Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 528 No Attitude Is An Attitude

Chapter 528 No Attitude Is An Attitude
At the night bar in Causeway Bay, there is a closed sign at the entrance in advance, or standing, or squatting, a dozen or so big brothers who are ringing on the road gather together. Entrance.

He Liansheng, from sitting in the hall to the hall master, is almost all in it, and even the old people in the Deng Bo period are already the uncles of the Huoxen, Shuangfandong, Shuaigou, Lenglao, Gaolao and Chuanbao. coming.

"Hey, have you heard? In the evening, Big D took someone to bet our boss's money to the bank, and was robbed on the way..." Guanzi Sen winked at Master Su. Switching to Leng Lao's family, he was much more down and out than he was in the plot of "Dragon City Years".

Master Su is Huoxing's subordinate, he pushed his glasses and stammered back: "No, I don't know, it shouldn't be very important, it's important. Brother Youfeng is covering it up, I, I can't see the big deal. "

"Choose! Do you know iron?"

"It is said that the robbers not only fired guns, but also used bombs!"

"No, the shock wave of the explosion, I could feel it when I was eating seafood in Saigon."

"Fuck the collar mother! There is no limit to the exaggeration.

Can you still feel the explosion in Causeway Bay in Sai Kung?Why don't you say that the United States came to drop the atomic bomb! "Yutoubiao snorted coldly, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

In other words, although these guys are in the same club, there was some friction in the past, not to mention the filth among them.

However, since the D faction forces have completely mastered and won consecutive victories.

In the past few years, almost the entire community has worked together to develop the economy.

Everyone's income is higher, and life is easier. In the past, there were ups and downs, and they naturally chose to laugh it off. Only then did this harmonious atmosphere appear.

Seeing this group of people talking and talking, the topic changed to Xiasanlu, Master Su smiled apologetically on his face, but he was secretly worried in his heart.

Dong Guanzai found out that the money he borrowed from Datou had been exchanged into a check a few days ago.

Even if something happens this time, he won't be nervous, but he is very worried, whether his boss, Huo Niu, will do such stupid things as withdrawing shares and cashing in...

The more I am afraid of what will come!
Huoxenu and the others had retreated a few years ago, reclusively, but they had all been powerful hall masters.

Who doesn't have a few cronies to help support and gain popularity in the club?
When the big D was robbed, Liang Kun could come in time, not to mention these investors who handed over half of their net worth at once?
This is not!

Seeing that Chen Yaoqing came out with Ah Cong, eldest brother and Ah Hong.

Several people jumped up one after another, and learned that the banknotes raised were indeed taken away.

Ding Yunfeng also promised that if someone is worried about money, they can voluntarily withdraw their shares.

At this moment, the eyes of many people present began to flicker.


"What about you?"

"I've been licking blood for decades, and I only have this little silver paper by my side. Brother Feng's family has a big business, so naturally he doesn't care about this small amount of money, but I think..."

"Hey, Brother Feng is helping us make money this time!

Now that there is a small change, you are clamoring to withdraw capital?

This is very immoral!

Think about it clearly, this time, if you quit this time, there will be good things in the future, so don't expect to have your share. " Chuanbao grabbed Huo Niu and Shuai Gou and said anxiously.

Huo Niu and Shuai Gou looked at each other, parted their fingers, and walked towards Chen Yaoqing side by side.

With a straight face, the two took out the receipt that Zhan Mi had issued in the afternoon, and demanded to return the shares for money.

In his opinion, it is a super preferential treatment for his group of old guys left over from the Feideng era to remember to support them.

The actions of Fire Bull and Bad Dog can be said to be shameless!
Shuang Fandong walked past with his head down, and shouted at him: "What's the matter? Old Dong, you want to retire too?"

"Square explosion, the three of us are different from yours.

Frankly speaking, during Deng Bo's reign, we helped him create a lot of obstacles for A Qiang and Zhan Mi.

After bragging about the top position, we repeatedly sang against the club's direction of going the right way.

Master Feng doesn’t care about villains, but now that something like this happens, what if..." Shuang Fandong said halfway, shaking his head and walking towards the two fire cows.

Leng Lao held back and said, "Let them go. They have a shame, so they are naturally worried that Zhan Mi will send a big D to set up a special scheme to cheat them out of their coffin books."

"Short-sighted." Elder Gao sneered and hummed.

He turned and walked towards the bar door: "Since Brother Feng came forward, I'm sure I'll be fine this time. I went back to sleep, it's the middle of the night, I'm sleepy."

Some people believed in Ding Yunfeng's reputation, while others chose to refund the money safely.

Zhan Mi and Chen Yaoqing would not refuse anyone who came anyway, one of them collected the receipt, and the other counted the money and handed over the amount.

The plane and the idiots drove to various industries in the car, and brought back cash overnight.

Everyone was busy until midnight, and about 5000 million worth of shares were recovered.

Lin Huaile's status is special, he dare not withdraw the shares, but he is also worried - in case the money cannot be recovered, and he owes the big D 1000 million, won't it be difficult to deal with in the future?
Even, Brother Le is still thinking about it.

Could it be that Zhan Mi specially set up a scheme to plot against him in this matter?
The purpose is to use this money to indirectly control himself through the big D...

Concerned about gains and losses, Lin Huaile stayed up until dawn, and finally chose to walk out of the bar.

Chang Mao and Dongguan Boy, who stayed outside, came up together to welcome them.

Changmao was full of concern for Brother Le, but Dongguan Tsai silently passed him, looking at Jimmy who sent Lin Huaile out.

The two exchanged glances silently, and Dong Guanzai took his right hand out of his trouser pocket.

He walked a few steps faster and opened the car door for Lin Huaile: "Brother Le, be careful."

Watching Lin Huaile and the others get into the car and leave, Zhan Mi's eyes were terribly cold.

Shaking out a cigarette and stuffing it into his mouth, he thought so.

Seeing Brother Feng wash Uncle Chuanji into a member of Wang Councilor, there should be something to look forward to in the follow-up sittings!

Unfortunately, some people are not familiar with it.

So many people are clamoring to withdraw their shares tonight, and you, Lin Huaile, are the chairperson of the club.

It's actually an attitude to watch without saying a word.

"Brother Zhanmi, Brother Feng is calling you."

"Just come!"


The next morning, it was rare for Ding Yunfeng to arrive at the Kwun Tong Police Station on time for work.

Greeted the same helpers.

Ding Yunfeng walked to the director's office on the third floor, sat down and shook open the morning newspaper that Sister E put on her desk every day. The headline - it really was the robbery in Causeway Bay!
"Brother Feng, morning!"

"Old Zhu, come and sit down."

Putting down the newspaper, Ding Yunfeng signaled Supervisor Zhu to sit down: "Tongluo Bay yesterday evening, I heard that there was a lot of noise. Is there any movement at Taiguan?"

"Brother Feng, I was just about to tell you about this matter!" Supervisor Zhu puffed up his chest, but lowered his voice: "Chen Shiqi, director of Causeway Bay, was beaten bloody by the first brother last night.

The impact of this case is too great. Fortunately, no one died.

Otherwise, I reckon that Chen Sir, the director, may have gone too far. "

Ding Yunfeng let out a groan, shook his head and laughed, "It's not like that!
On Hong Kong Island, there are cases happening every day, and there are often dead people!
If this is the case, one of the directors will be sacked, and the officials of the personnel department at Taiguan will probably hang themselves. "

(End of this chapter)

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