Chapter 531
The chief of the marine police, Charlie, spit at Chen Shiqi, until the latter couldn't bear it, and whispered a name in his ear - Ding Yunfeng.

"Cough, cough, Sir Chen, this case involves Sir Ding, why didn't you say it earlier?
If you had told me earlier, our marine police would never have gotten involved in this matter. Charlie looked nervous. Not only did he take two steps back to distance himself from the captains of the two fishing boats, but he also opened the gun pouch and pulled out the weapon.

This ghost suddenly put on an appearance as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and Chen Shiqi was quite frightened.

He first asked the guys to take the two suspected troublemakers down, and then called the Maritime Rescue Department to tow the boat.

Then, blocking everyone's gaze, he asked in a low voice: "Charlie, what are you doing? Even if these two fishermen were sent by the other party, you don't have to draw a gun, right?"

"Hey, Sir Chen, don't you know?

At that time, our marine police, under the leadership of the Secretary of Security, Sir James, went ashore to arrest Yiqun and the corrupt Inspector Hua!
But these two groups of people have a deep relationship with Ding Sir.

To tell you the truth, after the marine police incident, the gap between the marine police and the police on land has deepened.

After the incident, not only did the status of the marine police not improve, but even Sir James and Sir Jeddah retired.

Ding Yunfeng, the current leader of the Chinese police force, has almost expanded his influence from the police force to businesses and associations over the years.

Now it's not that I'm timid, but that the opponent is too terrifying!
I only have one life, I came to Hong Kong Island to gain qualifications, and I didn't want to work my life..."

Hearing Charlie's neurotic explanation, Chen Shiqi was speechless.
As a family member of his ancestors, Charlie probably wasn't worried about losing his life. He was afraid that the people present who suspected Ding Yunfeng would take the opportunity to injure him in order to please Sir Ding.

Seeing Charlie's frightened look, Chen Shiqi knew very well that he could never count on him today.

Now, the only thing I can do is to stay on the shore, wait until Brother Feng comes back, and see if I can put on an old face and beg the other party to hand over the robber so that I can explain to my superiors.


The fishing boat that Ding Yunfeng was on was remodeled by Dasha in Longsi's shipyard. It looks inconspicuous, but it is actually very fast.

In just ten minutes, we came to Mui Wo.

Taking the people off the boat, Ding Yunfeng asked the local guide to lead the way, and this person was also He Liansheng's person.

Now it is the blue lantern, but after this incident, when the club opens in three months, it will definitely be taken over by the hall masters and promoted to Sijiuzi.

"Brother Feng, you big brothers!

This group of people is in the few houses in front.

They found people in the village and rented them for half a year at a high price.

but.Daily food and drinking water, they come out to fetch or buy by themselves.

It is said that even the landlord is not allowed to approach them. "The guide pointed to a few dilapidated houses not far away and said in a low voice.

Ding Yunfeng winked at Li Jie: "Catch him alive."

"Okay!" Li Jie opened his backpack in front of everyone, pulled out several cans, and threw them viciously.

Everyone was surprised to see yellow smoke suddenly rising from the door of the house.

Ding Yunfeng unwrapped a pack of Lucky Winners and scattered them around: "Ecstasy cigarettes made of American ginseng, according to him, after smelling it three times, an elephant would fall down. Let's go to the windward place, so we don't get hurt by mistake."

"If I choose, an elephant can get bored. Isn't this thing a biochemical weapon?" The prince broke out in a sweat, he was already ready to punch, but who would have thought that Li Jie would bring such a tool that does not respect martial ethics? .

Li Jie replied with a smile: "Let's go, who knows what American ginseng is mixed with, if it is poisonous, you and I will have to be buried with these people."

"Brother Jie, Brother Feng is not talking, he wants to subdue these people..."

"That depends on whether their lives are big enough or not." Li Jie's tone was very calm, and the prince was shocked again because he found that Ding Yunfeng, who was walking in front, did not refute or get angry when he heard this.

At this time, there were already severe coughing sounds from the other side of the private house.

Several people followed Ding Yunfeng to the upper air outlet and smoked two cigarettes. About 10 minutes later, Dasha, who guarded the surrounding intersection, sent someone to inform that the smoke from the houses had cleared, and no one was found at the intersection. break in.

"Brother Feng, I'll go and have a look first." Li Jie asked for orders.

Ding Yunfeng flicked the cigarette butt with his fingers: "Take the prince there together, pay attention to safety, there are not only guns on the opposite side, but also mines or bombs."

"Understood, brother prince, come with me."

"Okay!" The prince finally waited for the opportunity to perform.

He ordered a Remington and followed Li Jie step by step.

Brother Jie, as Brother Feng's personal bodyguard, had dealt with the doctor together at the beginning. Over the years, rumors of black and white gradually spread. For this person, the prince is convinced.

In the next encounter, the prince saw what it meant to be a professional!
On the way to hide the seven sons of Tianyang, there were only landmines, but Li Jie picked up three of them.

The crown prince was sweating profusely. He felt that if he had not followed Li Jie and had come up on his own, he would have been blown to pieces within 10 meters.

"One, two, three..." Looking at the unconscious Tian Yangyi and the others on the ground, the prince counted twice, frowned and shouted: "Brother Feng, there are all the banknotes, but there are only six people."

"Oh? You help Brother Jie tie them up, silly, take someone to collect the money." Ding Yunfeng led a large group of people over, glanced at the scene, and vaguely guessed.

The fact was just as Ding Yunfeng expected, after waking up Tian Yangen, he learned from the other party that the fish that slipped through the net was Tian Yangsheng, the eldest brother of the couple.

"This is the address. When Tian Yangsheng comes back, you tell him that you want to save other people, so come to this place together and find me." Ding Yunfeng left Tian Yangen behind, and left with the others and the money.

An hour later, Tian Yangsheng came back, looking at his younger sister Tian Yangen who was sitting at home wiping tears, he suddenly took off his sunglasses.

"Brother, Ding Yunfeng is here, he took the other people and the money away, and he's talking..."

After Tian Yangen finished explaining how the six people were recruited and arrested, Tian Yangsheng's anger was immediately suppressed.

He stared blankly at the address Ding Yunfeng had left for him - Tsuen Wan, Ren Family Ancestral Hall.

Tsuen Wan.

Hearing Brother Feng coming, Big D hurriedly got up from the bed.

"How is it? Is the wound okay?" Ding Yunfeng looked at the pale big D and asked the pheasant.

Pheasant put down the medical book: "It doesn't matter, it's just that the wound can't touch water this month, it's just a bit inconvenient."

"That's good." Ding Yunfeng threw a cigarette to Big D.

The prince stood behind him, looking tensely at an old lady who was washing lotus roots in the courtyard of the ancestral hall. Standing behind her was an old man with a blank face, wearing a big white coat and combing retro oily hair.

"Feng, brother Feng, the situation is not right, I don't feel right about those two!" The prince's Adam's apple moved slightly, and said in a low voice.

Ding Yunfeng laughed out loud and was about to explain.

Inspector Robin whistled and walked in from the outside, with two oversized revolvers stuck in the gun pockets outside the vest: "Ah Feng, how long has it been since you came to see us?"

(End of this chapter)

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