Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 525 Uncle 2 Comes to Help You

Chapter 525 Second Uncle Comes to Help You

Lighting the banknotes with both hands, Big D held a cigarette in his mouth, and his lips moved slightly: "Boss, how was my performance tonight? Didn't my performance fail?"

"It's counting your money!" Zhan Mi looked down at the account book, his tone full of disgust: "That is to say, Lin Huaile was put on fire by everyone today, and he had to suffer from your dumbness, otherwise, with your acting skills, how could you Can you beat him?"

"Hey, who told him to be so stubborn?
Even Dongguan Tsai can raise 500 million, but I don’t believe Lin Huaile doesn’t!
However, Brother Feng is the best, he actually predicted that Lin Huaile would ask me to borrow money..." Big D ghostly glanced at Lin Huaile who was surrounded by the crowd to toast, and laughed in a low voice.

At this time, Zhan Mi had already calculated the total amount of funds raised, he packed up the books and stood up: "You take everyone to sort out the cash, and then bring a few more brothers to protect it, and send it to Nanyang Commercial Bank for deposit."

"Got it, I've told Brother Hua that he will be responsible for driving, and there will be 12 escorts with pony tails and [-] swordsmen at the front and back, to ensure that nothing will happen..." Big D replied humming a ditty.

Zhan Mi hummed, got up and walked to the booth where Ding Yunfeng, Gan Lianghong, Coolie Qiang and Chen Yaoqing were.

"Brother Feng, everyone subscribed a total of 645150000 yuan of shares, and I will make up the last digit to make up 7 million yuan. The ledger is here. Please take a look at it."

Ding Yunfeng took it over and took a look: "Okay, I personally contribute 3 million yuan, and I will invest in the name of Xiaoxia and her old bean."

"Okay, when will I find Uncle Tong?"

"Don't worry, wait for him to notify us." Ding Yunfeng shook his head and said loudly: "Okay, there is nothing else, everyone can go back and wait for the good news.

Akun, Aqiang and Dasha, you three stay here, I have something to tell you. "

Seeing Liangkun, Coolie Qiang and Dasha follow Ding Yunfeng into the box, Lin Huaile's face flashed with displeasure—who is sitting with Lian Sheng?
You, Ding Yunfeng, called the heads of the Ding factions of the three major associations for a small meeting. You only called Coolie Qiang, not me.

This is not to send a signal to the outside world: I, Lin Huaile, are no different from blowing chickens. Is it just a puppet supported by you Ding Yunfeng?
"Brother Le, what's the matter?" Seeing Lin Huaile standing still, Dong Guanzai pushed him suspiciously.

Lin Huaile withdrew his gaze and replied with restrained anger, "It's nothing, you have to go back to Tsim Sha Tsui? You don't have to wait for me."

"Hey, brother Le, you forgot that my car is sold, I would like to ask you to give me a ride." Dong Guanzi pursed his lips.

Didn't you say that street traffic jams are not as fast as hurdles?

You are so capable, don't rub my car, just walk back to Tsim Sha Tsui from Causeway Bay! ! !

If it wasn't for you, who pawned off 500 million yuan, would I go to the big D to borrow money?
Lin Huaile took a deep breath, suppressed the roar in his heart, and waved to the winner, Long Mao: "You send Dongguan boy back to Tsim Sha Tsui, and then pick me up at Dragon Tiger Bar."

"Yes, Brother Le." Changmao saw that the boss was in a bad mood, nodded in response, and turned his eyes complicatedly to Dong Guanzi: "Brother Dong, this way please."

"Hey, long-haired brother, even you are cheating on me?

When you were with Brother Le, I hadn't come out to hang out yet, so just call me Dongguan boy. "Dong Guanzi draped his long-haired shoulders and smiled boldly.

Changmao couldn't figure out why the domineering Dongguan boy in the past suddenly became very polite to him, he shook his head cautiously: "There is a difference between top and bottom, Brother Dong, you don't care, but my long hair can't be messed with.

Otherwise, if this matter spreads to the Tao, we will be laughed at for having no tutor. "

"Hey, you are a person who accepts death, and sooner or later you will become a big head."

"I heard that Brother Datou is familiar with the rules of the gang, and he has been named by Brother Feng to enter the punishment hall, and he is planning to take over the position of Uncle Huoxing's punishment hall in the future. I dare not compare him to him."


Watching Dongguan Tsai and Chang Mao get into the car and drive away, Lin Huaile snorted coldly and walked onto the road alone.

At the same time, Ding Yunfeng tapped the one-way glass in the coolie's office on the second floor of Yese Bar, near the window facing the street: "Tell Dongguan Boy that if Lin Huaile is not honest, he can do things again."

"Brother Feng, Dongguan boy is not peaceful. My people said that he and Han Chen under Ni Yongxiao have been in contact recently. I am afraid that if I kill a tiger, I will go up to a wolf." Liangkun said hoarsely, Said slowly.

Coolie smiled coldly: "With me here, a black bear can be kicked to death, let alone a wolf!"

"Made, everyone is a white-eyed wolf!
I've seen thousands of bosses who oppress your subordinates in the Jianghu, fool you and work hard, but you can't find it with a lantern like Brother Feng who helps everyone to prosper!
These two bastards, just let me drag them to fill the sea. Dasha slapped the table and shouted viciously.

Ding Yunfeng waved his hand: "With me here, Dong Guanzi dare not turn against me.

As for Han Chen, I know this person very well, and he is very good at seeing the needles. He came into contact with Dongguan Boy, and Dongguan Boy had reported it to me in private. "

After finishing speaking, Ding Yunfeng changed the topic: "The three of you are asked to stay here because I want you to investigate two things. First, He Tianbao, the eldest son of Brother Haojiang, had a car accident with a man named Cheng Zhen a few days ago. I need you to keep an eye on Cheng Zhen."

"Brother Feng! Just keep an eye on him? Why don't we just arrest him and hand him over to Brother Xin for favors?"

"There is an inside story that I can't explain clearly, while you are staring at Cheng Zhen, don't investigate the truth of this case.

Because the new brother has made it clear that outsiders will not be allowed to intervene.

If you have conflicts with Brother Xin's people during your work, you can report my identity to the other party when necessary. Ding Yunfeng shook his head at Liang Kun.

Seeing this, Liangkun's face straightened, she nodded and agreed: "Okay, I understand, what about the second thing?"

"Le Xiaowen is back."

"Ah? Is this guy a tortoise? It's so cold in Siberia, yet he hasn't frozen to death???" Coolie Qiang was surprised.

Seeing Dasha's puzzled face, Liang Kun briefly told him about the grievances between Ding Yunfeng and Lejia before.

"Le Xiaowen has the evidence that He Tianbao was killed by Cheng Zhen!
But he was a person who spent several years in a hard kiln abroad, and Le Yiwu took away all his assets. It can be said that he was cleared up. When he returned to Hong Kong Island this time, how could he know such a thing?
I need you to send someone out to collect the wind and help me find out the details as soon as possible. "

"Okay! Brother Feng." The three of Liang Kun knew that this matter was important, and they all nodded in response.


At the foot of Taiping Mountain, Lejia Villa.

Yazi used to only watch his father manage things, but he didn't know the hard work of managing a group company.

In the past few days, if she hadn't relied on some previous connections, she could have gone to ask her father who was in detention for advice in three or two days.

Now the property under Le's name is probably swallowed up by those vice presidents and vice presidents.

Rubbing her sore temples, Yazi was tired and drowsy. At this moment, a cold voice woke her up: "Yazi, since it's been so hard, how about second uncle to help you?"

(End of this chapter)

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