie a white paper fan? Well, that's it, my boss called me to help. "

After saying that, Big D left Lin Huaile behind and trotted back to Jimmy. He took out his check book and began to write: "Brother Sitting Le, he recognized 1000 million shares."

"Wow! Brother Le is so proud!"

"That's right, before Ale only relied on a few fruit bars in Jotun to collect the money.

This time, Dongguan Boy was finally sent to take down half of Tsim Sha Tsui, and he spent 1000 million to support Brother Feng when he first took office. I guess he must be selling his iron. Liang Kun sighed to the people around him.

Ding Yunfeng knew all of these subordinates, no matter they were loyal or treacherous, Zhan Mi secretly stared at them, and when he saw Lin Huaile reluctantly bowed his hands to everyone with a smile, he smiled and praised: "A Le, you have a heart. "

"For Brother Feng, it's my duty!" Lin Huaile laughed so hard that he almost cried.

According to his original plan, the next time he opened the mountain gate with Lian Sheng, he was going to put the winning horse with long hair on the red stick.

Because Dongguan boy had made a contribution to beating the Ni family in Tsim Sha Tsui this time, Ding Yunfeng hand-picked an exception and tied the red stick. Changmao was inserted into the team once. If I don’t help him up, maybe people’s hearts will change.

Unexpectedly, after thousands of calculations, three months before the opening of the mountain gate, he would be counted once by the sausage of big D, and he would stuff Ren Yinjiu in out of thin air.

In other words, with Big D's usual IQ, how could he respond so quickly on the spot this time?

It seems that they are just waiting for themselves to be included...

(End of this chapter)

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