Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 526 Le's Group is just a pig raised by ghosts

Chapter 526 Le's Group is just a pig raised by ghosts
The sudden claim made Yazi feel like being struck by lightning. She looked up and found a man in a suit leaning on the handrail of the stairs.

"What? Can't you recognize me? It's just that my skin is a little rough, my hair is a little white, and my back is a little hunched." Le Xiaowen smiled, holding a glass of vodka with ice in his trouser pocket, He looked up at the villa that had been away for 8 years.

Yazi took a deep breath and collected himself: "Second Uncle, it's really you! When will you be back?"

"Last month, tsk tsk, you and your eldest brother didn't come to the airport to pick me up..." Le Xiaowen took the wine glass, walked to the sofa and sat down, crossed his legs and sneered: "However, I can understand.

After all, in the past eight years, I have written dozens of letters to you, father and daughter, and you are too lazy to answer any of them. You probably think I am dead. "

"Second Uncle, you misunderstood, I, I have never received the letter you sent back..." Yazi was halfway through explaining, but suddenly stopped talking.


She suddenly remembered that these years, she had worked for Interpol, and spent most of her time abroad on missions.


The second uncle may have written back.

However, these letters were all intercepted by his father, Le Yiwu.

After all, when the Le family had an accident, my father went to Maoxiong Country and brought a lot of documents for the second house to transfer assets...

"What? Don't you have anything to say?" Seeing Yazi's embarrassment, Le Xiaowen pointed to the sofa behind him, "Sit down! Don't worry, the grievances between me and Big Brother will be resolved by our own generation. Second Uncle wants to get angry at you, a junior, so he won't take the initiative to come over to see you tonight."

"Second Uncle, I don't know the details of what happened eight years ago.

But now, my father has been arrested.

No matter how you say it, you can't write two happy characters.

What's the matter between you, why not wait for him to come out, and our family will discuss how to solve it, what do you think? " Yazi asked tentatively.

Le Xiaowen took a sip of his drink: "Wait for him to come out?

Yazi, don't be naive!

Brother, this time, he was treated as a victim by the above. You are an adult. I think you should know who is behind Lejia. "

"Before Daddy was arrested, he asked me to go to Victoria Peak and seek help from the former Secretary of Security, Sir James."

"Then Ghost James doesn't want to see you, right?" Le Xiaowen put down his glass and said slowly.

Yazi looked at the other party vigilantly: "Second Uncle, are you playing tricks behind the scenes?"

"Ha! Yazi, otherwise, I'd say you're naive!

I am a prisoner who has been digging potatoes in Siberia for 8 years. How do you think that I have the ability to influence James after I come out for a month? "

"Then..." Yazi bit his lower lip hesitantly, Le Xiaowen raised a finger and shook it: "Don't think about it.

After I came back, I first settled down through my old friends. I knew that if I let my elder brother know that I came back alive, he would definitely ask someone to get rid of me. "

"Second Uncle! Daddy is not this kind of person..."

"Shut up! You are a child, how do you know what happened between me and your old man?"

Le Xiaowen was furious when he heard the words, the gentleness and elegance that he had always put on, suddenly turned ferocious: "Eight years!

Do you know how I have spent the past eight years in Maoxiong Country?
If it wasn’t for the prison guards in Siberia who accidentally discovered that I knew the writing and languages ​​​​of several Western countries, and after the dispute between Mao Xiong and the United States escalated, they urgently needed someone to help translate some books and documents. Do you think I can survive? "

Yazi pursed her lips. When Le Xiaowen was imprisoned in Mao Xiongguo, his father took the opportunity to take away his property. As the beneficiaries, his father and daughter were all wronged at this time.

Le Xiaowen's 8 years in Mao Xiongguo have not been in vain, and he quickly resumed expression management.

Getting up and walking to the wine cabinet, Le Xiaowen poured another glass of vodka: "Okay, I'm not afraid to tell you frankly, don't bother looking for someone to intercede.

This time, big brother is going to be embarrassed!

The ghosts above have negotiated, and they want to use him to take the blame.

Otherwise, James wouldn't avoid seeing him. The elder brother's contribution every year is not in vain.

It's a pity, the situation is stronger than people, what you and I can do now is to try our best to keep the property of Le's Group. "

"Second Uncle, what purpose do you have, you might as well speak up." Yazi also calmed down at this time.

"It's very simple. Through my old friend, I received some rumors that Le's Group will be taken away by the Governor's Office on certain charges, and then sold..."

"Impossible! I have checked all the reports, talked with the company's chief financial officer, and found someone to get involved with. I have directly communicated with my father, Le's Group, and there is no illegal act..."

"Hmph! Otherwise, I'd say you're naive.

You go and have a look, just look at... Central!Those skyscrapers...

Let me tell you, the word "illegal" is written all over the gaps between the bricks and stones of every building.

Are you saying that Le Shi did not break the law?
That's because the government doesn't want to investigate, of course you are a legitimate business!

Now the government wants to move you, you must be an illegal businessman.

The eldest brother didn't seek refuge with Guilao at the beginning, and there was also the Chinese Chamber of Commerce to form a group.

But from the moment he went to James and bowed his head, Le's Group was already a pig raised by the ghost.

Pigs will be killed sooner or later.

When to kill is just when Le Shi gets fat. "

Le Xiaowen did nothing to translate Western economic articles and books for Mao Xiong. With the accumulation of the past 8 years, his vision and thinking have surpassed Le Yiwu, let alone Yazi, a newcomer in the business world.

A few words made Yazi sit down slumped, Le Xiaowen pulled his tie: "Le's shadow line must be lost.

For the remaining Hong Kong Island TV stations, if you and your eldest brother are willing to transfer all the shares to me, there is still a possibility that they will remain in the hands of our Lejia. "

Yazi naturally knew that the Le family in the other party's mouth had absolutely nothing to do with her father and daughter.

She smiled coldly: "The left and right are all for sale. Even if I get rid of the shares of the TV station at a low price, I can still get tens of millions. Now transfer it to you, our father and daughter, isn't it empty-handed?"

"Ha! Do you think that at this point in the matter, you can sell it to whomever you want?

Let me tell you directly, Hong Kong Island TV Station is in my hands, and I have to hand over 50% of the shares. "

Le Xiaowen persuaded a few words, seeing that Yazi still refused to let go, he did not get angry, but smiled and said that he would come back in two more days.

Then, Le Xiaowen was very straightforward, took a few bodyguards in black suits, went out, got into the car and left.

Yazi chased out of the gate of the villa, she looked at the three Hutouben going away, and was very curious about the old friend Le Xiaowen was talking about.

Based on her understanding of this second uncle, before the accident happened, the other party was not a well-rounded person.

To put it bluntly, Le Xiaowen's reputation in the Chinese business circle has always been bad...

Arrogant, snobbish, high-minded, but low-handed...

There are many negative comments on the second son of Lejia. Why did someone support him after he was imprisoned for 8 years?

(End of this chapter)

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