Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 530 You Haven't Killed Enough

Chapter 530 You Haven't Killed Enough

It is rare to see Tian Yangsheng showing such a embarrassed expression, as Tian Yangen, the only girl among the seven sons of Tianyang.

She held a bowl of prepared cup noodles and walked to Tian Yangsheng: "Although it's not US dollars, I got so much money that we can use it for the rest of our lives..."

"I am not obsessed with the value difference between US dollars and Hong Kong dollars!
I'm thinking that the money we grabbed this time may be more valuable than the US$[-] million that we grabbed from the Yankees. "Tian Yangsheng's Cantonese accent is very stiff, and it seems to be a bit draggy to people's ears.

Tian Yangyi flipped down from the attic of the residential house: "Brother, didn't you just rob He Liansheng of black money, what's the big deal!
As for the waste material in the red suit who took the lead yesterday, if you don't pull me, I can send him to heaven with one knife! "

"Back then when we were pushed into the battlefield, you still couldn't kill enough?" Tian Yangsheng stopped eating noodles and looked up at Tian Yangyi.

Tian Yangyi's expression froze, his eyes drifted to the window, he took out a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth: "Enough, enough. I'm sorry, brother, I'm impulsive, so don't be angry."

"Let's eat some noodles. You guys will take care of your home tomorrow. I'll go out and see what I can do..."

Tian Yangzhi and Lao Wu were shocked when they heard the words, and the latter asked in a muffled voice: "Brother, the so-called gangsters in Hong Kong Island, we don't have to be afraid of them at all!"

"I've roughly counted, and the money is more than 1 million! It's enough for us to live a good life, so why don't we hand it over for nothing?" Tian Yangzhi continued.

Tian Yangsheng put down the empty cup of noodles, put on his sunglasses and smiled coldly: "What are you thinking?
The money is in our pocket, of course it is ours.

I just want to find a way to see if there is a safer channel that allows us to leave Hong Kong Island with money. "


Tian Yangsheng is a very complicated person. In order to survive, he does not hesitate to do anything, and his methods are brutal, but he still has the bottom line of being a human being.

In the plot of "The True Colors of a Man", Tian Yangsheng led people to kidnap a car of children as hostages, planted bombs, and forced Chen Jin and Fang Yiwei to go to the carnival to trade with the black police.

When everyone thinks that Tian Yang Sheng is the same type of person as a doctor, he just uses fake bombs and uses candy to appease the children...

It has to be said that there is a big difference between being a gangster and keeping in good health with a doctor, McDonald, and Ye Shiguan.

Ding Yunfeng got the information from Chen Shiqi, and immediately handed it over to Hong Xing and Lian Sheng to scrape people.

Although Tian Yangsheng and the others hid in Mui Wo, the eye-catching combination of seven of them set off bombs and guns in the downtown area.

All the way to escape, even if Tian Yangsheng arranged to change cars several times to cover up his whereabouts, the clues left behind were still found by people who specialize in trapping on the road.

"Ah Qiang, you tell Dasha to set sail from Saigon and block the smuggling routes from the Outlying Islands.

Brother Jie, call Partridge, let's go to the outlying island together, the handsome guy who takes the lead is quite capable of fighting, I am very interested in this group of people. "Ding Yunfeng asked Zhan Mi to give a reward to the person who sent the information, and while putting on his coat, he gave an order.

When they heard that Ding Yunfeng actually developed a heart of love for talents, everyone was surprised, but they couldn't help being very curious about this gang of robbers.

"Brother Feng, why bring the partridge?

We have someone who can fight here, why don't you let the prince accompany you, and give us Hong Xing a chance to perform. Liang Kun grinned and pointed to the prince who was wearing a denim vest and showing two strong arms.

The prince raised his chest and took a step forward: "Brother Feng, I am much better at fighting than that fat man, take me with you."

"Alright, today let me see what Hongxing God of War is." Ding Yunfeng laughed and decided to give the prince a chance.

Liangkun was overjoyed when he saw this, he had put in a lot of effort to make the prince bow his head.

The prince said goodbye to Liangkun, happy to keep up with Ding Yunfeng and Li Jie.

He didn't know the inside story before, so how could he imagine that Liangkun followed Ding Yunfeng and secretly made so much money all these years?
Thinking about running a boxing gym during the day and working hard to watch the boxing at night, the money he earned was less than half of what Liang Kun made before he became the leader of Hong Xing.

The prince is moved!
Everyone come out to hang out.

What for?
Not for money!
No, as the crown prince no longer deliberately put on airs, and Liangkun sold well to win over, this Hongxing God of War gradually moved from the neutral faction to the Hongxing Ding faction.

This time Brother Feng wanted to buy Le's shadow line, and the prince, as Liang Kun's most trusted subordinate, was also brought to the scene.

Seeing the tens of millions and millions of people subscribed for shares, the prince regretted that it was too late for him to board the ship.

According to the information given by the informant, Ding Yunfeng took Li Jie, the prince, coolie Qiang who was worried about following him, and a large group of elite bodyguards, a total of four vehicles rushed to the pier.

Dasha arranged for a boat to come to meet him in advance, and led the crowd to Mui Wo directly.

Tian Yangsheng came out of the hiding place just in front of him, and he was going to search for a way to escape.

Unexpectedly, Ding Yunfeng arranged for his "home" to be considered safe for the time being to make dumplings.

"Brother Feng, the Causeway Bay Police Station called the Marine Police for help. However, I made preparations in advance. When I saw them go out to sea, I immediately arranged for two fishing boats to run into them, pretending that the rudder was broken..."

Dasha was wearing a bunt and a bamboo hat on his head. He pointed to the sea a hundred meters away. There was a marine police boat sandwiched between two fishing boats. There were many people on the deck, and it seemed that they were arguing.

Ding Yunfeng took a look through the binoculars, and sure enough, he saw a ghost in a marine police uniform on the deck of a marine police ship, yelling at two middle-aged men, and a middle-aged man in a suit stood helplessly beside him, probably Causeway Bay Police Commissioner Chen Shiqi.

Suppressing a smile, Ding Yunfeng took out his mobile phone, and since there was still a signal not far from the shore, he had to call Huang Dawen over once.

A big fool is just a big fool, he doesn't care about his head when doing things.

Two fishing boats broke their rudders at the same time, and "coincidentally" bumped into a marine police boat going out to sea for official duties?
What the hell is this kind of shabby excuse, probably only Huang Dawen, a rogue, can afford it!
Tuk Tuk!Dudu~~
Just in front of a fishing boat coming into the port, the captain of the boat blew the whistle, Chen Shiqi made a strange mistake, looked for his reputation, looked at the opposite deck, stood Ding Yunfeng, a figure that everyone in the police force knew, he thought of many things in an instant, stopped chattering The ghost of the water police: "Charlie, forget it, don't get angry."

"Sir Chen, I want to sue these two fishermen, I must sue them and go to jail!

Funny, so funny.

Since the establishment of the Hong Kong Island Marine Police, there has never been a case of a vessel being raped by an ordinary fishing boat!
Decades ago, the big pirate Luo Sanpao was arrogant enough, he didn’t dare to come to the pier to hit our marine police boat..."

(End of this chapter)

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