Chapter 527
After Ding Yunfeng had dinner with the coolie three at night, he returned to Repulse Bay to take a bath and do some work.

Unexpectedly, after putting on the condoms, I actually received a call from Jimmy—in the evening, the more than 1 million Hong Kong dollars that Big D escorted to Nanyang Commercial Bank were robbed on the way. .

This news caused Brother Feng to perform abnormally. After 2 hours, 1 and a half hours remained.

Result: Shi Shi and Zhao Su were very satisfied, but Bobo was very upset.

Before going out, Brother Feng was suddenly scolded by a certain girl—a little dog, why can't it work tonight?
Even with the open-top Cadillac Big Rocket that Dasha gave him, the night wind along the way still couldn't blow away Ding Yunfeng's anger...

"Brother Feng, damn me, I was too careless!
I thought it would take less than 30 minutes by car, and I arranged for 12 swordsmen, plus Huadi's car is enough!
But, I, I really didn't expect that someone would actually take the guts of a leopard to rob us and Lian Sheng! "

Big D was crying, his forehead was bandaged, he was shot in the shoulder, and the ponytail was supporting him. Their faces were full of smoke.

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng's face was very dark, Zhan Mi stepped forward and kicked Big D a somersault: "What do I usually tell you?

Be safe, be safe!

But look at you, what are you floating like?
With more than 1 million in cash, you sent 12 swordsmen to escort you, why didn’t you even bring a Remington?ah! "

Big D didn't dare to refute, he squatted on the ground with a sad face.

Coolie grabbed Zhan Mi, and shouted sharply: "Everyone on the other side has guns, and even blocked the road with soil bombs. Big D and the others injured 8 people, but none of them lost their lives. It's very lucky!"

"Okay! Now is not the time for accountability. Big D, what are you doing squatting? Get up and tell me what happened to you." Ding Yunfeng took out a camel and stuffed it into his mouth. Just as he was about to light it, he saw Liang Kun Feng Huo Huo brought Sha Qiang over.

"Siqiang, the plane, you two go outside and guard the door.

If someone comes over again, you just tell them to go back, then the money will be fine, even if you can't get it back, I, Ding Yunfeng, will recognize the shares you subscribed in the afternoon! "

Ding Yunfeng waved his hand at the plane and confiscated Liangkun's top horse by the way.

The two dared not neglect, nodded and ran out of the room.

Sure enough, within a minute, there were footsteps and voices outside the room...

In the room, Ding Yunfeng and others finally learned how the banknotes were robbed from Big D and Mawei.

Because everyone brought too much cash during the day, after Jimmy left with the ledger, Big D also took Mawei, Huadi, Taibao and other banknotes that had been counted for more than an hour.

By the time they packed the money into the car, it was already dark outside.

Beforehand, Brother Ding Yunfeng and Heping greeted each other and tried to get Nanyang Commercial Bank to delay leaving get off work by an hour.

Big D saw that time was running out, so he asked Huadi to take a shortcut. Who knows, his temporary decision eventually led to a huge sum of money being robbed...

Stuffing out the cigarette butt, Ding Yunfeng knocked out another cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth, then clicked on the Zippo that Liangkun had made half a second earlier: "That is to say, you were ambushed on a whim?"

"Yeah! I still can't figure this out!
That bomb, Brother Jie, must be set in advance!

Unless those robbers could hear my heart, how could they know that I would temporarily ask Huadi to change the route? "Big D talked about the excitement, and the bandage on his shoulder oozes blood.

Ding Yunfeng took a deep puff of his cigarette, pointed at his wound: "Okay, you and Ponytail are both wounded, let's go back to recuperate first.

In addition, Jimmy, on my behalf, go to the hospital to visit Huadi and the others. If anyone is seriously injured, immediately arrange to be transferred to St. Teresa's Hospital for treatment. "

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Jimmy put on his coat and walked a few steps, seeing Big D standing still, he scolded angrily: "Are you deaf? Now you don't even listen to Brother Feng?

If you want to show your loyalty, you have to wait until the injury is healed. What's the use of you putting on such a bad look besides embarrassing yourself? "

Big D gave a shiver, and bid farewell to everyone with an embarrassing expression. After Ding Yunfeng waved his hand, he put on his ponytail and staggered to follow Jimmy.

When the three walked out of the room, they were immediately surrounded by Lin Huaile and others who rushed over after hearing the news. Even though Zhan Mi hurriedly closed the door, Ding Yunfeng could see from the gap that the plane and Shaqiang couldn't control the scene.

"A Qing, you take your eldest brother, Ah Cong and Ah Hong out.

Some of you tell people outside that if you are worried about money, you will accept withdrawal of shares now.

The banknotes are first taken from Moon City, Brilliant Company, Dashuangkou and Hongxin handbag shops and put them on the mat.

If it is not enough, you can go to the number overnight to borrow it, and ask Jimmy to withdraw money from the bank tomorrow to make up for how much you have used tonight. "

Brother Feng's tone was very flat, but everyone could hear a surge of anger from his words.

The coolie twisted his neck, got up and said, "Ah Qing stay here, I'll go out and reason with these bastards."

"Shut up, sit down! Are you the only one who can reason? Do you want to speak with your feet?" Looking at the undisguised murderous intent on Coolie Qiang's face, Ding Yunfeng laughed angrily at him.

Liang Kun pulled Coolie Qiang to sit down: "Brother Qiang, you are just a few shameless waste materials, it's not your turn to show up at our level.

Ah Qing, go out and do something. If you don’t have enough money, you don’t need to go to the number helper. We Hongxing just paid the bill last week, so I’ll just make a phone call and you can just go and withdraw the money. "

Chen Yaoqing also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Coolie Qiang sit down.

This wave is not smooth, but don't make another wave!
In case Brother Qiang goes out and kicks a few uncles to death, the fun of winning streak today will be great.

Throwing a cigarette to Coolie Qiang and Liang Kun, Ding Yunfeng first scolded A Qiang for his recklessness, and then said slowly: "The money was robbed this time, I think it is a coincidence.

After all, what the big D said just now, the robbers opened the cash box and asked their leader, how did the US dollars become Hong Kong dollars? "

"Brother Feng, I have ordered everyone in Hong Xing to help close the wind, I believe there will be news before dawn.

I am worried, this is another bomb, and another shooting. Although no one was killed, the amount of money involved is so large.

The police will definitely file a case.

But there is a lot of this money, and it is not visible..." Liang Kun looked at Ding Yunfeng worriedly and said.

Ding Yunfeng frowned, and waved his hand: "Don't be afraid, I will handle it with the police. I will find the most people and try to take over this case."

"That's fine, anyway, as long as you know it well!" Liang Kun and Coolie Qiang looked at each other and said in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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